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guo-yong-zhi committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 17a4260 commit 08c4801
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Showing 10 changed files with 88 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ paint(wc, "alice.png")
## Semantic
*try `runexample(:semantic)` or `showexample(:semantic)`*
The variable `WordCloud.examples` holds all available examples.
The variable `WordCloud.EXAMPLES` holds all available examples.

# About Implementation
WordCloud.jl stands out from other tools due to its unique approach based on image local gradient optimization. Unlike conventional algorithms, WordCloud.jl utilizes a non-greedy algorithm that enables words to be [repositioned](res/animation2.gif) even after their initial placement. This dynamic adjustment process provides unparalleled freedom in assigning words to any desired position, irrespective of potential overlaps. Furthermore, it eliminates the necessity of scaling words during the adjustment phase. This ingenious design choice maximizes the generator's flexibility, opening up boundless possibilities for customization. For a more detailed understanding of the algorithm, you can refer to the [Stuffing.jl - Algorithm Description](
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions WordCloudApp.jl
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Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ else

# ╔═╡ 14666dc2-7ae4-4808-9db3-456eb26cd435
md"**text colors:** $(@bind colors_ Select([:auto; WordCloud.Schemes])) $(@bind colorstyle Select([:random, :gradient])) $(@bind glinting CheckBox(default=false))✨ [*Browse colorschemes*]("
md"**text colors:** $(@bind colors_ Select([:auto; WordCloud.COLOR_SCHEMES])) $(@bind colorstyle Select([:random, :gradient])) $(@bind glinting CheckBox(default=false))✨ [*Browse colorschemes*]("

# ╔═╡ 2870a2ee-aa99-48ec-a26d-fed7b040e6de
@bind go Button(" 🎲 Try again ! ")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ begin
colors__ = colors_
if colorstyle == :gradient
if colors__ == :auto
colors__ = rand(WordCloud.Schemes)
colors__ = rand(WordCloud.COLOR_SCHEMES)
**gradient range:** $(@bind colorstart NumberField(0.:0.01:1., default=0.)) to $(@bind colorstop NumberField(0.:0.01:1., default=1.)). $wordsnum colors of $colors__
Expand All @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ begin
colors = tuple(colors_vec...)
elseif colorstyle == :gradient
colors = WordCloud.gradient(words_weights[end], scheme=colors, section=(colorstart, max(colorstart, colorstop)))
colors = WordCloud.gradient(words_weights[end], colorscheme=colors, section=(colorstart, max(colorstart, colorstop)))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/pattern.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#md# The [engine]( is designed for general purpose, so the outputs don't have to be text, and shapes are OK
using WordCloud

sc = WordCloud.randomscheme() |> unique # unique makes Int -> Vector{Int}
sc = WordCloud.randomcolorscheme() |> unique # unique makes Int -> Vector{Int}
l = 200
wc = wordcloud(
repeat(["placeholder"], l), repeat([1], l),
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions examples/semantic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ words_weights = Dict(zip(words_weights...))
#md# The positions of words can be initialized with pre-trained word vectors so that similar words will appear near each other.
using Embeddings
using TSne
const embtable = load_embeddings(GloVe{:en})
const get_word_index = Dict(word => ii for (ii, word) in enumerate(embtable.vocab))
const EMB = load_embeddings(GloVe{:en})
const WORDS_INDICES = Dict(word => ii for (ii, word) in enumerate(EMB.vocab))
function get_embedding(word)
ind = get_word_index[word]
emb = embtable.embeddings[:,ind]
ind = WORDS_INDICES[word]
emb = EMB.embeddings[:,ind]
return emb
wordvec = Dict()
for k in keys(words_weights)
if k in keys(get_word_index)
if k in keys(WORDS_INDICES)
wordvec[k] = get_embedding(k)
elseif lowercase(k) in keys(get_word_index)
elseif lowercase(k) in keys(WORDS_INDICES)
wordvec[k] = get_embedding(lowercase(k))
pop!(words_weights, k)
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72 changes: 37 additions & 35 deletions src/artist.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ using Random
import Fontconfig: list, Pattern, format
using StopWords

