- the List of models to be chosen from
- whether the model should be quantized or not
- an input field to enter the paragraph to be summarized
- press this button to be summarized
- the output summary
- the output inference time and rouge score of the model
- press this button to show or hide the logs
- the logs field.
- python=3.9.4=h6244533_0
- python_abi=3.9=1_cp39
- torch==1.9.0
- datasets==1.9.0
- numpy==1.20.2
- pyside2==5.15.2
- pytest==6.2.3
- pytest-qt==3.3.0
- qt-material==2.8.8
- sentencepiece==0.1.96
- tokenizers==0.10.3
- torch==1.9.0
- transformers==4.8.2