A practical guide to the utilization of common Message Passing Interface (MPI) runtimes.
This document is not an introduction to the basics of MPI, rather it consolidates knowledge and practical experience from the usage of specific MPI implementations.
- MPI Component Hierarchy
- ABI Compatibility Initiative
- A Note On Portability
- Open MPI and HPC-X
- Upcoming Topics
- References
This section describes how the different elements of the MPI stack fit together. The following is an example of the MPI component hierarchy found in Intel MPI, however the general stack composition is shared among different MPI implementations:
This layer acts as an interface between the programmer calling MPI functions and the network architecture. It manages peer processes and accommodates lower-level communication models via the data it passes to the network layer.
Modules like CH4 can also provide a fallback communication method such as shared memory. For example, when an MPI application is running on a single machine and calls a function like MPI_Send, the high-level abstraction layer can handle the transfer of data itself using shared memory. If a more complex configuration is in use, such as when using the Libfabric module in a multi-node job, the high-level abstraction layer will hand the data off to the low-level transport layer.
The low-level transport layer acts as a bridge between the MPI application and the communication fabric. It abstracts away the transport and hardware implementation details from the MPI software that runs on top of it and facilitates interfacing with a variety of different hardware drivers.
There are currently two common low-level abstraction layer implementations that can be incorporated within an MPI implementation: OpenFabrics Interfaces (OFI, also referred to as Libfabric) and Unified Communication X (UCX).
Among popular pre-compiled MPI implementations, OFI is currently used within Intel MPI, while UCX is used within NVIDIA’s HPC-X. However, low-level transport layers are not tied to one specific implementation of MPI or another, as it is possible to build open-source versions of MPI such as Open MPI and MPICH using either or both UCX and OFI.
The low-level transport layer provider determines which driver and hardware interface will be used in the MPI communication. This can typically be selected at runtime based on the available hardware. For example, a job might use the TCP OFI provider when running over Ethernet, the PSM2 provider when using Omni-Path, or the MLX provider when using Infiniband.
MPI implementations that maintain ABI compatibility are interchangeable at link and run time. For example, one could link their software to the MPI library provided by Intel MPI, and then run it with the MPICH runtime, or vice-a-versa. The following MPI implementations are ABI compatible:
- Intel® MPI Library
- Cray MPT
- Parastation MPI
It can often be tricky to build an implementation of MPI from scratch that can be easily used on a different system from where it was built. During the configuration process of most open-source MPI implementations, libraries pertaining to the network devices of the given machine will be included. Differences in driver versions at configure and runtime, or even differences in the version of communication library pre-requisites can cause failures at runtime.
While it is certainly not impossible to build a highly portable implementation of MPI, it is worth noting that it can present a significant challenge. It is generally much easier to build an MPI implementation on the same cluster partition where it is intended to be run. If portability is desired while avoiding additional build-time complexity, a precompiled MPI package such as Intel MPI or HPC-X could be worth considering.
MPICH is a highly customizable, open-source, ABI compatible MPI implementation. This section provides an example of the process to configure and build MPICH, as well as useful runtime options and tips.
For the purpose of this exercise, a highly versatile version of MPICH-4.0.2 will be built which contains both of the common low-level transport layers (OFI and UCX), as well as Slurm queueing support. The target machine is running EL 7.8.
Install Slurm and transport provider pre-requisites using the CentOS 7.8 package manager:
yum install verbs slurm slurm-devel rdmacm infinipath-psm infinipath-psm-devel libibverbs libpsm2 libpsm2-devel librdmacm rdma-core-devel fuse3-devel fuse3-libs numactl-devel numactl-libs
An experiment was conducted to build UCX from scratch, however this ultimately resulted in unavailable protocol and transport errors at runtime. The MPICH developers were consulted, and one of them remarked, "UCX often needs to be configured on the compute node to be properly configured." Therefore, it is recommended to use the version of UCX provided by the system's network adapter drivers, for example, MLNX_OFED if using a Mellanox Infiniband adapter.
For more on this topic, please see the note on portability.