FontCandidates::Dict{String, Vector{String}} = Dict{String, Vector{String}}()
WeightCandidates::Vector{String} = ["", " Regular", " Normal", " Medium", " Bold", " Light"]
const FONT_NAMES::Dict{String, Vector{String}} = Dict{String, Vector{String}}()
const FONT_WEIGHTS::Vector{String} = ["", " Regular", " Normal", " Medium", " Bold", " Light"]

function listfonts(lang="")
if !isempty(lang)
Expand All @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ function reverse_dict(d)
return rd
const id_part1 = reverse_dict(StopWords.part1_id)
const mid_iid = reverse_dict(StopWords.iid_mid)
const _ID_PART1 = reverse_dict(StopWords.part1_id)
const _MID_IID = reverse_dict(StopWords.iid_mid)
function expandlangcode(c)
c in StopWords.id_all || (c = get(StopWords.name_id, c, c))
c in StopWords.id_all || (c = get(StopWords.name_id, titlecase(c), c))
cs = []
for c1 in Iterators.flatten((get(mid_iid, c, []), [c]))
for c2 in Iterators.flatten((get(id_part1, c1, []), [c1]))
for c1 in Iterators.flatten((get(_MID_IID, c, []), [c]))
for c2 in Iterators.flatten((get(_ID_PART1, c1, []), [c1]))
push!(cs, c2)
Expand All @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ function fontsof(lang)
function getfontcandidates(lang)
lang = StopWords.normcode(String(lang))
if haskey(FontCandidates, lang)
return FontCandidates[lang]
if haskey(FONT_NAMES, lang)
return FONT_NAMES[lang]
fs = fontsof(lang)
push!(fs, "")
FontCandidates[lang] = fs
FONT_NAMES[lang] = fs
return fs
Expand All @@ -57,37 +57,39 @@ end
Customize font candidates for language `lang`
function setfontcandidates!(lang::AbstractString, str_list)
FontCandidates[StopWords.normcode(String(lang))] = str_list
FONT_NAMES[StopWords.normcode(String(lang))] = str_list

Schemes_colorbrewer = filter(s -> occursin("colorbrewer", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_colorbrewer = filter(s -> (occursin("Accent", String(s))
|| occursin("Dark", String(s))
|| occursin("Paired", String(s))
|| occursin("Pastel", String(s))
|| occursin("Set", String(s))
|| occursin("Spectral", String(s))
), Schemes_colorbrewer)
Schemes_seaborn = filter(s -> occursin("seaborn", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_tableau = filter(s -> occursin("tableau", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_cvd = filter(s -> occursin("cvd", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_gnuplot = filter(s -> occursin("gnuplot", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_MetBrewer = filter(s -> occursin("MetBrewer", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Schemes_general = [:bluegreenyellow, :cmyk, :darkrainbow, :deepsea, :dracula, :fall, :rainbow, :turbo]
Schemes = [Schemes_colorbrewer; Schemes_seaborn; Schemes_tableau; Schemes_cvd; Schemes_gnuplot; Schemes_MetBrewer; Schemes_general]

function getcolorschemes()
schemes_colorbrewer = filter(s -> occursin("colorbrewer", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_colorbrewer = filter(s -> (occursin("Accent", String(s))
|| occursin("Dark", String(s))
|| occursin("Paired", String(s))
|| occursin("Pastel", String(s))
|| occursin("Set", String(s))
|| occursin("Spectral", String(s))
), schemes_colorbrewer)
schemes_seaborn = filter(s -> occursin("seaborn", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_tableau = filter(s -> occursin("tableau", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_cvd = filter(s -> occursin("cvd", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_gnuplot = filter(s -> occursin("gnuplot", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_MetBrewer = filter(s -> occursin("MetBrewer", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
schemes_general = [:bluegreenyellow, :cmyk, :darkrainbow, :deepsea, :dracula, :fall, :rainbow, :turbo]
[schemes_colorbrewer; schemes_seaborn; schemes_tableau; schemes_cvd; schemes_gnuplot; schemes_MetBrewer; schemes_general]
const COLOR_SCHEMES = getcolorschemes()
function displayschemes()
for scheme in Schemes
for scheme in COLOR_SCHEMES
colors = Render.colorschemes[scheme].colors
function gradient(weights_or_num; scheme=rand(Schemes), section=(0,1))
function gradient(weights_or_num; colorscheme=rand(COLOR_SCHEMES), section=(0,1))
@assert length(section) == 2
a,b = section
@assert a <= b
C = Render.colorschemes[scheme]
C = Render.colorschemes[colorscheme]
if weights_or_num isa Number
inds = range(a, b, length=max(2, weights_or_num))
Expand All @@ -102,9 +104,9 @@ function gradient(weights_or_num; scheme=rand(Schemes), section=(0,1))
return get.(Ref(C), inds)
function randomscheme(weights_or_num=100)
function randomcolorscheme(weights_or_num=100)
if rand() < 0.95
scheme = rand(Schemes)
scheme = rand(COLOR_SCHEMES)
C = Render.colorschemes[scheme]
if length(C) < 64 && rand() < 0.95
colors = randsubseq(C.colors, rand())
Expand All @@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ function randomscheme(weights_or_num=100)
a, b = round.(minmax(rand(), rand()), digits=3)
rand() < 0.2 && (a = 0.; b = 1.)
print(", random section: $a:$b")
colors = gradient(weights_or_num; scheme=scheme, section=(a,b))
colors = gradient(weights_or_num; colorscheme=scheme, section=(a,b))
if rand() > 0.5
Expand All @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ function randomscheme(weights_or_num=100)
function randomfilteredscheme(args...; filter=colors->Gray(parsecolor(randommaskcolor(colors)))>0.5, maxiter=100)
for _ in 1:maxiter
colors = randomscheme(args...)
colors = randomcolorscheme(args...)
filter(colors) && return colors
@warn "randomfilteredscheme reach the `maxiter`."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,10 +356,10 @@ randomoutline() = rand((0, 0, 0, rand(2:10)))
function randomfonts(lang="")
if rand() < 0.8
fonts = rand(getfontcandidates(lang))
fonts = fonts * rand(WeightCandidates)
fonts = fonts * rand(FONT_WEIGHTS)
fonts = rand(getfontcandidates(lang), 2 + floor(Int, 2randexp()))
fonts = [f * rand(WeightCandidates) for f in fonts]
fonts = [f * rand(FONT_WEIGHTS) for f in fonts]
rand() > 0.5 && (fonts = tuple(fonts...))
@show fonts
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/textprocessing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ function lemmatizer_eng(word)
return word
w = lowercase(word)
if w in s_ending_words || (length(word) <= 3 && w == word) || uppercase(word) == word
if w in S_ENDING_WORDS || (length(word) <= 3 && w == word) || uppercase(word) == word
return word
elseif endswith(w, "ies") && !(w[1:prevind(w, end, 1)] in xe_ending_words)
elseif endswith(w, "ies") && !(w[1:prevind(w, end, 1)] in XE_ENDING_WORDS)
return word[1:prevind(word, end, 3)] * "y"
elseif endswith(w, "ses")
wh = w[1:prevind(w, end, 2)]
if wh in s_ending_words || endswith(wh, "ss")
if wh in S_ENDING_WORDS || endswith(wh, "ss")
return word[1:prevind(word, end, 2)]
elseif endswith(w, r"xes|ches|shes|oes") && !(w[1:prevind(w, end, 1)] in xe_ending_words)
elseif endswith(w, r"xes|ches|shes|oes") && !(w[1:prevind(w, end, 1)] in XE_ENDING_WORDS)
return word[1:prevind(word, end, 2)]
elseif endswith(w, "ves")
wh = w[1:prevind(w, end, 3)]
wordh = word[1:prevind(word, end, 3)]
if wh * "fe" in f_ending_words
if wh * "fe" in F_ENDING_WORDS
return wordh * "fe"
elseif wh * "f" in f_ending_words
elseif wh * "f" in F_ENDING_WORDS
return wordh * "f"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ function tokenizer_eng(text::AbstractString, regexp=r"\w[\w']*")

