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This repository shows how to use Helm with Terraform using the official Helm provider.

This deploys a monitoring infrastructure with Grafana & Prometheus as a concrete example.


  • Helm >= 3.0
  • Terraform >= 1.0.0


Clone the project:

$ git clone

Initialize the Terraform project:

$ terraform init

Deploy the Terraform project:

$ terraform apply

Pass values to Helm charts in Terraform

There are several ways to pass values to the helm_release resource. In this section, we will the different options.

Using a values.yaml file

The values.yaml of the Helm can be templated by Terraform and specified in the values field:

resource "helm_release" "prometheus" {
  chart      = "prometheus"
  name       = "prometheus"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  repository = ""
  version    = "15.5.3"

  values = [
    templatefile("${path.module}/templates/prometheus-values.yaml", {
      pod_security_enabled             = true
      server_persistent_volume_enabled = false
      server_resources_limits_cpu      = "256m"
      server_resources_limits_memory   = "256Mi"
      server_resources_requests_cpu    = "256m"
      server_resources_requests_memory = "256Mi"

Using the set blocks

The Helm chart values can be customized with set blocks:

resource "helm_release" "prometheus" {
  chart      = "prometheus"
  name       = "prometheus"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  repository = ""
  version    = "15.5.3"

  set {
    name  = "podSecurityPolicy.enabled"
    value = true

  set {
    name  = "server.persistentVolume.enabled"
    value = false

  # You can provide a map of value using yamlencode. Don't forget to escape the last element after point in the name
  set {
    name  = "server\\.resources"
    value = yamlencode({
      limits   = {
        cpu    = "256m"
        memory = "256Mi"
      requests = {
        cpu    = "256m"
        memory = "256Mi"

Using the values and yamlencode

The values of the Helm charts can be added directly as map in the values field and encoded into YAML:

resource "helm_release" "prometheus" {
  chart      = "prometheus"
  name       = "prometheus"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  repository = ""
  version    = "15.5.3"

  values = [
      podSecurityPolicy = {
        enabled = true
      server            = {
        persistentVolume = {
          enabled = false
        resources        = {
          limits   = {
            cpu    = "256m"
            memory = "256Mi"
          requests = {
            cpu    = "256m"
            memory = "256Mi"

Access Prometheus UI

Create the port-forward session to the Prometheus server:

$ kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring svc/prometheus-server 8080:80

Go to http://localhost:8080 to access the Prometheus UI:

Prometheus UI

Access Grafana UI

Create the port-forward session to Grafana:

kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring svc/grafana 3000:80

Get the Grafana admin username:

$ kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode 

Get the Grafana admin password:

kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode

Go to http://localhost:3000 to access the Grafana UI. Reuse the previous credentials to log in:

Grafana Login Page

Grafana Home Page

Grafana Dashboards

The Kubernetes API Server dashboard is provisioned in the values-grafana.yaml file.

The dashboard is visible in the Grafana UI: Grafana Kubernetes API Server Dashboard