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Implement an averaged convergence scheme for (L-)ANCopt (#394)
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awvwgk authored Dec 12, 2020
1 parent 4403b4c commit 22df4b8
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Showing 6 changed files with 259 additions and 13 deletions.
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions man/xcontrol.7.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -353,15 +353,13 @@ $opt
maximum coordinate displacement in `ancopt(3)`

*average conv*='bool'::
average the energy and gradient before checking for convergence to accelerate
numerically noisy potential energy surfaces (default: false).

dispersion scaling in ANC generation



model hessian for generation of ANC used in optimization

Expand Down
219 changes: 215 additions & 4 deletions src/optimizer.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,23 @@ module xtb_optimizer
use xtb_type_environment, only : TEnvironment
use xtb_bfgs
use xtb_david2
implicit none

logical,private,parameter :: profile = .true.

type :: convergence_log
integer :: nlog
real(wp), allocatable :: elog(:)
real(wp), allocatable :: glog(:)
procedure :: set_eg_log
procedure :: get_averaged_energy
procedure :: get_averaged_gradient
end type convergence_log
interface convergence_log
module procedure new_convergence_log
end interface convergence_log


subroutine get_optthr(n,olev,ethr,gthr,maxcycle,acc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +114,7 @@ subroutine ancopt(env,ilog,mol,chk,calc, &
use xtb_type_anc
use xtb_type_restart
use xtb_type_calculator
use xtb_type_dummycalc
use xtb_type_data
use xtb_type_timer

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +173,7 @@ subroutine ancopt(env,ilog,mol,chk,calc, &
integer, allocatable :: totsym(:)
real(wp),allocatable :: pmode(:,:)
real(wp),allocatable :: grmsd(:,:)
type(convergence_log), allocatable :: avconv
real(wp) :: U(3,3), x_center(3), y_center(3), rmsdval
integer :: modef
logical :: restart,ex,converged,linear
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +218,18 @@ subroutine ancopt(env,ilog,mol,chk,calc, &
if( maxmicro=maxopt
if (optset%average_conv) then
select type(calc)
class is(TDummyCalculator)
avconv = load_turbomole_log(maxopt)
if (avconv%nlog > 0 .and. pr) then
write(env%unit, '(a, 1x, i0, 1x, a)') &
"Convergence averaging initialized with", avconv%nlog, "entries"
end if
class default
avconv = convergence_log(maxopt)
end select
end if

call axis2(mol%n,mol%at,mol%xyz,aaa,bbb,ccc,dumi,dumj)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,7 +379,7 @@ subroutine ancopt(env,ilog,mol,chk,calc, &
! now everything is prepared for the optimization
call relax(env,iter,molopt,anc,restart,maxmicro,maxdispl,ethr,gthr, &
& iii,chk,calc,egap,acc,et,maxiter,iupdat,etot,g,sigma,ilog,pr,fail, &
& converged,timer,optset%exact_rf)
& converged,timer,optset%exact_rf,avconv)

call env%check(fail)
if (fail) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +454,7 @@ end subroutine ancopt
subroutine relax(env,iter,mol,anc,restart,maxcycle,maxdispl,ethr,gthr, &
& ii,chk,calc, &
& egap,acc_in,et,maxiter,iupdat,etot,g,sigma,ilog,pr,fail,converged, &
& timer,exact)
& timer,exact,avconv)

use xtb_mctc_blas, only : blas_gemv
use xtb_type_molecule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +490,7 @@ subroutine relax(env,iter,mol,anc,restart,maxcycle,maxdispl,ethr,gthr, &
real(wp),intent(inout) :: egap
logical, intent(out) :: converged
logical, intent(in) :: exact
type(convergence_log), intent(inout), optional :: avconv

type(scc_results) :: res
integer :: nvar1,npvar,npvar1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,6 +583,18 @@ subroutine relax(env,iter,mol,anc,restart,maxcycle,maxdispl,ethr,gthr, &

if (present(avconv)) then
call avconv%set_eg_log(energy, gnorm)
energy = avconv%get_averaged_energy()
gnorm = avconv%get_averaged_gradient()
if (pr) then
write(env%unit,'("av. E:",1x,f14.7,1x,"->",1x,f14.7)') &
avconv%elog(avconv%nlog), energy
write(env%unit,'("av. G:",1x,f14.7,1x,"->",1x,f14.7)') &
avconv%glog(avconv%nlog), gnorm
end if
end if

! adapt SCC acuracy
if(gnorm .lt.0.004)then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,7 +1005,7 @@ subroutine modhes(env, calc, modh, natoms, xyz, chg, Hess, pr)

