Unofficial LaTeX package for the required cover page for work at the University of Stuttgart, Computer Science.
This package is a replacement for the old diplomtitel.sty
If you need a full-blown template, head over to An index page of available templates is available at
In case you find uni-stuttgart-cs-cover.sty
outdated, fetch the latest version from
- utf8
- options for all required text on the coverpage
- Download
or - Clone this repository with
git clone
or - Use it as git submodule via
git submodule add uni-stuttgart-cs-cover
An example can be found in thesis.tex.
Just include the package with all options specified:
title={Super relevant evaluation of new blackhole-generation method},
author={Max Musterjunge},
examiner={Prof.\ Dr.\ Hans Mustermann},
supervisor={Otto Normalverbraucher, M.Sc.},
crk={A.1, A.2},
Afterwards you can create the cover using \Coverpage
and get the affirmation text by using \Affirmation
This package supports the following options:
language: Language used for all labels and text.
will use german (default)language=english
will use english
title: Title of work. Should be placed in curly braces:
title={My thesis title}
title={My very long thesis title}
author: Author of work. Should be placed in curly braces. May contain more than one author seperated by commas:
author={Peter Lustig}
author={Peter Lustig, Franz Josef, Vladimir Sixth}
type: Type of work. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
will label your work as Bachelor's Thesistype=master
will label your work as Masters's Thesistype=diplom
will label your work as Diploma Thesistype=study
will label your work as Student Research Projecttype=projectinf
will label your work as Projekt-INFtype={research project}
will label your work as research project
institute: States for which institute you are doing this work. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
will state Institute of Architecture of Application Systemsinstitute=ipvs
will state Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systemsinstitute=fmi
will state Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Scienceinstitute=iste
will state Institute of Software Technologyinstitute=iti
will state Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineeringinstitute=iris
will state Institute of Computer-aided Product Development Systemsinstitute=vis
will state Institute of Visualization and Interactive Systemsinstitute=visus
will state Visualisation Research Center Stuttgartinstitute=sec
will state Institute of Information Securityinstitute=fac
will state Faculty of Computer Scienceinstitute={Custom fictional institute}
will state Custom fictional institute
course: Type of study. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
will state that your course of study is Computer Sciencecourse=se
will state that your course of study is Software Engineeringcourse=mcl
will state that your course of study is Master Computational Linguisticscourse=msv
will state that your course of study is Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitungcourse=bis
will state that your course of study is Business Information Systemscourse=simtech
will state that your course of study is Simulation Technologycourse={New Study course}
will state that your course of study is New Study course
examiner: Your examiner.
examiner={Prof.\ Dr.\ Hans Mustermann}
supervisor: Your supervisor.
supervisor={Otto Normalverbraucher, M.Sc.}
startdate: Startdate of your work.
enddate: Enddate of your work.
crk: CR-Classification codes of your work. May be seperated by commas:
crk={A.1, A.2}
- number: Running number of work. May contain arbitrary text. Should contain the number you got for your work.
will label your work to have number 1234
will set the page after the cover to1
(default false)setCoverPageNumberToMinusOne=true
will set-1
as the page number for the cover page (default false)
Multiline/Commands in option values are currently only supported if you load kvoptions-patch
before the documentclass defintion like this: