A react native component, easy, fully customizable, implementing the 'swipe down to close' feature. Using the new react native Animated library.
npm install react-native-modalbox@latest --save
Check index.js in the Example folder.
Prop | Default | Type | Description |
isOpen | false | bool |
Open/close the modal, optional, you can use the open/close methods instead |
isDisabled | false | bool |
Disable any action on the modal (open, close, swipe) |
swipeToClose | true | bool |
Set to true to enable the swipe down to close feature |
swipeThreshold | 50 | number |
The threshold to reach in pixels to close the modal |
swipeArea | - | number |
The height in pixels of the swipeable area, window height by default |
aboveStatusBar | true | bool |
If true the modal will appear above the status bar (you must include RNModalbox.xcodeproj) |
position | center | string |
Control the modal position using top or center or bottom |
backdrop | true | bool |
Display a backdrop behind the modal |
backdropOpacity | 0.5 | bool |
Opacity of the backdrop |
backdropColor | black | bool |
backgroundColor of the backdrop |
backdropContent | null | ReactElement |
Add an element in the backdrop (a close button for example) |
Prop | Params | Description |
onClosed | - | When the modal is close and the animation is done |
onOpened | - | When the modal is open and the animation is done |
onClosingState | state bool |
When the state of the swipe to close feature has changed (usefull to change the content of the modal, display a message for example) |
These methods are optional, you can use the isOpen property instead
Prop | Params | Description |
open | - | Open the modal |
close | - | Close the modal |