mongo code_for_trenton
db.addresses.ensureIndex( { Name :1 }, { unique:true, dropDups:true})
db.addresses.createIndex( { Name: 1 }, { unique: true } ) contains
opencage_key = 'XXXX'
create it here
Using pymongodb
and MongoDB version: 2.4.14
Locally checked out python-opencage-geocoder
git clone [email protected]:OpenCageData/python-opencage-geocoder.git*+from+1L7eDqaZi9F5ZszM_URjC7k48mKLTZen1iWdChHon&o=csv
For shell access to this, see :
mongoexport -d code_for_trenton -c addresses > addresses.json
bzip2 addresses.json
using google voice to email trello you need to get the trello email then in google you add that email as an alternative email for your account. You will get a confirmation email as a ticket that you need to confirm.
trello as ticket storage Then in google voice you have the email notications send to that email. Also turn on do not disturb.
using nltk to parse out text. Setup nltk python for parsing the text of the transcriptions
using opencage for geocoding
Setup of opencage :
get the private key.
using this lib:
- storing of geocode in ticket
get the trello api key. Using for the trello api. See for some tips on setting up the keys.
The script that does this is : it runs on a cron job every x minutes on linux.
*/2 * * * * bash ~/experiments/codefortrenton/
That calls into ~/experiments/codefortrenton/
cd ~/experiments/codefortrenton/
python ./
All tickets that are not marked with a GeoCode will be marked.
- Creating of the geojson produces a geojson file, this is then copied into the webpage branch. This is not automated yet.
I filter out all geocodes not in the city of trenton.
- setup of trello connection to slac.
- setup a way for people to subscribe to tickets based on an area
- setup publishing geojson on new tickets.
- setup a shell account for running the script (or do this on a website, but we will need a cron job)