End-to-end automatic speech recognition system implemented in TensorFlow.
Automatic Speech Recognition implemented in TensorFlow contains followings:
- Data Pre-processing
- Acoustic Modeling(RNN,LSTM,BRNN,BLSTM,etc.)
- CTC Decoding
- Evaluation
- Saving or Restoring Model
- Mini-batch Training
- Training with GPU or CPU with TensorFlow
- Keeping logging of epoch time and error rate in disk
- Support TIMIT and Libri
python train.py --mfcc_dir '/data/mfcc/' --label_dir '/data/label/' --keep False --save True --evaluation False --learning_rate 0.001 --batch_size 32 --num_feature 39 --num_hidden 128 --num_classes 28 --save_dir '/src/save/' --restore_from '/src/save/' --model_checkpoint_path '/src/save/'
Instead of configuration in command line, you can also set the arguments above in train.py in practice.
Automatic Speech Recognition is to transcribe a raw audio file into character sequences. Data preprocessing is to convert a raw audio file into feature vectors of several frames. Here, we first split each audio file by a 20ms hamming window with no overlap, and then calculate the 12 mel frequency ceptral coefficients appended by a energy variable for each frame. Based on this vector of length 13, we calculate the delta coefficients and delta-delta coefficients, totally 39 coefficients for each frame. Therefore, each audio file is splited to several frames by hamming window, and each frame is extracted to a feature vector of length 39.
In folder data/mfcc, each file is a feature matrix with size timeLength*39 of one audio file; in folder data/label, each file is a label vector according to the mfcc file.
If you want to set your own data preprocessing, you can edit calcmfcc.py or preprocess.py.