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191 lines (185 loc) · 70.3 KB

class Action

Member values

Member name Data type Description
handle ActionHandle Reference to the action (useful when updating an existing action)
name string Action friendly name
application_data string Application data (reserved for use by Web App)
send_twist_command oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand Control the tool in velocity
send_wrench_command oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand Control the tool in force (EXPERIMENTAL)
send_joint_speeds oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds Action to control each joint speed
reach_pose oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose Reach a pose given Cartesian constraints. This action will be deprecated in a future version and will be replaced by execute_waypoint_list.
reach_joint_angles oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles Reach a series of joint angles given angular constraints. This action will be deprecated in a future version and will be replaced by execute_waypoint_list.
toggle_admittance_mode oneof:action_parameters uint32 Enable or disable the admittance mode
snapshot oneof:action_parameters Snapshot Take a snapshot of current robot position
switch_control_mapping oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping Switch the active controller map
navigate_joints oneof:action_parameters uint32 Select the next actuator to control in a map
navigate_mappings oneof:action_parameters uint32 Select a different map
change_twist oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist Change tool twist
change_joint_speeds oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds Change the joint speeds individually
change_wrench oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench Change the Cartesian force
apply_emergency_stop oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop Apply robot emergency stop
clear_faults oneof:action_parameters Faults Clear faults. Robot will be able to move if there is no more fault (see BaseCyclic.BaseFeedback.[fault_bank_a
delay oneof:action_parameters Delay Apply a delay
execute_action oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle Execute an existing action
send_gripper_command oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand Send a gripper command
send_gpio_command oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand Send a gpio command (not implemented yet)
stop_action oneof:action_parameters Stop Stop movement
play_pre_computed_trajectory oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory Play a pre-computed joint trajectory
execute_sequence oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle Execute an existing sequence
execute_waypoint_list oneof:action_parameters WaypointList Execute a trajectory defined by a series of waypoints

Member functions

Function name Return type Input type Description
has_handle() const bool void Returns true if handle is set.
handle() const ActionHandle& void Returns the current value of handle. If handle is not set, returns a ActionHandle with none of its fields set (possibly handle::default_instance()).
mutable_handle() ActionHandle * void Returns a pointer to the mutable ActionHandle object that stores the field's value. If the field was not set prior to the call, then the returned ActionHandle will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated ActionHandle). After calling this, has_handle() will return true and handle() will return a reference to the same instance of ActionHandle.
clear_handle() void void Clears the value of the field. After calling this, has_handle() will return false and handle() will return the default value.
set_allocated_handle() void ActionHandle * Sets the ActionHandle object to the field and frees the previous field value if it exists. If the ActionHandle pointer is not NULL, the message takes ownership of the allocated ActionHandle object and has_ ActionHandle() will return true. Otherwise, if the handle is NULL, the behavior is the same as calling clear_handle().
release_handle() ActionHandle * void Releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the ActionHandle object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated ActionHandle object, has_handle() will return false, and handle() will return the default value.
name() const string& void Returns the current value of name. If name is not set, returns the empty string/empty bytes.
set_name() void const string& Sets the value of name. After calling this, name() will return a copy of value.
set_name() void string&& (C++11 and beyond): Sets the value of name, moving from the passed string. After calling this, name() will return a copy of value.
set_name() void const char* Sets the value of name using a C-style null-terminated string. After calling this, name() will return a copy of value.
mutable_name() string * void Returns a pointer to the mutable string object that stores name's value. If the field was not set prior to the call, then the returned string will be empty. After calling this, name() will return whatever value is written into the given string.
clear_name() void void Clears the value of name. After calling this, name() will return the empty string/empty bytes.
set_allocated_name() void string* Sets the string object to the field and frees the previous field value if it exists. If the string pointer is not NULL, the message takes ownership of the allocated string object. The message is free to delete the allocated string object at any time, so references to the object may be invalidated. Otherwise, if the value is NULL, the behavior is the same as calling clear_name().
release_name() string * void Releases the ownership of name and returns the pointer of the string object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated string object and name() will return the empty string/empty bytes.
