POC Tester is a tool to prepare, run and get results of distributed tests which simulate some user-alike production scenario in an Apache Ignite or GridGain cluster.
- Tasks are written in Java and uses public API of Apache Ignite or GridGain to implement the test logic.
- Tasks are configured via Java property files.
- Simple shell scripts are used to prepare, deploy and run a test scenario.
- As an alternative, scripts in Python + YAML files are used to store steps of a test scenario along with scenario parameters and to run the scenario.
- GNU/Linux. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7.
- Oracle JDK 8 or newer, OpenJDK 8 or newer.
- Python 3.5 or newer for AutoPOC scripts.
- SSH access with key-based authentication to hosts used in a test scenario.
- Maven 3.5.x or newer. Tested with Maven 3.5.2.
POC Tester uses Maven as a build tool and for dependency management. Uses Apache Ignite + GridGain PE/CE libs of a
version under test as dependencies. Set Apache Ignite or GridGain version either in pom.xml or by passing the
command-line parameter.
To get a POC Tester build artifact, first one need to cd
to the directory with local copy of the repository and then
run Maven to build a POC Tester artifact. E.g.:
$ cd /home/john_doe/poc-tester
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dignite.version=2.5.10
The artifact will be stored in target/assembly
directory of the local repository.
Main development branches correspond to GG "baselines":
- master -- GG 8.8.x and later
- ignite-2.5-master -- GG 8.5.x
- ignite-2.7-master -- GG 8.7.1, 8.7.2
- gridgain-8.7-master -- GG 8.7.x
There are two ways to run some scenario. The traditional way is to start several shell scripts one by one. Shell scripts are used to prepare common parameters for test scenario, deploy the prepared POC Tester artifact, start server and client nodes.
Another way is AutoPOC scripts. They are essentially a front-end to the shell scripts.
Shell scripts are located in the bin directory.
The shell script below will start a scenario which performs classical task of transferring money between accounts stored in key-value caches using transactional API of Apache Ignite / GridGain.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This shell script will start a scenario which performs classical task of transferring money between accounts
# stored in key-value caches using transactional API of Apache Ignite / GridGain.
cd ${POC_HOME}/target/assembly
# Prepare the POC Tester artifact and properties file with common parameters
bin/prepare.sh \
--serverHosts "" --clientHosts "" \
--remoteWorkDir "${POC_HOME}/var" --walPath "${POC_HOME}/var/poc-wal" \
--walArch "${POC_HOME}/var/poc-wal-arch" \
--snapshotPath "${POC_HOME}/var/snapshot" \
--definedJavaHome /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle \
--backups "2" \
--importedBaseCfg "config/cluster/caches/caches-base.xml" \
--serverCfg "config/cluster/inmemory-remote-server-config.xml" \
--clientCfg "config/cluster/inmemory-remote-client-config.xml" \
--dataRegionNames "inMemoryConfiguration" \
--user john_doe \
--keyPath /home/john_doe/.ssh/id_rsa
# Kill running POC Tester processes on given hosts
# Clean files in the remote work directory
bin/include/clean.sh --cleanAll
# Deploy prepared
# Start server nodes on serverHosts
# Start clients to preload test data
bin/start-clients.sh --taskProperties config/load.properties
# Wait for preloading to complete
bin/include/wait-for-lock.sh --lockName loadlock
# Periodically calculate sums of balances across all accounts (the invariant check)
bin/start-clients.sh --taskProperties config/transfer/check-affinity.properties
bin/start-clients.sh --taskProperties config/transfer/tx-balance.properties
bin/start-clients.sh --taskProperties config/restart.properties
The AutoPOC scripts are written in Python and uses YAML files to store test scenario steps along with parameters of the test tasks.
It is used to store scenarios in a more readable fashion and to remove the need to manually edit every property file of a task.
AutoPOC's logic is this simple: read a scenario file, prepare .properties
for test tasks, run shell scripts mentioned in the scenario.
AutoPOC is located in utils/autopoc. YAML files are located in utils/autopoc/res.
The same "Transfer" scenario as above will look like this in AutoPOC's format:
- res/params.yaml
- res/cluster/params_mode_inmem.yaml
- prepare
- kill
- clean
- deploy
- dstat_start
- start_servers
- load_task
- wait_for_lock
- check_affinity_task
- tx_balance_task
- restart_task
- kill
- dstat_stop
Scenario parameters (a fragment of utils/autopoc/res/params.yaml)
script: "bin/prepare.sh"
remoteWorkDir: /home/john_doe/poc-tester/var
definedJavaHome: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
user: john_doe
keyPath: /home/john_doe/.ssh/id_rsa
walPath: /home/john_doe/poc-tester/var/poc-wal
walArch: /home/john_doe/poc-tester/var/poc-wal-arch
snapshotPath: /home/john_doe/poc-tester/var/snapshot
importedBaseCfg: config/cluster/caches/caches-1000.xml
source: clientHosts
nodes: 3
script: "bin/start-clients.sh"
taskProperties: config/transfer/tx-balance.properties
MAIN_CLASS: TxBalanceTask
waitForFlags: pauseTX
# dataRange: *# dataRange
cacheNamePrefix: cachepoc
txConcurrency: PESSIMISTIC
# cacheRange: *# cacheRange
reportInterval: 10
# Duration of task
# timeToWork: *# timeToWork
threads: 8
txLen: 2
# In mixed mode, transfer operations will be done only between PART_A and PART_B caches,
# but neither PART_A-to-PART-A nor PART_B-to-PART_B. Use appropriate server and client XML configs!
# mixedMode: true
# Colon-separated ranges of probabilities for different transaction types:
# 1 - Simple get() and put() transactions.
# 2 - getAll() and putAll() transactions.
# 3 - removeAll() and putAll() transactions.
probRange: "40:30:30"
# If putGetTxLenProbs=1:1:5:10, then transactions length distribution will be as follows:
# length=1 will get 50% probability, length=5 - 25%, length=10 - 25%.
# Colon-separated transactions length probabilities for get() and put() transactions.
putGetTxLenProbs: "5:5:5:10:10"
# Colon-separated transactions length probabilities for getAll() and putAll() transactions.
putAllTxLenProbs: "7:7:12:12"
# Colon-separated transactions length probabilities for removeAll() and putAll() transactions.
removeTxProbs: "3:5:7:9"
To run the Transfer scenario using AutoPOC:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ${POC_HOME}/target/assembly/utils/autopoc
python3 ./start.py \
-server_hosts -client_hosts \
-scenario_yaml res/scenario_transfer.yaml
Most clients have the timeToWork
property. When the timeToWork
interval elapses, the task will stop.
When all tasks finish, AutoPOC will call the teardown
section where all nodes are stopped.
There is no such option with traditional scripts.
To stop (kill) remote nodes manually, one can call the bin/kill.sh from target/assembly
All scripts should be started on local node from the target/assembly
Log files from remote hosts can be obtained with bin/collect.sh. Result: log-XXX
directory is created.
Many tasks collect statistics (throughput, state number, etc). These statistics can be converted to charts. The script: bin/include/simple-chart.sh. Also this script will unpack any gzipped log files.
Results are analysed manually to make a PASS/FAIL verdict. One should search for any errors or exceptions.
To make a summary of interesting events on cluster nodes, run bin/include/log-analyzer.sh.
The log-XXX/analyzed-logs-XXX
directory with summary info from all log files will be created.
To configure which lines to filter, edit config/log-analyzer-cfg/log-analyzer-context.yaml.