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Andreas Hartung edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Synology NAS


  • Enable SSH
  • Open Firewall-Port on Synology depending on which port you are going to run your woloverhttp-server (e.g. 3000)


  1. Connect via SSH Client
  2. Change to root-user sudo -i
  3. Change directory cd /volume1
  4. Create project directory, e.g. mkdir nodejs/woloverhttp
  5. Copy project files into /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp
  6. Run npm install in /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp
  7. npm install -g forever
  8. Create file /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp/scripts/

forever start --workingDir /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp/ --sourceDir /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp/ app.js
  1. Create file /volume1/nodejs/woloverhttp/scripts/ (!!! this kills all node apps !!!)

killall -9 node
  1. Log in to Synology DSM an create for both scripts a custom task


  • Disable SSH
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