Lightweight helpdesk plugin for redmine. Adds the email sender-address of an anonymous supportclient to the custom field 'owner-email' of a ticket which was created by a support email. Answers can be send to the supportclient by checking the support checkbox on a journal.
- No need to create any user accounts for anonymous user
- Support for sending an email notification to the (anonymous user) supportclient on ticket creation
- A standard first reply message can be send to the supportclient on ticket creation (optional, per project)
- The email-footer for the email notification to the supportclient can be adjusted (optional, per project)
- The sender email-address can be adjusted (optional, per project)
- Internal communication is not send to the supportclient
- The supportclient will get an email notification if the support checkbox on the journal is checked
- Journal attachments will be delivered too
A copy of the plugin can be downloaded from GitHub:
To install the plugin clone the repro from github and migrate the database:
cd <into your redmine root directory>
git clone git:// vendor/plugins/redmine_helpdesk
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
To uninstall the plugin migrate the database back and remove the plugin:
cd <into your redmine root directory>
rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_helpdesk VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
rm -rf vendor/plugin/redmine_helpdesk
Further information about plugin installation can be found at:
To use the helpdesk functionality you need to
- add the custom field 'owner-email' to a project in the project configuration
- add a standard first reply message into the custom_field 'helpdesk-first-reply' in the project configuration (optional)
- add an email-footer into the custom_field 'helpdesk-email-footer' in the project configuration (optional)
- make sure 'Issue added' and 'Issue updated' in the general redmine settings for email notifications are checked
- add a cronjob for creating issues from support emails
Creating tickets from support emails through an IMAP-account is done by a cronjob. The following syntax is for ubuntu or debian linux:
*/5 * * * * redmine /usr/bin/rake -f /path/to/redmine/Rakefile --silent redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 username=username password=password ssl=true project=project_identifier folder=INBOX move_on_success=processed move_on_failure=failed no_permission_check=1 unknown_user=accept 1 > /dev/null
Further information about receiving emails with redmine can be found at:
The latest version of this plugin is only compatible with Redmine 2.3.x.
A version for Redmine 1.2.x. up to 1.4.7. ist tagged with v1.4 and available for download on github.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE-file for details.
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Stefan Husch, qutic development. The development has been fully sponsored by