is a collaborative writing game. You connect to the server (via browser, no install needed). The server then quickly matches you with a few fellow players to form a new writing group. All members of the writing group are online now, and start collaborating on writing a new story. The game works in rounds: in each round, players suggest different continuations to the current, ongoing story.
Every player sees in real time what every other player is writing, and can vote on his preferred continuation to the current plot. Once a particular continuation gets enough votes, it gets added to the ongoing story, and the round finishes (round often take around one minute). When a player suggests “The End” of the story, and his suggestions gets enough votes, the game and the story end.
The end result is a collaboratively created story.
- Follow Our Blog for updates
- Current Tasks
- Slack
- A sample story created with
- Give us a ⭐
- - continously deployed from
- git
- Node
- Express web server
- Vue frontend framework
- for realtime communications / websockets
- MongoDB & Mongoose for data access
- Webpack for bundling everything up
- Bootstrap for responsive design
- Babel / ES2016 for modern Javascript
- eslint for quality control
- mocha for testing, Nightmare for web testing
- CircleCI for Continous Integration & Deployment
- Slack for communications
- Medium for blogging
- git pull
- npm install
- npm start
- http://localhost:3000/
- (See also admin screen at http://localhost:3000/admin)
The default setup uses the mongo-in-memory database, which cleans on every code edit. If you want persistant data:
- Install a local MongoDB server
- Create a new local file
module.exports = {
// This overrides dev.secret.config.js
mongoConnectionString: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/groupwrite-dev'
- We're having weekly coding sessions in Tel Aviv, usually on Thursday evening or Friday noonish. You're welcome to join!
- Start by looking at some of our starter tasks, high-priority and medium-priority tasks.
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
For any questions, contact Ron Gross ([email protected], +972-52-6558841)
- Launch Alpha
- Deployed server that anyone can play on
- Produce 3 decent stories
- Each story gets 50 page views
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm start
# build for production with minification
npm run build (TBD: Not currently used)
# run all tests
npm test
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e