A basic Dockerfile for django-microservice API.
If you are building microservice APIs using Django, this Dockerfile might be helpful, as it provides the very basics needed to run such a microservice API. This includes an Apache-webserver, stripped down to run only Python and Django, based on CentOS. The server has some security-enhancements in place, also.
The docker process will launch only Apache on start. Apache will launch as non-root,
listening on port 8080
In your project's Dockerfile, you can specify a volume that should be mounted, containing, for instance, all the secrets that the microservice needs to operate.
For instance:
VOLUME ["/var/www/api/code/api/settings/secrets/"]
You will also need to add a configuration-file for Apache, so that a virtual-host will be recognized and your Python code will actually run when the Apache-server is called appropriately:
ADD docker-files/*.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
See examples/apache-vhost.conf
for an example Apache-configuration file. See
also èxamples/Dockerfile-example.txt
for an example Dockerfile that depends on
the current one. Be careful when you edit those files; every line is critical.
Be especially careful when you edit apache-vhost.conf
, make sure that the path
to the wsgi.py
file is correct.
The examples assume that the base-directory for the microservice is in
, with the code available at /var/www/api/code
. You might want
to keep it that way, to have some kind of similarity between microservices, and
to make deployment based on the examples easier.
To catch the log-files the Apache-server creates, you will have to mount
into a file-system on the Docker-host, and then harvest the
files. Make sure that Apache is able to write into this filesystem. You can
also override the log-configuration, of course.
To create the docker-image, run
cd ~/build
git clone ...
docker build -t django-microservice-api-base django-microservice-api-base
You can then base your Dockerfiles on this one, by including a line like this:
FROM django-microservice-api-base
After creating your own Docker-image, you can launch it like this:
docker run --volume=/home/docker/data/yourimage/logs/:/etc/httpd/logs/ -d -t yourimage