An implementation of Google A/B testing in AngularJS
This is largely a wrapper around Google's own Content Experiments Without Redirects.
Make sure to add Google Tag Manager to the page. Which variation you're in gets sent with subsequent page views, so you'll need it for logging. Angularytics is a pretty good implementation to help with Google Analytics.
Grab your experiment id from Google and configure it like so:
// Make sure googleAbTesting module is a dependency of your app.
angular.module('myApp', ['googleAbTesting'])
// Configure the Google experiment id
.config(['googleAbTestingProvider', function(googleAbTestingProvider) {
You can now show/hide content based on which variation a user is in:
<h1 variation="0">Welcome to my personal homepage</h1>
<h1 variation="1">I created a homepage and you're not going to believe what happened next!!</h1>
<h1 variation="2">Free iPod!</h1>
That's all there is to it!