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PHPGasus is another PHP Framework which aims to allow quick and smart web developements being the more easy to learn & use than possible. 
It's based on well known principles

- MVC 
- Model Driven Development
- Conventions over configuration
- less is more (“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry))
- the content is the interface

- PHP 5 (best 5.3, or recommanded >5.2.6)
- Apache 2 (with mod_rewrite)

- EASY SETUP (just upload files and launch setup page)
- ORM via admin interface (or by smart & simple php files for code purists)
- DBAL with support for mysql, postgresql, sqlite & mongoDB
- ADMIN generator (scaffholding)
- API generator (scaffholding)
- PERFs optimized (includes preconfigured vhost and/or .htaccess)
- EASY to learn (no 500 pages book or 200 pages website documentation)
- HTML5 based
- OS/DEVICE & BROWSER sniffing 
- CSS/JS minification
- TEMPLATES engines included (smarty 3, Twig & Haanga)
- ACL module included (users, groups & permissions)
- PRECONFIGURED ENVIRONMENTS (local, dev, preprod, prod)
- DEFAULT OUTPUT FORMATS included for all views/pages (html, xhtml, xml, json, jsonp, jsonreport, yaml, plist, csv, rss, atom)

WHY Use PHPGasus
- you love things like Ruby on Rails, Django, Python, jQuery,
- you can stand watching the code of Wordpress & likes for their uglyness
- you're fed your current framework's verbosity (things like this "use vendor\framework\FrameworkName\And\So\On\...\Path\To\My\Lib");
- you want to start coding immediately, code few, fast, clean & secure
- you love the tools that try to guess want you want and act consequently
- you love syntactic sugar
- you don't want to read a 500 pages book or ten 20 minutes videos to start doing great things
- you don't want to have to use a CLI (Command Line Interface) to create anything
- you love smart & ergonomic interfaces (with lots of magic-ness)
- even if you are a code fanatic or interfaces hater, you can do it too (and their still some magic-ness applied)
- you prefer doing $this->users->getOneBirthdateByEmail('[email protected]') than $this->db->query("SELECT birthdate FROM users AS u WHERE = '[email protected]' LIMIT 1")

In PHPGasus, every URL (except for content in public folder) is redirected to the dispatcher: index.php at the root of your project.
This function tries to call the proper method of the proper controller with proper arguments, depending of your dataModel and request params.

DISPATCHER => CONTROLLER (samples):							
GET /                                       => /CHome->index() 									
GET /notAMethod                             => /CHome->error404('notAMethod') 					
GET /hello/world 							=> /CHome->hello('world') 							
GET /hello/world/1                          => /CHome->hello('world','1')                      
GET /hello/world/1/2                        => /CHome->hello('world','1','2')                  
GET /hello/world/1/2/and/goes/on            => /CHome->hello('world','1','2,'and','goes','on') 
GET /products/                              => /CProducts->index()                             
GET /products/1                             => /CProducts->retrieve('1')                       
GET /products/myKillerProduct               => /CProducts->retrieve('myKillerProduct')         
GET /products/myKillerProduct/blue          => /CProducts->retrieve('myKillerProduct','blue')  
GET /users/                                 => /CUsers->index()                                
GET /users/me                               => /CUsers->me()                                   
GET /users/me/42                            => /CUsers->me('42')                               
GET /users/gudoy                            => /CUsers->retrieve('gudoy')                      
GET /users/gudoy/42                         => /CUsers->retrieve('gudoy','42')                 
GET /users/gudoy/birthyear/1983             => /CUsers->retrieve('gudoy','birthyear','1983')   
GET /users/42,43,44/                        => /CUsers->index('42,43,44')                      
GET /users/42,43,44/email                   => /CUsers->index('42,43,44','email')              
GET /users/42,43,44/email,birthday          => /CUsers->index('42,43,44','email,birthday')     
GET /users/42,43,foo/email,birthday         => /CUsers->index('42,43,foo','email,birthday')    

GET /products/  							=> SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 100
GET /products/nonexistingcol 				=> SELECT * color FROM products LIMIT 100 [nonexistingcol is ignored]
GET /products/  							=> SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 100
GET /products/id,color 						=> SELECT id, color FROM products LIMIT 100
GET /products/color,id 						=> SELECT color, id FROM products LIMIT 100
GET /products/color?distinct 				=> SELECT DISTINCT(color) FROM products LIMIT 100 [distinct value not passed, will use the first column filter found if any ("color" in this case)]
GET /products/?distinct  					=> SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM products LIMIT 100 [no colum passed: will use id or pk or first found column in datamodel]
GET /products/?distinct=nonexistingcol  	=> SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 100 [nonexistingcol is ignored]
GET /products/?distinct=color 				=> SELECT DISTINCT(color) FROM products LIMIT 100
GET /products/id?distinct=color 			=> SELECT DISTINCT(color), CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(id) as CHAR) FROM products GROUP BY color LIMIT 100
GET /products/color,id?distinct 			=> SELECT DISTINCT(color), CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(id) as CHAR) FROM products GROUP BY color LIMIT 100 [no colum passed: will use id or pk or first found column in datamodel]

