Completed in my senior year back in college. I finished this project by following a video lesson and add some extra functions and styling a lot by myself.
- Python
- Flask
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
- Nginx
- Docker
A simple forum where you can view threads, share threads and post your own threads and other features a normal forum system should have. There is also a admin system where you can manage website content. Your can give a role to a created admin. And admin with that role can manage content within their permission access.
- git pull
- cd codinglife-forum
- (Optional) create a virtual env for this project
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- create config file
create a file named under project root directory and paste following config(You should replace empty values with your specific config):
import os
os.environ['db_host'] = ''
os.environ['db_port'] = ''
os.environ['db_name'] = ''
os.environ['db_user'] = ''
os.environ['db_pass'] = ''
os.environ['cache_host'] = ''
os.environ['SECRET_KEY'] = ''
os.environ['CMS_USER_ID'] = ''
os.environ['FRONT_USER_ID'] = ''
os.environ['MAIL_USERNAME'] = ''
os.environ['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = ''
os.environ['MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER'] = ''
os.environ['QINIU_AK'] = ''
os.environ['QINIU_SK'] = ''
os.environ['QINIU_BUCKET'] = ''
os.environ['QINIU_DOMAIN'] = ''
os.environ['SALT'] = ''
- python db init
- python db migrate
- python db upgrade
- flask run / python