💻 I've been working as a backend software engineer since 2011, turning to front-end and devops too since 2017
🏢 Already worked in all company sizes possible, from working alone at my own startup to work at the biggest financial insitution from latin america
⚽🎮🏍️ 3 things I enjoy (at the moment)
class Gustavo extends Human {
name: string;
nationality: string;
constructor() {
this.name = "Gustavo Carletto";
this.nationality = ["Brazilian", "Italian"];
languages: Array<string> = [
technologies: {
JavaScript: ["Typescript", "Node.js", "Express", "Adonis", "NestJS", "React", "NextJS, Prisma, TypeORM, Knex"];
GoLang: ["GinGonic", "Fiber", "GORM"];
Python: ["Flask", "SQLAlchemy", "Pytest"];
APIs: ["REST", "GraphQL"];
Databases: ["PosgreSQL", "MySQL", "MongoDB", "DynamoDB"];
Devops: ["Docker", "Kubernetes", "Gitlab", "Terraform", "Pulumi", "Github Actions"]
Events: ["RabbitMQ"];
CloudComputing: ["AWS"];
Other: ["Elasticsearch", "Data Science Basics", "Java and C++ from College"];
Design: ["Bootstrap", "Material-UI", "Figma"];