GET /products/manufacturer/Apple				=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer = 'Apple'
GET /products/?manufacturer=Apple				=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer = 'Apple'
GET /products/manufacturer/Apple,Google			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer IN ('Apple', 'Google')
GET /products/?manufacturer=Apple,Google		=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer IN ('Apple', 'Google')
GET /products/manufacturer/Apple				=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer = 'Apple'
GET /products/?manufacturer=contains|pl			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer LIKE '%pl%'
GET /products/?manufacturer=startsby|go			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer LIKE 'go%'
GET /products/?manufacturer=endsby|le			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE manufacturer LIKE '%le'

CONTROLLER to MODEL/DATABASE (sample magic methods);
(unless explicitely specified, all request use "LIMIT 100" clause)
Products->findAll() 								=> SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 100
Products->fingAll(array('limit' => -1)) 			=> SELECT * FROM products
Products->findByName(array('foo','bar')) 			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE name IN ('foo','bar') LIMIT 100
Products->findOneByName('myKillerProduct') 			=> SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = myKillerProduct LIMIT 1 
Users->findById(42) 								=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 42 LIMIT 100
Users->findAllByNameWhereBirthyearIs1983('gudoy') 	=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE nameFied = 'gudoy' AND birthyear = 1983 LIMIT 100
Users->findAllById(array(42,43,44)) 				=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (42,43,45) LIMIT 100
Users->findAllEmailById(array(42,43,44)) 			=> SELECT email FROM users WHERE id IN (42,43,45) LIMIT 100
Users->findAllEmailAndBirthdayById(array(42,43,44)) => SELECT email,birthyear FROM users WHERE id IN (42,43,45) LIMIT 100

- classname = 'C' + ucfirst(controllername)
- have to extends built in Controller
- require an 'index' method

JAVASCIPTS // TODO: choose pattern
GET     /                       => home.init() && homeIndex.init()
GET     /about/                 => about.init() && aboutIndex.init()
GET     /about/credits          => about.init() && credits.init() && aboutCreditsIndex.init()
GET     /admin/                 => admin.init() && adminIndex.init()
GET     /admin/user/42          => admin.init() && users.init() && adminUsers.init() && adminUsersRetrieve.init()
POST    /admin/user/42          => admin.init() && users.init() && adminUsers.init() && adminUsersCreate.init()
PUT     /admin/user/42          => admin.init() && users.init() && adminUsers.init() && adminUsersUpdate.init()
DELETE  /admin/user/42          => admin.init() && users.init() && adminUsers.init() && adminUsersDelete.init()
GET     /                       => home.init() && home.index()
GET     /about/                 => about.init() && about.index()
GET     /about/credits          => about.init() && credits.init() && aboutCreditsIndex.init()
GET     /admin/                 => admin.init() && admin.index()
GET     /admin/users/42         => admin.init() && admin.users.init() && admin.users.retrieve()
POST    /admin/users/42         => admin.init() && admin.users.init() && admin.users.create()
PUT     /admin/users/42         => admin.init() && admin.users.init() && admin.users.update()
DELETE  /admin/users/42         => admin.init() && admin.users.init() && admin.users.delete()
GET     /users/42/products/     => users.init() && products.init() && users.products.init()

- know types handling, transtyping/casting, comparisions
- WARNING with == and ==== comparisions
- preferer ternary operator for simple if/else testing ( condition ? "condition is true" : "condition is false" )
- avoid if/for/foreach/... nesting (more than 2 levels is BAD, more than 3 levels is REALLY BAD
- use dynamic arguments (using $args = func_get_args()) or a $params as last param of your functions

Magic request params
{url}.html 			<== display the html reprensatation of the page data [default]
{url}.xhtml 		<== display the html reprensatation of the page data
{url}.qr 			<== display the qr code containing the url of the page data
{url}.json 			<== return the json representation of the page data
{url}.jsonp 		<== return the jsonp representation of the page data
{url}.jsontxt 		<== return the json representation of the page data, served as plain text
{url}.jsonreport 	<== return the jsonreport ( of the page data
{url}.xml           <== return the xml representation of the page data
{url}.plist         <== return the plist representation of the page data
{url}.plistxml      <== return the plist representation of the page data, served as plain text
{url}.yaml          <== return the yaml representation of the page data
{url}.rss           <== return the rss representation of the page data
{url}.atom          <== return the atom representation of the page data
?css=no             <== disable css
?js=no              <== disable js
?minify=all         <== force minification of js & css (override conf directives)
?minify=css         <== force minification of css
?minify=js          <== force minification of js
?minify=html        <== force minification of html
?tplSelf=1          <== only return main template content (not the layout) [by default for ajax requests]
?limit=100          <== never return more than 100 items for a resource (unless you explicitely asked for more using 'limit' => -1 params in your code 



PHPGasus is a RAD PHP Framework aiming to be smart, simple.







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