application_data() const string& void Returns the current value of application_data. If application_data is not set, returns the empty string/empty bytes.
set_application_data() void const string& Sets the value of application_data. After calling this, application_data() will return a copy of value.
set_application_data() void string&& (C++11 and beyond): Sets the value of application_data, moving from the passed string. After calling this, application_data() will return a copy of value.
set_application_data() void const char* Sets the value of application_data using a C-style null-terminated string. After calling this, application_data() will return a copy of value.
mutable_application_data() string * void Returns a pointer to the mutable string object that stores application_data's value. If the field was not set prior to the call, then the returned string will be empty. After calling this, application_data() will return whatever value is written into the given string.
clear_application_data() void void Clears the value of application_data. After calling this, application_data() will return the empty string/empty bytes.
set_allocated_application_data() void string* Sets the string object to the field and frees the previous field value if it exists. If the string pointer is not NULL, the message takes ownership of the allocated string object. The message is free to delete the allocated string object at any time, so references to the object may be invalidated. Otherwise, if the value is NULL, the behavior is the same as calling clear_application_data().
release_application_data() string * void Releases the ownership of application_data and returns the pointer of the string object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated string object and application_data() will return the empty string/empty bytes.
has_send_twist_command() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_twist_command. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand::default_instance()
send_twist_command() const const oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_twist_command
mutable_send_twist_command() oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSend_twist_command and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSend_twist_command prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand). After calling this, has_send_twist_command() will return true, send_twist_command() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_twist_command
clear_send_twist_command() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSend_twist_command. If the oneof case equals kSend_twist_command, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_send_twist_command() will return false, send_twist_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_send_twist_command() void oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSend_twist_command. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand object, has_send_twist_command() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_twist_command. If the pointer is NULL, has_send_twist_command() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_send_twist_command() oneof:action_parameters TwistCommand* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSend_twist_command. If the oneof case is kSend_twist_command, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_send_twist_command() will return false, send_twist_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_send_wrench_command() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_wrench_command. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand::default_instance()
send_wrench_command() const const oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_wrench_command
mutable_send_wrench_command() oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSend_wrench_command and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSend_wrench_command prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand). After calling this, has_send_wrench_command() will return true, send_wrench_command() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_wrench_command
clear_send_wrench_command() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSend_wrench_command. If the oneof case equals kSend_wrench_command, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_send_wrench_command() will return false, send_wrench_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_send_wrench_command() void oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSend_wrench_command. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand object, has_send_wrench_command() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_wrench_command. If the pointer is NULL, has_send_wrench_command() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_send_wrench_command() oneof:action_parameters WrenchCommand* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSend_wrench_command. If the oneof case is kSend_wrench_command, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_send_wrench_command() will return false, send_wrench_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_send_joint_speeds() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_joint_speeds. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds::default_instance()
send_joint_speeds() const const oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_joint_speeds
mutable_send_joint_speeds() oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSend_joint_speeds and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSend_joint_speeds prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds). After calling this, has_send_joint_speeds() will return true, send_joint_speeds() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_joint_speeds
clear_send_joint_speeds() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSend_joint_speeds. If the oneof case equals kSend_joint_speeds, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_send_joint_speeds() will return false, send_joint_speeds() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_send_joint_speeds() void oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSend_joint_speeds. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds object, has_send_joint_speeds() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_joint_speeds. If the pointer is NULL, has_send_joint_speeds() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_send_joint_speeds() oneof:action_parameters JointSpeeds* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSend_joint_speeds. If the oneof case is kSend_joint_speeds, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_send_joint_speeds() will return false, send_joint_speeds() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_reach_pose() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kReach_pose. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose::default_instance()
reach_pose() const const oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kReach_pose
mutable_reach_pose() oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kReach_pose and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kReach_pose prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose). After calling this, has_reach_pose() will return true, reach_pose() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose and action_parameters_case() will return kReach_pose
