This utility performs a full scan of an AWS DynamoDB table and outputs each row as a JSON object, storing the dump either on disk or in an S3 bucket.
It supports rate-limiting to a specified average read or write capacity and parallel requests to achieve high throughput.
The underlying Go library can also be imported into other projects to provide dump/load facilities.
Binaries are available for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac for the latest release.
Install Go and run
go get
AWS credentials required to connect to DynamoDB must be passed in using environment variables, or will be loaded from ~/.aws/credentials or using EC2 metadata.
The dyndump program supports four commands:
Dumps an entire DynamoDB table to file or an S3 bucket.
Usage: dyndump dump [--silent] [--no-progress] [-cmpr] [--filename | --stdout] [(--s3-bucket --s3-prefix)] TABLENAME
Dump a table to file or S3
TABLENAME="" Table name to dump from Dynamo
-c, --consistent-read=false Enable consistent reads (at 2x capacity use)
-f, --filename="" Filename to write data to.
--stdout=false If true then send the output to stdout
-m, --maxitems=0 Maximum number of items to dump. Set to 0 to process all items
-p, --parallel=5 Number of concurrent channels to open to DynamoDB
-r, --read-capacity=5 Average aggregate read capacity to use for scan (set to 0 for unlimited)
--s3-bucket="" S3 bucket name to upload to
--s3-prefix="" Path prefix to use to store data in S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
--silent=false Set to true to disable all non-error output
--no-progress=false Set to true to disable the progress bar
Dump to file
dyndump dump --filename="tableOut" myTableName
Dump to S3, note prefix is required, /
denotes the root of the bucket
dyndump dump --s3-bucket="myS3BucketName" --s3-prefix="/" myTableName
Loads a previous dump from file or S3 into an existing DynamoDB table
Usage: dyndump load [--silent] [--no-progress] [-mpw] (--filename | --stdin | (--s3-bucket --s3-prefix)) TABLENAME
Load a table dump from S3 or file to a DynamoDB table
TABLENAME="" Table name to load into
--allow-overwrite=false Set to true to overwrite any existing rows
-f, --filename="" Filename to read data from. Set to "-" for stdin
--stdin=false If true then read the dump data from stdin
-m, --maxitems=0 Maximum number of items to load. Set to 0 to process all items
-p, --parallel=4 Number of concurrent channels to open to DynamoDB
-w, --write-capacity=5 Average aggregate write capacity to use for load (set to 0 for unlimited)
--s3-bucket="" S3 bucket name to read from
--s3-prefix="" Path prefix to use to read data from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
--silent=false Set to true to disable all non-error output
--no-progress=false Set to true to disable the progress bar
Retrieves and displays metadata about a dump stored in S3
Usage: dyndump info --s3-bucket --s3-prefix
Display backup metadata from an S3 backup
--s3-bucket="" S3 bucket name to read from
--s3-prefix="" Path prefix to use to read data from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
Deletes an entire dump from S3 matching a specified prefix.
Usage: dyndump delete [--silent] [--no-progress] --s3-bucket --s3-prefix [--force]
Delete a backup from S3
--s3-bucket="" S3 bucket name to delete from
--s3-prefix="" Path prefix to use to delete from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
--force=false Set to true to disable the delete prompt
--silent=false Set to true to disable all non-error output
--no-progress=false Set to true to disable the progress bar
JSON is emitted as a stream of objects, one per item in the canonical format used by the DynamoDB API. Each object has a key for each field name with a value object holding the type and field value. Eg
"string-field": {"S": "string value"},
"number-field": {"N": "123"}
The following types are defined by the DynamoDB API:
* S - String
* N - Number (encoded in JSON as a string)
* B - Binary (a base64 encoded string)
* BOOL - Boolean
* NULL - Null
* SS - String set
* NS - Number set
* BS - Binary set
* L - List
* M - Map
See the godoc documentation for the library to integrate the library into your own projects.