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Merge pull request #1063 from gridap/aposteriori-estimators
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Aposteriori estimators
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JordiManyer authored Dec 9, 2024
2 parents 2c5e688 + bcfba31 commit 3b87738
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Showing 7 changed files with 363 additions and 31 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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## [Unreleased]

### Added

- Added AMR-related methods `mark` and `estimate` to `Adaptivity` module. Implemented Dorfler marking strategy. Since PR[#1063](

## [0.18.8] - 2024-12-2

### Added
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ The API is given by the following methods:

## Adaptive Mesh Refinement

One of the main uses of mesh refinement is Adaptive Mesh Refinement, where the mesh is refined only in regions of interest.

The typical AMR workflow is the so-called `solve-estimate-mark-refine` loop. Since estimators will generally be problem-dependent, we only aim to provide some generic tools that can be combined by the user:


## Notes for users

Most of the tools provided by this module are showcased in the tests of the module itself, as well as the following tutorial (coming soon).
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188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions src/Adaptivity/AdaptiveMeshRefinement.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@

# Marking strategies

struct DorflerMarking
θ :: Float64
ν :: Float64
strategy :: Symbol
DorflerMarking(θ::Float64; ν::Float64 = 0.5, strategy::Symbol = :quickmark)
Implements the Dorfler marking strategy. Given a vector `η` of real positive numbers,
the marking strategy find a subset of indices `I` such that
sum(η[I]) > θ * sum(η)
where `0 < θ < 1` is a threshold parameter.
For more details, see the following reference:
"Dörfler marking with minimal cardinality is a linear complexity problem", Pfeiler et al. (2020)
The marking algorithm is controlled by the `strategy` parameter, which can take
the following values:
- `:sort`: Optimal cardinality, O(N log N) complexity. See Algorithm 2 in the reference.
- `:binsort`: Quasi-optimal cardinality, O(N) complexity. See Algorithm 7 in the reference.
- `:quickmark`: Optimal cardinality, O(N) complexity. See Algorithm 10 in the reference.
# Arguments
- `θ::Float64`: The threshold parameter. Between 0 and 1.
- `ν::Float64`: Extra parameter for `:binsort`. Default is 0.5.
- `strategy::Symbol`: The marking strategy. Default is `:quickmark`.
# Usage
η = abs.(randn(1000))
m = DorflerMarking(0.5)
I = mark(m,η)
struct DorflerMarking
θ :: Float64
ν :: Float64
strategy :: Symbol
function DorflerMarking(
ν::Float64 = 0.5,
strategy::Symbol = :quickmark
@assert 0 < θ < 1
@assert strategy (:sort,:binsort,:quickmark) "Strategy not recognized. Available values are (:sort)"

mark(m::DorflerMarking, η::Vector{<:Real}) -> Vector{Int}
Given a vector `η` of real positive numbers, returns a subset of indices `I` such that
satisfying the Dorfler marking condition.
mark(m::DorflerMarking, η::Vector{<:Real}) = mark(Val(m.strategy), m, η)

function mark(::Val{:sort}, m::DorflerMarking, η::Vector{<:Real})
target = m.θ * sum(η)
perm = sortperm(η, rev=true, alg=QuickSort)
s = zero(eltype(η))
k = 0
while s < target
k += 1
s += η[perm[k]]
return perm[1:k]

function mark(::Val{:binsort}, m::DorflerMarking, η::Vector{<:Real})
target = m.θ * sum(η)
M = maximum(η)
N = length(η)

# Find minimal K such that
# νᴷ⁺¹ M ≤ (1 - θ) / (θ * N) * target
K = 0
a = M*m.ν
b = (1 - m.θ) / (m.θ * N * M) * target
while a > b
K += 1
a *= m.ν

# Sort into bins Bk such that ηi ∈ Bk if
# νᴷ⁺¹ M ≤ ηi < νᴷ M
bins = zeros(Int,N)
sums = zeros(Float64,K+1)
lbs = zeros(Float64,K+1)
lbs[1] = M * m.ν
for i in 2:K
lbs[i] = lbs[i-1] * m.ν
lbs[end] = 0.0

for (i,ηi) in enumerate(η)
k = 1
while ηi < lbs[k]
k += 1
bins[i] = k
sums[k] += ηi

# Find minimal set of bins that gets over target
k = 0
s = 0.0
while s < target
k += 1
s += sums[k]

return findall(i -> i <= k, bins)

function mark(::Val{:quickmark}, m::DorflerMarking, η::Vector{<:Real})
function quickmark!(η, perm, l, u, target) :: Int
m = (u - l) ÷ 2
sort!(view(perm,l:u), by=i->η[i], rev=true, alg=PartialQuickSort(m))

p = l + m
t = η[perm[p]]
σ = sum(η[perm[l:p-1]])

>= target) && return quickmark!(η, perm, l, p, target)
+ t >= target) && return p
return quickmark!(η, perm, p + 1, u, target - σ - t)

N = length(η)
l, u = 1, N
perm = collect(1:N)
target = m.θ * sum(η)
m = quickmark!(η, perm, l, u, target)
return perm[1:m]

# Estimators

estimate(f::Function, uh::Function) -> Vector{Float64}
Given a functional `f` and a function `uh`, such that `f(uh)` produces a
scalar-valued `DomainContribution`, collects the estimator values for
each cell in the background model.
function estimate(f::Function, uh)

function collect_estimator(c::DomainContribution)
trians = get_domains(c)
bgmodel = get_background_model(first(trians))
msg = "Estimator not implemented for mixed background models"
@notimplementedif !all([bgmodel == get_background_model(trian) for trian in trians]) msg