# ISO 639-3 macrolanguages
STOPWORDS = stopwords
const STOPWORDS = stopwords
const TOKENIZERS = Dict(
"_default_" => tokenizer,
"eng" => tokenizer_eng,
const LEMMATIZERS = Dict(
"_default_" => identity,
"eng" => lemmatizer_eng,
Expand Down
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions src/wc-class.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ function processscheme(words, weights; colors=:auto, angles=:auto, fonts=:auto,
maskcolor0 = maskcolor
backgroundcolor0 = backgroundcolor

colors in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (colors = randomscheme(weights))
colors in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (colors = randomcolorscheme(weights))
angles in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (angles = randomangles())
fonts in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (language = detect_language(words, language); fonts = randomfonts(language))
colors isa Symbol && (colors = (colorschemes[colors].colors...,))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,20 +347,20 @@ index(wc::WC, i) = i
getparameter(wc, args...) = getindex(wc.params, args...)
setparameter!(wc, args...) = setindex!(wc.params, args...)
hasparameter(wc, args...) = haskey(wc.params, args...)
getdoc = "This function accepts two positional arguments: a wordcloud object and an index. The index can be a string, number, list, or any other supported type of index. The index argument is optional, and omitting it will retrieve all the values."
setdoc = "This function accepts three positional arguments: a wordcloud object, an index, and a value. The index can be a string, number, list, or any other supported type of index."
@doc getdoc getcolors(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:colors][index(wc, w)]
@doc getdoc getangles(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:angles][index(wc, w)]
@doc getdoc getfonts(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:fonts][index(wc, w)]
@doc getdoc getwords(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.words[index(wc, w)]
@doc getdoc getweights(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.weights[index(wc, w)]
@doc setdoc setcolors!(wc::WC, w, c) = @view(wc.params[:colors][index(wc, w)]) .= parsecolor(c)
@doc setdoc setangles!(wc::WC, w, a::Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}}) = @view(wc.params[:angles][index(wc, w)]) .= a
@doc setdoc
const _GET_DOC = "This function accepts two positional arguments: a wordcloud object and an index. The index can be a string, number, list, or any other supported type of index. The index argument is optional, and omitting it will retrieve all the values."
const _SET_DOC = "This function accepts three positional arguments: a wordcloud object, an index, and a value. The index can be a string, number, list, or any other supported type of index."
@doc _GET_DOC getcolors(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:colors][index(wc, w)]
@doc _GET_DOC getangles(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:angles][index(wc, w)]
@doc _GET_DOC getfonts(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.params[:fonts][index(wc, w)]
@doc _GET_DOC getwords(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.words[index(wc, w)]
@doc _GET_DOC getweights(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.weights[index(wc, w)]
@doc _SET_DOC setcolors!(wc::WC, w, c) = @view(wc.params[:colors][index(wc, w)]) .= parsecolor(c)
@doc _SET_DOC setangles!(wc::WC, w, a::Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}}) = @view(wc.params[:angles][index(wc, w)]) .= a
@doc _SET_DOC
function setfonts!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{AbstractString,AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}})
@view(wc.params[:fonts][index(wc, w)]) .= v
@doc setdoc
@doc _SET_DOC
function setwords!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{AbstractString,AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}})
m = word2index(wc)
@assert !any(v .∈ Ref(keys(m)))
Expand All @@ -369,24 +369,24 @@ function setwords!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{AbstractString,AbstractVector{<:AbstractS
@view(wc.words[i]) .= v
@doc setdoc setweights!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}}) = @view(wc.weights[index(wc, w)]) .= v
@doc getdoc getimages(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.imgs[index(wc, w)]
@doc getdoc getsvgimages(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.svgs[index(wc, w)]
@doc _SET_DOC setweights!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}}) = @view(wc.weights[index(wc, w)]) .= v
@doc _GET_DOC getimages(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.imgs[index(wc, w)]
@doc _GET_DOC getsvgimages(wc::WC, w=:) = wc.svgs[index(wc, w)]