Libfabric was acquired using the CentOS 7.8 package manager:
yum install libfabric libfabric-devel
- Download and extract MPICH source
- On the machine used during this exercise, it was necessary to create the following symbolic link for the configure script to find the system's Libfabric:
ln -s /usr/lib64/libpsm_infinipath.so.1.16 /usr/lib64/libpsm_infinipath.so
- Configure and build MPICH:
./configure --prefix=/your/desintation/path --with-libfabric --with-ucx=embedded --with-slurm --enable-shared --with-device=ch4:ofi,ucx
make -j 16 && make install
The following is a list of common options for the day-to-day usage of MPICH:
Displays process binding information. Must be used in conjunction with the mpirun/mpiexec parameter "-bind-to" (e.g. -bind-to core), as process pinning is not enabled by default in MPICH.
Displays the available low-level transport providers
Select one of the OFI providers listed by MPIR_CVAR_DEBUG_SUMMARY
Selects the UCX low-level transport instead of OFI
- UCX_NET_DEVICES=mlx5_0:1
When using UCX, select the Mellanox network adapter. Available adapters can be listed by running "ucx_info -d".
Select the UCX transport. Available transports are listed with "ucx_info -d".
HPC-X is a pre-compiled version of Open MPI distributed by NVIDIA (formerly Mellanox). In addition to Open MPI, HPC-X contains several other packages such as those that enable in-network computing.
Open MPI uses different terminology for the MPI component stack described in the first section of this article.
There is not a precise equivalence between the hierarchy of Intel MPI/MPICH and Open MPI, rather the structure can be more accurately described in terms of a rough equivalence.
The PML (point-to-point layer) in Open MPI can be thought of as the low-level transport layer. This can be controlled with mpirun parameters, for example, adding the following flag selects the UCX PML:
--mca pml ucx
The low-level transport provider is roughly equivalent to the Open MPI BTL (byte transport layer). The following example instructs Open MPI to use TCP and self BTLs exclusively:
--mca btl self,tcp
The following example instructs Open MPI to implicitly select from all available BTLs EXCEPT tcp and self, with the '^' character acting as NOT modifier:
--mca btl ^self,tcp
Available BTLs and PMLs can be listed using the command:
Pinning behavior can be controlled by changing the process pinning unit:
--bind-to {option}
"core" is the default value. "socket" and "none" can also be specified.
When running in a hybrid Open MPI/Open MP context, Open MP threads are restricted to a process pinning unit. Since "core" is the default pinning unit, all Open MP threads spawned by an MPI process will be pinned to the same core as the MPI process. For example, if a job is run with -np 1 and OMP_NUM_THREADS=8, all 8 threads will contend for the same CPU core. By specifying the "none" pinning unit, process pinning will be disabled, and Open MP threads can be scheduled on all CPU cores.
The following flag explicitly allows oversubscription of slots:
OpenMPI also includes a mechanism to detect whether available computing slots are being oversubscribed by automatically querying the host to discover the number of available slots. Alternatively, the "slots=" keyword can be added to a hostfile to explicitly define the number of slots on a given node.
When running oversubscribed, Open MPI runs in "Degraded Performance Mode", which more frequently yeilds CPUs, allowing oversubscribed processes to be scheduled. This mode can be manually activated, bypassing the normal oversubscription detection, by specifying:
--mca mpi_yield_when_idle 1
In the version tested (HPC-X v2.11/Open MPI 4.1.4rc1), the automatic oversubscription detection didn't appear to work as expected, and manually enabling Degraded Performance Mode with the above option was necessary to obtain expected performance.
Process pinning in combination with oversubscription can be enabled with the following combination of options:
--bind-to core:overload-allowed --oversubscribe --mca mpi_yield_when_idle 1
Difficulty was encountered running the standard UCX-equipped Open MPI contained in HPC-X on an OmniPath cluster. For
the purpose of this exercise, the version of Open MPI distributed in HPC-X was rebuilt using Libfabric instead of UCX.
The was done with the following configure parameters:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/destination --disable-ipv6 --with-slurm --with-pmi --with-ofi --with-psm --with-psm2=/path/to/usr/psm2 --with-verbs --without-usnic
On the configuration used in this exercise, it was necesarry to build libnuma as a prerequisite to building the psm2 library.
- A section on Intel MPI
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/mpi-library-2019-over-libfabric.html https://wiki.mpich.org/mpich/index.php/CH4_Overall_Design https://openucx.org/introduction/ https://openucx.readthedocs.io/en/master/faq.html https://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-16-26499 https://developer.nvidia.com/networking/hpc-x https://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#oversubscribing