Persistent Redux store for Reasonaboutable™️ Offline-First applications, with first-class support for optimistic UI. Use with React, React Native, or as standalone state container for any web app.
Redux Offline is very, very new. If you find a bug, good job for being an early adopter! (And there will be issues.) If you find a problem, please submit an issue and I will get to them. 😇
1. Install with npm (or Yarn)
npm install --save redux-offline
2. Replace redux createStore with createOfflineStore
- import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
+ import { applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
+ import { createOfflineStore } from 'redux-offline';
+ import offlineConfig from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults';
// ...
- const store = createStore(
+ const store = createOfflineStore(
+ offlineConfig
See Configuration for overriding default configurations.
const followUser = userId => ({
payload: { userId },
meta: {
offline: {
// the network action to execute:
effect: { url: '/api/follow', method: 'POST', body: { userId } },
// action to dispatch when effect succeeds:
commit: { type: 'FOLLOW_USER_COMMIT', meta: { userId } },
// action to dispatch if network action fails permanently:
rollback: { type: 'FOLLOW_USER_ROLLBACK', meta: { userId } }
Read the Offline Guide to understand how effects are executed, and how the actions are dispatched.
If writing a native app for Android, you'll need to make sure to request the permission to access network state in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Making offline-friendly apps is not rocket science, but to make them work well involves dealing with finicky details around persisting state, resilience against flaky networks, optimistically updating user interface state, reliably reverting it back in case of failures, synchronising state in the background, and managing the evolution of the persistent state over long, long periods of time.
Redux Offline is a battle-tested offline-first architecture, and an experimental library that implements it. To make use of the library, it'll be helpful to understand the architecture behind it.
In order to be able to render meaningful content when the user opens your application offline, your application state needs to be persisted to disk.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, Redux Offline uses the excellent redux-persist library. Your Redux store is saved to disk on every change, and reloaded automatically on startup. By default, browser environments will use IndexedDB or WebSQL/localStorage fallbacks via localForage, and AsyncStorage in React Native.
You can configure every aspect of how your state is persisted.
Persisting and rehydrating state (which is a term we use for reading the state back from the disk and into our store) will get us Read-resilience. Our app will work offline as long as the user only wants to read from the state. We also want to support Write-resilience: The user should be able to do (some) actions while offline, and be able to safely assume that they will eventually be reconciled and sent to our backend.
In order to support Write-resilience, we will store all network-bound actions in a queue inside our store. Redux Offline creates a state subtree called offline
, where among other internal state needed by the library, it manages an array called outbox
To be able to perform the network-bound actions after we come back online, we need to store all necessary data to perform the action, and metadata about what should happen afterwards. Redux Offline understands the following metadata:
type OfflineAction = {
type: string,
payload: any,
+ meta: {
+ offline: {
+ effect: any,
+ commit: Action,
+ rollback: Action
+ }
+ }
is any data you want to send to the reconcilermeta.offline.commit
action will be fired once the network effect has been successfully sentmeta.offline.rollback
action will be fired if the network effect permanently fails (does not count network-related failures, which will be automatically retried).
When the initial action has been dispatched, you can update your application state in your reducers as you normally would.
A common pattern for offline-friendly apps is to optimistically update UI state. In practice, this means that as soon as user performs an action, we update the UI to look as if the action had already succeeded. This makes our applications resilient to network latency, and improves the perceived performance of our app.
When we optimistically update state, we need to ensure that if the action does permanently fail, the user is appropriately notified and the application state is rolled back. To allow you this opportunity, Redux Offline will fire the action you specified in meta.offline.rollback
. If the rollback action does not have a payload, an error object returned by the effects reconciler will be set as the payload.
An example of an optimistic update:
const action = userId => ({
type: 'FOLLOW_USER',
payload: { userId },
meta: {
offline: {
effect: //...,
rollback: { type: 'FOLLOW_USER_ROLLBACK', meta: { userId }}
// optimistically update the state, revert on rollback
const followingUsersReducer = (state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return { ...state, [action.payload.userId]: true };
return omit(state, [action.payload.userId]);
return state;
Sometimes it's important that the user knows that the action actually went through, so you can't optimistically your state until the effect has been executed. Or sometimes, in order to render the final UI state, you need some data from the server response. For these cases, you can use the meta.offline.commit
const completeOrder = (orderId, lineItems) => ({
payload: { orderId, lineItems },
meta: {
offline: {
effect: //...,
commit: { type: 'COMPLETE_ORDER_COMMIT', meta: { orderId }},
rollback: { type: 'COMPLETE_ORDER_ROLLBACK', meta: { orderId }}
const ordersReducer = (state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return {
submitting: {...state.submitting, [action.payload.orderId]: true
return {
receipts: { ...state.receipts, [action.meta.orderId]: action.payload },
submitting: omit(state.submitting, [action.meta.orderId])
return {
error: action.payload,
submitting: omit(state.submitting, [action.meta.orderId])
return state;
The last part of the offline metadata is meta.offline.effect
. This property can contain anything, and will be passed as-is to the effects reconciler.
