Elixir/Phoenix wechat api wraper, (documentation).
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文件夹中, 所有定义的方法会在编译时被添加到Wechat
模块或者你自己定义的模块中,方法定义如下:# doc 文档 # endpoint 服务器路径 # path 请求的路径 # http 请求方法 get/post # params 必备参数, 对于必备的 access_token/wxcard_token/jsapi_token 直接设置为 nil doc: """ Create user group """, endpoint: "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin", path: "/groups/create", http: :post, params: [access_token: nil]
# 如果不需要额外的参数, 直接调用即可 Wechat.get_user_list # 如果是 post 请求, 额外参数必须为 Map Wechat.create_ticket(%{expire_seconds: 3600, action_name: "QR_SCENE"}) # 如果是 get 请求,额外参数为 Keyword Wechat.get_qrcode(ticket: ticket)
, 当然你可以按照你自己的需求来定义, 例如你可以实现二维码的 Module (Wechat.Qrcode
), 你可以通过 Import 导入你需要的方法,或者按照例子所示直接引入 Api 定义文件中的方法:defmodule Wechat.Qrcode do use Wechat.Api # use @api to only import the methods defined in qrcode.exs # it contains the methods: # create_qrcode_ticket, get_qrcode @api [:qrcode] def create_ticket(scene, expire) when is_integer(scene) do create_qrcode_ticket(%{ expire_seconds: expire, action_name: "QR_SCENE", action_info: %{scene: %{scene_id: scene}} }) end def create_ticket(scene, expire) when is_binary(scene) do create_qrcode_ticket(%{ expire_seconds: expire, action_name: "QR_STR_SCENE", action_info: %{scene: %{scene_str: scene}} }) end #... def download(ticket, path) do # first urlencode encode_ticket = URI.encode_www_form(ticket) qrcode_data = get_qrcode(ticket: encode_ticket) File.write!(path, qrcode_data) end end
对于本项目没有实现的方法,你可以按照 Api 定义文件的格式自行定义,再在项目中使用。
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [{:ex_wechat, "~> 0.1.8"}] end
is started before your application:def application do [extra_applications: [:ex_wechat]] end
Add config (you can use
to set yourENV
):config :ex_wechat, Wechat, appid: System.get_env("WECHAT_APPID") || "your appid", secret: System.get_env("WECHAT_APPSECRET") || "your app secret", token: System.get_env("WECHAT_TOKEN") || "your token", aes: Sestem.get_env("WECHAT_AES") || "your aes_key"
Use the methods in
module, you can get all the method name from doc or from the definition files inlib/apis
.Wechat.get_user_list Wechat.get_menu Wechat.Message.send_custom(openid, msgtype: "text", content: "Hello!")
Add your own module:
defmodule Wechat.User do use Wechat.Api, appid: "", secret: "", token: "", aes: "" end defmodule Wechat.Doctor do use Wechat.Api, appid: "", secret: "", token: "", aes: "" end
Use the methods in
or the module you define:Wechat.User.get_user_list Wechat.Doctor.get_user_list Wechat.Message.send_custom(Wechat.User, openid, msgtype: "text", content: "Hello!") Wechat.Message.send_custom(Wechat.Doctor, openid, msgtype: "text", content: "Hello!")
Example usage with server verify and message responder:
defmodule Wechat.Router do use Wechat.Web, :router pipeline :api do plug :accepts, ["json"] end pipeline :customer do # single wechat app don't need to add api plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatSignatureResponder plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatMessageParser # you can add your own api module(for multi-accounts support) plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatSignatureResponder, api: Wechat.Customer plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatMessageParser, api: Wechat.Customer end scope "/customer_wechat", Wechat do pipe_through [:api, :customer] get "/", CustomerWechatController, :index post "/", CustomerWechatController, :create end end defmodule Wechat.CustomerWechatController do use Wechat.Web, :controller use Wechat.Responder end
In your controller you can use the helper methods in
to respond with user:def on_text_responder(conn), do: conn def on_image_responder(conn), do: conn def on_voice_responder(conn), do: conn def on_video_responder(conn), do: conn def on_shortvideo_responder(conn), do: conn def on_location_responder(conn), do: conn def on_link_responder(conn), do: conn def on_event_responder(conn), do: conn def transfer_customer_service(conn), do: conn # example 1: # use text responder defmodule Wechat.CustomerWechatController do use Wechat.Web, :controller use Wechat.Responder import Wechat.Message defp on_text_responder(conn) do message = conn.assigns[:message] case message do %{content: content} -> reply_with(conn, generate_passive(message, msgtype: "text", content: String.reverse(content))) _ -> conn end end end # example 2: # you can transfer the message to custom service defmodule Wechat.CustomerWechatController do use Wechat.Web, :controller use Wechat.Responder import Wechat.Message defp transfer_customer_service(conn) do message = conn.assigns[:message] case message do %{content: "我要服务"} -> reply_with(conn, transfer_customer_service_msg(conn)) _ -> conn end end end
Example usage with wechat site plug (get wechat user info), (
):defmodule Wechat.Router do use Wechat.Web, :router pipeline :browser do plug :accepts, ["html"] plug :fetch_session plug :fetch_flash plug :protect_from_forgery plug :put_secure_browser_headers end pipeline :wechat_website do # use the api you define, set the scope, the state module # and set the redirect url you want to. plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatWebsite, api: Wechat.Customer, host: "http://wechat.one-picture.com", scope: "snsapi_userinfo", state: Wechat.PageController # use the Wechat(default), scope is snsapi_base(default) plug Wechat.Plugs.WechatWebsite, host: "http://wechat.one-picture.com" end scope "/", Wechat do pipe_through [:browser, :wechat_website] get "/", PageController, :index get "/about", PageController, :about end end defmodule Wechat.PageController do use Wechat.Web, :controller def index(conn, _params) do # get the openid from session openid = conn |> get_session(:openid) # get the wechat authorize data from assins # include the access_token and other info, # you can use this info to get the user's infos. wechat_result = conn.assigns[:wechat_result] render conn, "index.html" end def about(conn, _params) do render(conn, "about.html") end def state do # you can set the state you want. 'your_state' end end
# single account
Wechat.Jsapi.config_params(Wechat, [url: url])
# multi-accounts
Wechat.Jsapi.config_params(Wechat.User, [url: url])
# 所有微信访问方法返回内容设定
# 具体使用方法见 test/core/token_test.exs
Wechat.TestCase.fake(%{access_token: "token", expire_in: "7200"})
# 制定 http request 的返回内容
# 具体使用方法见 test/core/http_test.exs
Wechat.TestCase.http_fake({:error, %{reason: "test"}})
# 微信网页授权
# 具体使用方法见 test/wechat/plugs/wechat_site_test.exs
Wechat.TestCase.wechat_site_fake(%{openid: "openid"})
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