!> Calculation environment
type(TEnvironment), intent(inout) :: env

!> Calculator
class(TCalculator), intent(inout) :: calc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1091,5 +1132,175 @@ subroutine read_hessian(ihess, ndim, hessian, error)
end subroutine read_hessian
end module xtb_optimizer

subroutine geoconvav(nc, e, g, val, deriv)
implicit none
!> total number of E/G points
integer nc
!> total energy in Eh
real*8 e(*)
!> norm of Cartesian gradient (in TM: |dE/dxyz|)
real*8 g(*)
!> av. energy in Eh to be used further
real*8 val
!> av. gradient
real*8 deriv

integer nav, low
integer i, j
parameter (nav=5) ! average over last nav
real*8 eav,gav

! only apply it if sufficient number of points i.e. a "tail" can exist
! with the censo blockl = 8 default, this can first be effective in the second
val = e(nc)
deriv = g(nc)

low = max(1,nc-nav+1)
j = 0
eav = 0
do i=nc,low,-1
j = j + 1
eav = eav + e(i)
gav = gav + g(i)
val = eav / float(j)

low = max(1,nc-nav+1)
j = 0
gav = 0
do i=nc,low,-1
j = j + 1
gav = gav + g(i)
! adjust the gradient norm to xtb "conventions" because e.g. a noisy
! DCOSMO-RS gradient for large cases can never (even on average)
! become lower than the "-opt normal" thresholds
deriv=gav / float(j) / 2.d0
end subroutine geoconvav

pure function new_convergence_log(nmax) result(self)
integer, intent(in) :: nmax
type(convergence_log) :: self
self%nlog = 0
end function new_convergence_log

function load_turbomole_log(nmax) result(self)
use xtb_mctc_resize, only : resize
use xtb_mctc_systools, only : getline
integer, intent(in) :: nmax
type(convergence_log) :: self
integer :: nlog, ilog
real(wp) :: etmp, gtmp
real(wp), allocatable :: elog(:), glog(:)
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
logical :: exist
integer, parameter :: initial_size = 50
integer :: unit, stat
nlog = 0
inquire(file="gradient", exist=exist)
if (exist) then
open(file="gradient", newunit=unit)
allocate(elog(initial_size), glog(initial_size))
call getline(unit, line, stat)
do while(stat == 0)
if (index(line, "cycle") > 0) then
if (tokenize_cycle(line, etmp, gtmp)) then
if (nlog >= size(elog)) then
call resize(elog, size(elog)+size(elog)/2+1)
call resize(glog, size(glog)+size(glog)/2+1)
end if
nlog = nlog + 1
elog(nlog) = etmp
glog(nlog) = gtmp
end if
end if
call getline(unit, line, stat)
end do
end if
self = convergence_log(nmax + nlog)
do ilog = 1, nlog
call self%set_eg_log(elog(ilog), glog(ilog))
end do
end function load_turbomole_log

function tokenize_cycle(line, e, g) result(stat)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
real(wp), intent(out) :: e
real(wp), intent(out) :: g
logical :: stat
integer :: stat1, stat2
read(line(33:51), *, iostat=stat1) e
read(line(66:), *, iostat=stat2) g
stat = stat1 == 0 .and. stat2 == 0
end function tokenize_cycle

pure function get_averaged_energy(self) result(val)
class(convergence_log), intent(in) :: self
real(wp) :: eav, val
integer :: i, j, low
integer, parameter :: nav = 5

! only apply it if sufficient number of points i.e. a "tail" can exist
! with the censo blockl = 8 default, this can first be effective in the second
val = self%elog(self%nlog)
low = max(1, self%nlog-nav+1)
j = 0
eav = 0
do i = self%nlog, low, -1
j = j + 1
eav = eav + self%elog(i)
val = eav / float(j)
end if

end function get_averaged_energy

pure function get_averaged_gradient(self) result(deriv)
class(convergence_log), intent(in) :: self
real(wp) :: gav, deriv
integer :: i, j, low
integer, parameter :: nav = 5

! only apply it if sufficient number of points i.e. a "tail" can exist
! with the censo blockl = 8 default, this can first be effective in the second
if(*nav) then
deriv = self%glog(self%nlog)
low = max(1, self%nlog-nav+1)
j = 0
gav = 0
do i = self%nlog, low, -1
j = j + 1
gav = gav + self%glog(i)
! adjust the gradient norm to xtb "conventions" because e.g. a noisy
! DCOSMO-RS gradient for large cases can never (even on average)
! become lower than the "-opt normal" thresholds
deriv = gav / float(j) / 2.d0
end if

end function get_averaged_gradient

pure subroutine set_eg_log(self, e, g)
use xtb_mctc_resize, only : resize
class(convergence_log), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: e, g
if (self%nlog >= size(self%elog)) then
call resize(self%elog, size(self%elog)+size(self%elog)/2+1)
call resize(self%glog, size(self%glog)+size(self%glog)/2+1)
end if
self%nlog = self%nlog + 1
self%elog(self%nlog) = e
self%glog(self%nlog) = g
end subroutine set_eg_log

end module xtb_optimizer

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