An Octave container based on Alpine
Octave 5.1.0
Automatic builds are setup in DockerHub
bash version
docker pull guylevin/octave-docker:latest
UI version (GNU)
docker pull guylevin/octave-docker-gnu:latest
bash version
docker run -it guylevin/octave-docker:latest
UI version (GNU)
docker run -it guylevin/octave-docker-gnu:latest
bash version
If you want to mount a directory from the host machine (to share data with the container for example)
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/data guylevin/octave-docker:latest
This command will share you current host directory with a direcotry called /data inside the container
UI version (GNU)
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/data guylevin/octave-docker-gnu:latest
If you prefer to build the Dockerfile by yourself Clone this reposirory to your computer
cd octave-docker
bash Version
cd bash
UI Version (GNU)
cd ui
Then run
docker build -t octave-docker .
docker run -it octave-docker
License only applied to the docker file, please check the licenses for other libraries/os etc. installed before usage
Should be suitable for the Stanford University Machine Learning course