simple Objective-C class for handing synchronous and asynchronous web service calls
For any class using a WebService object for asynchronous calls...
Define a notification observer in the init method of that class:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(methodUsingParsedData:) name:@"className" object:nil];
This class must also define methodUsingParsedData to receive and use the data once the api request is completed. Initialize the WebService object in the following way:
WebService *ws = [[WebService alloc] initWithObjectName:@"className"];
In all cases, you must define myWebsite as (the url of your api) in WebService.m
NSString *postPath = @"path/of/api/call"
NSString *postVal = @"key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3";
WebService *wsSync = [[WebService alloc] init];
NSDictionary *fetchedData = [wsSync fetchJSON:postPath];
NSDictionary *postedData = [wsSync postJSON:postPath valuePair:postVal];
WebService *wsAsync = [[WebService alloc] initWithObjectName:@"className"];
NSDictionary *fetchedData = [wsAsync fetchJSON:postPath];
NSDictionary *postedData = [wsAsync postJSON:postPath valuePair:postVal];