The effects reconciler is a function that you pass to createOfflineStore
configuration, whose responsibility it is to take the effect payload, send it over the network, and return a Promise that resolves if sending was successful or rejects if the sending failed. The method is passed the full action as a second parameter:
type EffectsReconciler = (effect: any, action: OfflineAction) => Promise<any>
The default reconciler is simply a paper-thin wrapper around fetch that rejects non-OK HTTP status codes, and assumes the response will be valid JSON.
const effectReconciler = ({url, ...opts}) =>
fetch(url, opts).then(res => res.ok
? res.json()
: Promise.reject(res.text().then(msg => new Error(msg)));
So the default effect format expected by the reconciler is something like:
type: 'ACTION',
meta: {
offline: {
effect: { url: '/api/endpoint', method: 'POST'}
That said, you'll probably want to use your own method - it can be anything, as long as it returns a Promise.
A library that aims to support offline usage, it would be useful to know whether or not the device is online or offline. Unfortunately, network availability is not a binary "Yes" or "No": It can also be "Yes, but not really". The network receiver on your mobile device may report connectivity, but if you can't reach the remote server, are we really connected?
Redux Offline uses the browser Network Information APIs and React Native NetInfo to be notified when the device thinks it's online to orchestrate synchronisation and retries. The current reported online state is stored in your store state as boolean
and can be used to display a network indicator in your app, if desired.
Sometimes, it's more reliable to check network connectivity by actually making sure you can exchange data with a remote server by periodically making a HEAD request, or keeping an open WebSocket connection with a heartbeat. This, too, can be configured.
Networks are flaky. Your backend could be down. Sometimes, when the moon is in waxing crescent and the sixth-degree leylines are obstructed by passing birds, things mysteriously fail. If you are processing your offline actions queue in serial, you will need a reliable mechanism to decide when to retry the requests, and when to give up to prevent blocking the rest of the queue from being flushed.
Building an offline-friendly app, you should never give up because a network connection failed. You may want to give up if the server reports a server error. And if the server tells you that your request is cannot be processed, you need to give up immediately.
Modelled after this principle, the default discard strategy is:
- If server was not reached, always retry
- If server responded with HTTP
client error, always discard - If server responded with HTTP
server error, retry with a decaying schedule configured by the retry strategy.
If your backend doesn't conform to this standard, or you've changed the effects reconciler to return errors that don't expose a HTTP status
field, you'll want to configure the error detection strategy, too.
When a message is discarded, the meta.offline.rollback
action defined in the message metadata is fired, and you can respond accordingly.
When a network request has failed, and you've chosen not to discard the message, you need to decide when to retry the request. If your requests are failing due to an overloaded backend, retrying too often will make the problem worse and effectively DDoS your own service. Never kick a man when he's down.
By default, we will always retry the first message in the queue when the network detector reports a change from offline to online. Otherwise, we will retry the request on a decaying schedule:
- After 1 seconds
- After 5 seconds
- After 15 seconds
- After 30 seconds
- After 1 minute
- After 3 minutes
- After 5 minutes
- After 10 minutes
- After 30 minutes
- After 1 hour
After these 10 timed attempts, if the message is still failing due to a server error, it will be discarded.
Retrying a request for this long may seem excessive, and for some use cases it can be. You can configure the retry strategy to suit yours.
The reason the default behaviour is to desperately try to make the requests succeed is that we really, really want to avoid having to deal with conflict resolution...