clear_reach_pose() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kReach_pose. If the oneof case equals kReach_pose, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_reach_pose() will return false, reach_pose() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_reach_pose() void oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose object to the field and sets the oneof case to kReach_pose. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose object, has_reach_pose() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kReach_pose. If the pointer is NULL, has_reach_pose() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_reach_pose() oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedPose* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kReach_pose. If the oneof case is kReach_pose, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_reach_pose() will return false, reach_pose() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_reach_joint_angles() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kReach_joint_angles. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles::default_instance()
reach_joint_angles() const const oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kReach_joint_angles
mutable_reach_joint_angles() oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kReach_joint_angles and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kReach_joint_angles prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles). After calling this, has_reach_joint_angles() will return true, reach_joint_angles() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles and action_parameters_case() will return kReach_joint_angles
clear_reach_joint_angles() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kReach_joint_angles. If the oneof case equals kReach_joint_angles, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_reach_joint_angles() will return false, reach_joint_angles() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_reach_joint_angles() void oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles object to the field and sets the oneof case to kReach_joint_angles. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles object, has_reach_joint_angles() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kReach_joint_angles. If the pointer is NULL, has_reach_joint_angles() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_reach_joint_angles() oneof:action_parameters ConstrainedJointAngles* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kReach_joint_angles. If the oneof case is kReach_joint_angles, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_reach_joint_angles() will return false, reach_joint_angles() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_toggle_admittance_mode() void oneof:action_parameters uint32 If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the value of this field and sets the oneof case to kToggle_admittance_mode.
toggle_admittance_mode() const oneof:action_parameters uint32 void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kToggle_admittance_mode. Otherwise, returns the default value.
clear_toggle_admittance_mode() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kToggle_admittance_mode. If the oneof case is kToggle_admittance_mode, clears the value of the field and the oneof case
has_snapshot() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSnapshot. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters Snapshot::default_instance()
snapshot() const const oneof:action_parameters Snapshot& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSnapshot
mutable_snapshot() oneof:action_parameters Snapshot* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSnapshot and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters Snapshot object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSnapshot prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters Snapshot will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters Snapshot). After calling this, has_snapshot() will return true, snapshot() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters Snapshot and action_parameters_case() will return kSnapshot
clear_snapshot() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSnapshot. If the oneof case equals kSnapshot, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_snapshot() will return false, snapshot() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_snapshot() void oneof:action_parameters Snapshot* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters Snapshot pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters Snapshot object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSnapshot. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters Snapshot object, has_snapshot() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSnapshot. If the pointer is NULL, has_snapshot() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_snapshot() oneof:action_parameters Snapshot* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSnapshot. If the oneof case is kSnapshot, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_snapshot() will return false, snapshot() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_switch_control_mapping() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSwitch_control_mapping. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping::default_instance()
switch_control_mapping() const const oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSwitch_control_mapping
mutable_switch_control_mapping() oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSwitch_control_mapping and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSwitch_control_mapping prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping). After calling this, has_switch_control_mapping() will return true, switch_control_mapping() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping and action_parameters_case() will return kSwitch_control_mapping
clear_switch_control_mapping() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSwitch_control_mapping. If the oneof case equals kSwitch_control_mapping, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_switch_control_mapping() will return false, switch_control_mapping() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_switch_control_mapping() void oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSwitch_control_mapping. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping object, has_switch_control_mapping() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSwitch_control_mapping. If the pointer is NULL, has_switch_control_mapping() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_switch_control_mapping() oneof:action_parameters SwitchControlMapping* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSwitch_control_mapping. If the oneof case is kSwitch_control_mapping, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_switch_control_mapping() will return false, switch_control_mapping() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_navigate_joints() void oneof:action_parameters uint32 If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the value of this field and sets the oneof case to kNavigate_joints.
navigate_joints() const oneof:action_parameters uint32 void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kNavigate_joints. Otherwise, returns the default value.
clear_navigate_joints() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kNavigate_joints. If the oneof case is kNavigate_joints, clears the value of the field and the oneof case
set_navigate_mappings() void oneof:action_parameters uint32 If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the value of this field and sets the oneof case to kNavigate_mappings.
