- Getting Started
- Introduction to Programming With uCISC
- uCISC Syntax Quick Reference
- Standard Libraries
- Instruction Set Details
The control segment layout is as follows:
- 0x0 - Device ID - read only. Unique system wide.
- 0x1 - Flags (MSB) | Device type (LSB) - read only
- 0x2 to 0xF - Device type specific (see below)
The device ID can be used to uniquely identify a device system wide if it is mapped to more than one processor. This limits systems to 2^16 - 1 unique devices since device 0 is an invalid ID.
- 0x00 - Missing/Invalid
- 0x01 - Processor
- 0x02 - Block memory device
- 0x03 - Block I/O device
- 0x04 - Serial device (including UART)
- 0x05 - Human interface device
- 0x06 - Terminal device
- 0x07 - Raster graphics device
- 0x08 - GPIO device
- 0x09 - I2C device
- 0x0A - SPI device
- 0x08 to 0xFF - TBD
The device flags are mapped to the upper byte of the second device word. The lower device word is the device type.