Some things I've written to solve problems or satisfy curiosity
An assignement in my drug literature class required us to graph kaplan meier curves for two groups of patients. I did it in python using the lifelines library. I just manually removed the "censored" (lost to follow up) patients because I didn't have time to handle them in the graph.
Same as below, except it just runs for 100,000 iterations and outputs a graph. Oh and the loop runs about 11x faster.
I was waiting in line at the secretary of state. The staff call out the last 4 digits of your phone number when it is your turn. There are currently 40 people in line. What is the probability that, when a number is called, two or more people will have the same number? Assuming that each number has an equal probability. This runs a monte carlo simulation because I am lazy and my computer is not.
A script that I wrote to find everyone in my PharmD class's school ID from my university's directory. Works pretty good, except for the people who haven't updated their program designation to say "Doctor of Pharmacy" also it accidentally grabs the people's names from other class years that, unfortuitously, [1] Return as a hit from the search AND [2] Also happen to be in to be in the pharmacy program.
A StackOverflow answer I wrote to solve a problem of clustering and segmenting groups of bunched cell nuclei
Terminal/cmd file encryptor (AES)
This is just a toy/ thing I was messing with
Python 3 PyCrypto
Simply run in the command prompt/terminal and follow instructions
Use E to encrypt, D to decrypt. Make sure to type the complete file path. However, if the file to be encrypted is in the same folder as, it is only necessary to type the filename.
Returns heads or tails with equal probability when the function is called
Runs a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the probability that at least one of your children will be a girl. The function accepts number of simulation runs and the number of children you plan on having.
Basically, it validates 1 - (Pr * n)
A thing that sort of decodes messages where each word is reversed and spaces are removed.
Sort of esoteric, and only works on linux only since it requires /usr/share/dict/words
for a dictionary, though I suppose you could substitute your own.
A crummy implementation of bubblesort, for the fun of it! Generates a series of numbers, shuffles them, then sorts back into the original order using a homemade implementation of bubble sort.
I was learning some pharmacokinetics in lecture and I wanted to graph some stuff in matplotlib to better visualize zero-order (ZO) metabolism vs first-order (FO). Because Python!!!