- Tokyo, Japan
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
Open-source PDF generation library built with TypeScript and React. Features a WYSIWYG template designer, PDF viewer, and powerful generation capabilities. Create custom PDFs effortlessly in both b…
One stop solution for all Vulkan samples
C++ examples for the Vulkan graphics API
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
🛥 Vaporetto: Very accelerated pointwise prediction based tokenizer
Collection of resources (papers, links, discussions, shadertoys,...) related to Signed Distance Field
🥞 Pancake main features (farms, pools, IFO, lottery, profiles)
Alfred workflow to search google drive
Los arcoiris son mejores en 4K. #BlackLivesMatter
Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++. Uses WebKit (GTK/Cocoa) and Edge WebView2 (Windows).
Collection of sample apps showcasing popular use cases using Cloud Functions for Firebase
Easy to integrate Vulkan memory allocation library
A library that can be used to normalise the data coming out of the mobile device api code across browsers and bring it back "on spec"
Deprecated Catapult GitHub. Please instead use http://crbug.com "Speed>Benchmarks" component for bugs and https://chromium.googlesource.com/catapult for downloading and editing source code..
The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
An easy and simple way to set your Discord Rich Presence Status through RPC (no token required)
angular-cache is a very useful replacement for the Angular 1 $cacheFactory.
ng-gapi a Google api module for Angular 6+
UI Automation Framework for Games and Apps
A statically-typed, functional typesetting system
Unity C# reference source code.