navigate_mappings() const oneof:action_parameters uint32 void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kNavigate_mappings. Otherwise, returns the default value.
clear_navigate_mappings() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kNavigate_mappings. If the oneof case is kNavigate_mappings, clears the value of the field and the oneof case
has_change_twist() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_twist. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist::default_instance()
change_twist() const const oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_twist
mutable_change_twist() oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kChange_twist and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kChange_twist prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist). After calling this, has_change_twist() will return true, change_twist() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_twist
clear_change_twist() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kChange_twist. If the oneof case equals kChange_twist, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_change_twist() will return false, change_twist() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_change_twist() void oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist object to the field and sets the oneof case to kChange_twist. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist object, has_change_twist() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_twist. If the pointer is NULL, has_change_twist() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_change_twist() oneof:action_parameters ChangeTwist* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kChange_twist. If the oneof case is kChange_twist, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_change_twist() will return false, change_twist() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_change_joint_speeds() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_joint_speeds. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds::default_instance()
change_joint_speeds() const const oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_joint_speeds
mutable_change_joint_speeds() oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kChange_joint_speeds and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kChange_joint_speeds prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds). After calling this, has_change_joint_speeds() will return true, change_joint_speeds() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_joint_speeds
clear_change_joint_speeds() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kChange_joint_speeds. If the oneof case equals kChange_joint_speeds, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_change_joint_speeds() will return false, change_joint_speeds() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_change_joint_speeds() void oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds object to the field and sets the oneof case to kChange_joint_speeds. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds object, has_change_joint_speeds() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_joint_speeds. If the pointer is NULL, has_change_joint_speeds() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_change_joint_speeds() oneof:action_parameters ChangeJointSpeeds* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kChange_joint_speeds. If the oneof case is kChange_joint_speeds, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_change_joint_speeds() will return false, change_joint_speeds() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_change_wrench() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_wrench. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench::default_instance()
change_wrench() const const oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kChange_wrench
mutable_change_wrench() oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kChange_wrench and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kChange_wrench prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench). After calling this, has_change_wrench() will return true, change_wrench() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_wrench
clear_change_wrench() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kChange_wrench. If the oneof case equals kChange_wrench, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_change_wrench() will return false, change_wrench() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_change_wrench() void oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench object to the field and sets the oneof case to kChange_wrench. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench object, has_change_wrench() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kChange_wrench. If the pointer is NULL, has_change_wrench() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_change_wrench() oneof:action_parameters ChangeWrench* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kChange_wrench. If the oneof case is kChange_wrench, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_change_wrench() will return false, change_wrench() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_apply_emergency_stop() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kApply_emergency_stop. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop::default_instance()
apply_emergency_stop() const const oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kApply_emergency_stop
mutable_apply_emergency_stop() oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kApply_emergency_stop and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kApply_emergency_stop prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop). After calling this, has_apply_emergency_stop() will return true, apply_emergency_stop() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop and action_parameters_case() will return kApply_emergency_stop
clear_apply_emergency_stop() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kApply_emergency_stop. If the oneof case equals kApply_emergency_stop, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_apply_emergency_stop() will return false, apply_emergency_stop() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_apply_emergency_stop() void oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop object to the field and sets the oneof case to kApply_emergency_stop. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop object, has_apply_emergency_stop() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kApply_emergency_stop. If the pointer is NULL, has_apply_emergency_stop() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_apply_emergency_stop() oneof:action_parameters EmergencyStop* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kApply_emergency_stop. If the oneof case is kApply_emergency_stop, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_apply_emergency_stop() will return false, apply_emergency_stop() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_clear_faults() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kClear_faults. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters Faults::default_instance()
clear_faults() const const oneof:action_parameters Faults& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kClear_faults
mutable_clear_faults() oneof:action_parameters Faults* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kClear_faults and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters Faults object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kClear_faults prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters Faults will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters Faults). After calling this, has_clear_faults() will return true, clear_faults() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters Faults and action_parameters_case() will return kClear_faults
