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Masataro Asai edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 2 revisions
(defstruct (fun-info #-sb-xc-host (:pure t)
                     (:copier nil))
  ;; boolean attributes of this function.
  (attributes (missing-arg) :type attributes)

  ;; TRANSFORM structures describing transforms for this function
  (transforms () :type list)

  ;; a function which computes the derived type for a call to this
  ;; function by examining the arguments. This is null when there is
  ;; no special method for this function.
  (derive-type nil :type (or function null))

  ;; a function that does various unspecified code transformations by
  ;; directly hacking the IR. Returns true if further optimizations of
  ;; the call shouldn't be attempted.
  ;; KLUDGE: This return convention (non-NIL if you shouldn't do
  ;; further optimiz'ns) is backwards from the return convention for
  ;; transforms. -- WHN 19990917
  (optimizer nil :type (or function null))

  ;; If true, a special-case LTN annotation method that is used in
  ;; place of the standard type/policy template selection. It may use
  ;; arbitrary code to choose a template, decide to do a full call, or
  ;; conspire with the IR2-CONVERT method to do almost anything. The
  ;; COMBINATION node is passed as the argument.
  (ltn-annotate nil :type (or function null))

  ;; If true, the special-case IR2 conversion method for this
  ;; function. This deals with funny functions, and anything else that
  ;; can't be handled using the template mechanism. The COMBINATION
  ;; node and the IR2-BLOCK are passed as arguments.
  (ir2-convert nil :type (or function null))

  ;; Called before IR2 conversion, just like IR2-CONVERT above
  ;; Currently used for issuing warnings so that it doesn't intefere
  ;; with things like CALL-FULL-LIKE-P due to IR2-CONVERT.
  (ir2-hook nil :type (or function null))

  ;; If true, the function can stack-allocate the result. The
  ;; COMBINATION node is passed as an argument.
  (stack-allocate-result nil :type (or function null))

  ;; If true, the function can add flow-sensitive type information
  ;; about the state of the world after its execution. The COMBINATION
  ;; node is passed as an argument, along with the current set of
  ;; active constraints for the block.  The function returns a
  ;; sequence of constraints; a constraint is a triplet of a
  ;; constraint kind (a symbol, see (defstruct (constraint ...)) in
  ;; constraint.lisp) and arguments, either LVARs, LAMBDA-VARs, or
  ;; CTYPEs.  If any of these arguments is NIL, the constraint is
  ;; skipped. This simplifies integration with OK-LVAR-LAMBDA-VAR,
  ;; which maps LVARs to LAMBDA-VARs.  An optional fourth value in
  ;; each constraint flips the meaning of the constraint if it is
  ;; non-NIL.
  (constraint-propagate nil :type (or function null))

  ;; If true, the function can add flow-sensitive type information
  ;; depending on the truthiness of its return value.  Returns two
  ;; values, a LVAR and a CTYPE. The LVAR is of that CTYPE iff the
  ;; function returns true.
  ;; It may also return additional third and fourth values. Each is
  ;; a sequence of constraints (see CONSTRAINT-PROPAGATE), for the
  ;; consequent and alternative branches, respectively.
  (constraint-propagate-if nil :type (or function null))

  ;; all the templates that could be used to translate this function
  ;; into IR2, sorted by increasing cost.
  (templates nil :type list)

  ;; If non-null, then this function is a unary type predicate for
  ;; this type.
  (predicate-type nil :type (or ctype null))

  ;; If non-null, the index of the argument which becomes the result
  ;; of the function.
  (result-arg nil :type (or index null))

  ;; Customizing behavior of ASSERT-CALL-TYPE
  (call-type-deriver nil :type (or function null))
