Bathymetry + Coastline reconciliation on to target grid
This works from coastline bounding curves (via a now-old version of GSHHS) and a bathymetry data file (etopo2) to produce a land mask and a bathymetry on target grids.
- docs contains the original publication and some notes on how to use the codes
- reference contains a couple of reference files (strait definitions and some points of interest)
- working has a working set of codes, makefile, and build script with which to build masks + bathymetries
- .gitmodules includes the reference to the MMABLIB, which is needed by the codes --
Also present, but only retained for historical reference:
- legacy1 -- source/make/scripts that are, more or less, older
- legacy2 -- source/make/scripts that are, more or less, newer and perhaps less stable
The original document is in docs, TN301 from the NOAA/NWS/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center, Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch
Robert Grumbine