clear_clear_faults() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kClear_faults. If the oneof case equals kClear_faults, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_clear_faults() will return false, clear_faults() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_clear_faults() void oneof:action_parameters Faults* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters Faults pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters Faults object to the field and sets the oneof case to kClear_faults. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters Faults object, has_clear_faults() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kClear_faults. If the pointer is NULL, has_clear_faults() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_clear_faults() oneof:action_parameters Faults* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kClear_faults. If the oneof case is kClear_faults, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_clear_faults() will return false, clear_faults() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_delay() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kDelay. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters Delay::default_instance()
delay() const const oneof:action_parameters Delay& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kDelay
mutable_delay() oneof:action_parameters Delay* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kDelay and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters Delay object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kDelay prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters Delay will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters Delay). After calling this, has_delay() will return true, delay() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters Delay and action_parameters_case() will return kDelay
clear_delay() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kDelay. If the oneof case equals kDelay, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_delay() will return false, delay() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_delay() void oneof:action_parameters Delay* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters Delay pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters Delay object to the field and sets the oneof case to kDelay. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters Delay object, has_delay() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kDelay. If the pointer is NULL, has_delay() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_delay() oneof:action_parameters Delay* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kDelay. If the oneof case is kDelay, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_delay() will return false, delay() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_execute_action() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_action. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle::default_instance()
execute_action() const const oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_action
mutable_execute_action() oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kExecute_action and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kExecute_action prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle). After calling this, has_execute_action() will return true, execute_action() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_action
clear_execute_action() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kExecute_action. If the oneof case equals kExecute_action, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_execute_action() will return false, execute_action() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_execute_action() void oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle object to the field and sets the oneof case to kExecute_action. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle object, has_execute_action() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_action. If the pointer is NULL, has_execute_action() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_execute_action() oneof:action_parameters ActionHandle* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kExecute_action. If the oneof case is kExecute_action, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_execute_action() will return false, execute_action() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_send_gripper_command() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_gripper_command. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand::default_instance()
send_gripper_command() const const oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_gripper_command
mutable_send_gripper_command() oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSend_gripper_command and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSend_gripper_command prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand). After calling this, has_send_gripper_command() will return true, send_gripper_command() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_gripper_command
clear_send_gripper_command() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSend_gripper_command. If the oneof case equals kSend_gripper_command, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_send_gripper_command() will return false, send_gripper_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_send_gripper_command() void oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSend_gripper_command. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand object, has_send_gripper_command() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_gripper_command. If the pointer is NULL, has_send_gripper_command() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_send_gripper_command() oneof:action_parameters GripperCommand* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSend_gripper_command. If the oneof case is kSend_gripper_command, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_send_gripper_command() will return false, send_gripper_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_send_gpio_command() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_gpio_command. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand::default_instance()
send_gpio_command() const const oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kSend_gpio_command
mutable_send_gpio_command() oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kSend_gpio_command and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kSend_gpio_command prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand). After calling this, has_send_gpio_command() will return true, send_gpio_command() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_gpio_command
clear_send_gpio_command() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kSend_gpio_command. If the oneof case equals kSend_gpio_command, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_send_gpio_command() will return false, send_gpio_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_send_gpio_command() void oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand object to the field and sets the oneof case to kSend_gpio_command. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand object, has_send_gpio_command() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kSend_gpio_command. If the pointer is NULL, has_send_gpio_command() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_send_gpio_command() oneof:action_parameters GpioCommand* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kSend_gpio_command. If the oneof case is kSend_gpio_command, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_send_gpio_command() will return false, send_gpio_command() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_stop_action() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kStop_action. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters Stop::default_instance()