Redux Offline supports the following configuration properties:
export type Config = {
detectNetwork: (callback: NetworkCallback) => void,
persist: (store: any) => any,
effect: (effect: any, action: OfflineAction) => Promise<*>,
retry: (action: OfflineAction, retries: number) => ?number,
discard: (error: any, action: OfflineAction, retries: number) => boolean,
persistOptions: {}
The createOfflineStore
store creator takes the configuration object as a final parameter:
+ import { createOfflineStore } from 'redux-offline';
+ import defaultConfig from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults';
- const store = createStore(
+ const store = createOfflineStore(
+ defaultConfig
You can override any individual property in the default configuration:
import { createOfflineStore } from 'redux-offline';
import defaultConfig from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults';
const customConfig = {
effect: (effect, _action) => Api.send(effect)
const store = createOfflineStore(
+ customConfig
The reason for default config is defined as a separate import is, that it pulls in the redux-persist dependency and a limited, but non-negligible amount of library code. If you want to minimize your bundle size, you'll want to avoid importing any code you don't use, and bring is only the pieces you need:
import { createOfflineStore } from 'redux-offline';
import batch from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults/batch';
import retry from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults/retry';
import discard from 'redux-offline/lib/defaults/discard';
const myConfig = {
effect: (effect, action) => MyCustomApiService.send(effect, action),
detectNetwork: (callback) => MyCustomPingService.startPing(callback),
persist: (store) => MyCustomPersistence.persist(store)
const store = createOfflineStore(
+ myConfig
Probably the first thing you will want to do is to replace the default fetch
effects handler. So this by overriding config.effect
const config = {
effect: (effect, action) => {
console.log(`Executing effect for ${action.type}`);
return MyApi.send(effect)
The first parameter is whatever value is set in action.meta.offline.effect
. The second parameter is the full action, which may be useful for context. The method is expected to return a Promise. The full signature of the effect handler is: (effect: any, action: OfflineAction) => Promise<any>
By default, persistence is handled by redux-persist. The recommended way of customizing
persistence is to configure redux-persist. You can pass any valid configuration
to redux-persist by defining it config.persistOptions
const config = {
persistOptions: { /*...*/ }
If you want to replace redux-persist entirely (not recommended), you can override config.persist
. The function receives the store instance as a first parameter, and is responsibe for setting any subscribers to listen for store changes to persist it.
const config = {
persist: (store) =>
store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))
If you override
, you will also need to manage the rehydration of your state manually.
To replace the default network status detector, override the config.detectNetwork
const config = {
detectNetwork: callback => MyCustomDetector.on('change', callback)
The function is passed a callback, which you should call with boolean true
when the app gets online, and false
when it goes offline.
Actions in the queue are by default discarded when a server returns
a HTTP 4xx
error. To change this, set override the config.discard
const config = {
discard: (error, action, retries) => error.permanent || retries > 10;
The method receives the Error returned by the effect reconciler, the action being processed, and a number representing how many times the action has been retried. If the method returns true
, the action will be discarded; false
, and it will be retried. The full signature of the method is (error: any, action: OfflineAction, retries: number) => boolean
By default, sending actions is retried on a decaying schedule starting with retries every few seconds, eventually slowing down to an hour before the last retry. These retry delays only apply to scenarios where the device reports being online but the server cannot be reached, or the server is reached by is responding with a non-permanent error.
To configure the retry duration, override config.retry
const config = {
retry: (action, retries) => action.meta.urgent ? 100 : 1000 * (retries + 1)
The function receives the action and a number representing how many times the
action has been retried, and should reply with a number representing the amount
of milliseconds to wait until the next retry. If this method returns null
, the action will not be retried until the next time the app comes
online, is started, or you manually fire an Offline/SEND
Granular error handling is not yet implemented. You can use discard/retry, and
if necessary to purge messages from your queue, you can filter state.offline.outbox
in your reducers. Official support coming soon.
Currently messages are sent one by one, in serial. Customization support coming soon.
Background sync is not yet supported. Coming soon.
Use an Immutable store
Stores that implement the entire store as an Immutable.js structure are currently not supported. You can use Immutable in the rest of your store, but the root object and the offline
state branch created by Redux Offline need to currently be vanilla JavaScript objects.
Improvements and additions welcome. For large changes, please submit a discussion issue before jumping to coding; we'd hate you to waste the effort.
In lieu of a formal style guide, follow the included eslint rules, and use Prettier to format your code.
Redux Offline is a distillation of patterns discovered while building apps using previously existing libraries:
- Forbes Lindesay's redux-optimist
- Zack Story's redux-persist
Without their work, Redux Offline wouldn't exist. If you like the ideas behind Redux Offline, but want to build your own stack from lower-level components, these are good places to start.