@doc setdoc
@doc _SET_DOC
function setimages!(wc::WC, w, v::AbstractMatrix)
@view(wc.imgs[index(wc, w)]) .= Ref(v)
initqtree!(wc, w)
setimages!(wc::WC, w, v::AbstractVector) = setimages!.(wc, index(wc, w), v)
@doc setdoc
@doc _SET_DOC
function setsvgimages!(wc::WC, w, v)
@view(wc.svgs[index(wc, w)]) .= v
setimages!(wc::WC, w, tobitmap.(v))

@doc getdoc
@doc _GET_DOC
function getfontsizes(wc::WC, w=:)
inds = index(wc, w)
ids = wordids(wc, inds)
Expand All @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ function getfontsizes(wc::WC, w=:)
@doc setdoc
@doc _SET_DOC
function setfontsizes!(wc::WC, w, v::Union{Number,AbstractVector{<:Number}})
push!.(Ref(wc.params[:custom][:fontsize]), wordids(wc, w) .=> v)
Expand All @@ -411,12 +411,12 @@ function getbackgroundcolor(wc::WC)
c == :maskcolor ? getmaskcolor(wc) : c
setbackgroundcolor!(wc::WC, v) = (setparameter!(wc, v, :backgroundcolor); v)
@doc getdoc * " The keyword argument `mode` can be either `getshift` or `getcenter`."
@doc _GET_DOC * " The keyword argument `mode` can be either `getshift` or `getcenter`."
function getpositions(wc::WC, w=:; mode=getshift)
Stuffing.getpositions(wc.maskqtree, wc.qtrees, index(wc, w), mode=mode)

@doc setdoc * " The keyword argument `mode` can be either `setshift!` or `setcenter!`."
@doc _SET_DOC * " The keyword argument `mode` can be either `setshift!` or `setcenter!`."
function setpositions!(wc::WC, w, x_y; mode=setshift!)
Stuffing.setpositions!(wc.maskqtree, wc.qtrees, index(wc, w), x_y, mode=mode)
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/wc-helper.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using Colors
DEFAULTSYMBOLS = [:original, :auto, :default]
const DEFAULTSYMBOLS = [:original, :auto, :default]
iter_expand(e) = Base.Iterators.repeated(e)
iter_expand(l::Vector) = Base.Iterators.cycle(l)
iter_expand(r::AbstractRange) = IterGen(st->rand(r))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ function configsvgimages!(wc, w=:, args...; children=nothing, wrappers=nothing)
runexample(example=:random) = @time evalfile(pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/examples/$(example).jl")
showexample(example=:random) = read(pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/examples/$(example).jl", String)|>print
examples = [e[1:prevind(e, end, 3)] for e in basename.(readdir(pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/examples")) if endswith(e, ".jl")]
exampledoc = "Available values: [" * join(":".*examples, ", ") * "]"
@doc exampledoc runexample
@doc exampledoc showexample
function runexamples(examples=examples)
const EXAMPLES = [e[1:prevind(e, end, 3)] for e in basename.(readdir(pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/examples")) if endswith(e, ".jl")]
const _EXAMPLE_DOC = "Available values: [" * join(":" .* EXAMPLES, ", ") * "]"
@doc _EXAMPLE_DOC runexample
@doc _EXAMPLE_DOC showexample
function runexamples(examples=EXAMPLES)
println(length(examples), " examples: ", examples)
for (i,e) in enumerate(examples)
println("="^20, "\n# ",i,"/",length(examples), "\t", e, "\n", "="^20)
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