stop_action() const const oneof:action_parameters Stop& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kStop_action
mutable_stop_action() oneof:action_parameters Stop* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kStop_action and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters Stop object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kStop_action prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters Stop will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters Stop). After calling this, has_stop_action() will return true, stop_action() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters Stop and action_parameters_case() will return kStop_action
clear_stop_action() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kStop_action. If the oneof case equals kStop_action, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_stop_action() will return false, stop_action() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_stop_action() void oneof:action_parameters Stop* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters Stop pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters Stop object to the field and sets the oneof case to kStop_action. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters Stop object, has_stop_action() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kStop_action. If the pointer is NULL, has_stop_action() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_stop_action() oneof:action_parameters Stop* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kStop_action. If the oneof case is kStop_action, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_stop_action() will return false, stop_action() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory::default_instance()
play_pre_computed_trajectory() const const oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory
mutable_play_pre_computed_trajectory() oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory). After calling this, has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return true, play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory and action_parameters_case() will return kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory
clear_play_pre_computed_trajectory() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory. If the oneof case equals kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return false, play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_play_pre_computed_trajectory() void oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory object to the field and sets the oneof case to kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory object, has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory. If the pointer is NULL, has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_play_pre_computed_trajectory() oneof:action_parameters PreComputedJointTrajectory* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory. If the oneof case is kPlay_pre_computed_trajectory, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return false, play_pre_computed_trajectory() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_execute_sequence() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_sequence. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle::default_instance()
execute_sequence() const const oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_sequence
mutable_execute_sequence() oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kExecute_sequence and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kExecute_sequence prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle). After calling this, has_execute_sequence() will return true, execute_sequence() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_sequence
clear_execute_sequence() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kExecute_sequence. If the oneof case equals kExecute_sequence, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_execute_sequence() will return false, execute_sequence() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_execute_sequence() void oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle object to the field and sets the oneof case to kExecute_sequence. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle object, has_execute_sequence() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_sequence. If the pointer is NULL, has_execute_sequence() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_execute_sequence() oneof:action_parameters SequenceHandle* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kExecute_sequence. If the oneof case is kExecute_sequence, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_execute_sequence() will return false, execute_sequence() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
has_execute_waypoint_list() const void void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_waypoint_list. Otherwise, returns oneof:action_parameters WaypointList::default_instance()
execute_waypoint_list() const const oneof:action_parameters WaypointList& void Returns the current value of the field if oneof case is kExecute_waypoint_list
mutable_execute_waypoint_list() oneof:action_parameters WaypointList* void If any other oneof field in the same oneof is set, calls clear_action_parameters(). Sets the oneof case to kExecute_waypoint_list and returns a pointer to the mutable oneof:action_parameters WaypointList object that stores the field's value. If the oneof case was not kExecute_waypoint_list prior to the call, then the returned oneof:action_parameters WaypointList will have none of its fields set (i.e. it will be identical to a newly-allocated oneof:action_parameters WaypointList). After calling this, has_execute_waypoint_list() will return true, execute_waypoint_list() will return a reference to the same instance of oneof:action_parameters WaypointList and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_waypoint_list
clear_execute_waypoint_list() void void Nothing will be changed if the oneof case is not kExecute_waypoint_list. If the oneof case equals kExecute_waypoint_list, frees the field and clears the oneof case. has_execute_waypoint_list() will return false, execute_waypoint_list() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.
set_allocated_execute_waypoint_list() void oneof:action_parameters WaypointList* Calls clear_action_parameters(). If the oneof:action_parameters WaypointList pointer is not NULL: Sets the oneof:action_parameters WaypointList object to the field and sets the oneof case to kExecute_waypoint_list. The message takes ownership of the allocated oneof:action_parameters WaypointList object, has_execute_waypoint_list() will return true and action_parameters_case() will return kExecute_waypoint_list. If the pointer is NULL, has_execute_waypoint_list() will return false and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET. (The behavior is like calling clear_action_parameters())
release_execute_waypoint_list() oneof:action_parameters WaypointList* void Returns NULL if oneof case is not kExecute_waypoint_list. If the oneof case is kExecute_waypoint_list, clears the oneof case, releases the ownership of the field and returns the pointer of the action_parameters object. After calling this, caller takes the ownership of the allocated action_parameters object, has_execute_waypoint_list() will return false, execute_waypoint_list() will return the default value and action_parameters_case() will return ACTION_PARAMETERS_NOT_SET.

Parent topic: Base (C++)