Dc = num_cell_dims(bgmodel)
η = zeros(Float64,num_cells(bgmodel))
for trian in trians
glue = get_glue(trian,Val(Dc))

return η

function collect_estimator!(η, glue::FaceToFaceGlue, c)
cache = array_cache(c)
for (face,bgcell) in enumerate(glue.tface_to_mface)
η[bgcell] += getindex!(cache,c,face)

function collect_estimator!(η, glue::SkeletonPair, c)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Adaptivity/Adaptivity.jl
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export AdaptedTriangulation
export Triangulation, is_change_possible, best_target, get_adapted_model
export change_domain, move_contributions

export DorflerMarking, mark, estimate

Expand All @@ -51,5 +53,6 @@ include("MacroFEs.jl")

end # module
69 changes: 38 additions & 31 deletions src/Adaptivity/EdgeBasedRefinement.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ function refine_edge_based_topology(
c2n_map_new = get_refined_cell_to_vertex_map(topo,rrules,faces_list)
polys_new, cell_type_new = _get_cell_polytopes(rrules)
orientation = NonOriented()

return UnstructuredGridTopology(coords_new,c2n_map_new,cell_type_new,polys_new,orientation)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,17 +108,28 @@ The new vertices are ordered by parent dimension and face id (in that order).
function get_new_coordinates_from_faces(p::Union{Polytope{D},GridTopology{D}},faces_list::Tuple) where {D}
@check length(faces_list) == D+1

nN_new = sum(x->length(x),faces_list)
nN_new = sum(length,faces_list)
coords_old = get_vertex_coordinates(p)
coords_new = Vector{eltype(coords_old)}(undef,nN_new)

n = 1
for (d,dfaces) in enumerate(faces_list)
if length(dfaces) > 0
nf = length(dfaces)
d2n_map = get_faces(p,d-1,0)
coords_new[n:n+nf-1] .= map(f -> sum(coords_old[d2n_map[f]])/length(d2n_map[f]), dfaces)
n += nf
# Nodes
if !isempty(faces_list[1])
for node in faces_list[1]
coords_new[n] = coords_old[node]
n += 1
# Faces (d > 0)
for (d,dfaces) in enumerate(faces_list[2:end])
if !isempty(dfaces)
d2n_map = get_faces(p,d,0)
cache = array_cache(d2n_map)
for face in dfaces
face_nodes = getindex!(cache,d2n_map,face)
coords_new[n] = sum(coords_old[face_nodes])/length(face_nodes)
n += 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,12 +265,13 @@ function setup_edge_based_rrules(method::NVBRefinement, topo::UnstructuredGridTo
setup_edge_based_rrules(method, topo, collect(1:num_faces(topo,Dc)))

function setup_edge_based_rrules(method::NVBRefinement, topo::UnstructuredGridTopology{Dc},cells_to_refine::AbstractArray{<:Integer}) where Dc
function setup_edge_based_rrules(
method::NVBRefinement, topo::UnstructuredGridTopology{Dc}, cells_to_refine::AbstractArray{<:Integer}
) where Dc
nE = num_faces(topo,1)
c2e_map = get_faces(topo,Dc,1)
c2e_map_cache = array_cache(c2e_map)
e2c_map = get_faces(topo,1,Dc)
polys = topo.polytopes
c2e_map = get_faces(topo,Dc,1)
e2c_map = get_faces(topo,1,Dc)
polys = topo.polytopes
cell_types = topo.cell_type
cell_color = copy(cell_types) # WHITE
# Hardcoded for TRI
Expand All @@ -274,43 +285,39 @@ function setup_edge_based_rrules(method::NVBRefinement, topo::UnstructuredGridTo
c_to_longest_edge_lid = method.cell_to_longest_edge_lid
is_refined = falses(nE)
# Loop over cells and mark edges to refine i.e. is_refined
# The reason to not loop directly on c is that we need to change c within
# a given iteration of the for loop
for i in 1:length(cells_to_refine)
c = cells_to_refine[i]
e_longest = c_to_longest_edge_gid[c]
for i in eachindex(cells_to_refine)
# Has to terminate because an edge is marked each iteration or we skip an
# iteration due to a boundary cell
while !is_refined[e_longest]
is_refined[e_longest] = true
c_nbor_lid = findfirst(c′ -> c′ != c, e2c_map[e_longest])
if isnothing(c_nbor_lid) # We've reach the boundary
c = cells_to_refine[i]
e = c_to_longest_edge_gid[c]
while !is_refined[e]
is_refined[e] = true
e_cells = view(e2c_map,e)
if length(e_cells) == 1 # We've reach the boundary
# Get the longest edge of the neighbor
c_nbor_gid = e2c_map[e_longest][c_nbor_lid]
e_longest = c_to_longest_edge_gid[c_nbor_gid]
# Set the current cell gid to that of the neighbor
c = c_nbor_gid
# Propagate to neighboring cell
c = ifelse(e_cells[1] == c, e_cells[2], e_cells[1])
e = c_to_longest_edge_gid[c]
# Loop over cells and refine based on marked edges
for c in 1:length(c2e_map)
c_edges = getindex!(c2e_map_cache, c2e_map, c)
c_edges = view(c2e_map,c)
refined_edge_lids = findall(is_refined[c_edges])
# GREEN refinement because only one edge should be bisected
if length(refined_edge_lids) == 1
# GREEN refinement because only one edge should be bisected
ref_edge = refined_edge_lids[1]
cell_color[c] = GREEN + Int8(ref_edge-1)
# BLUE refinement: two bisected
elseif length(refined_edge_lids) == 2
# BLUE refinement: two bisected
long_ref_edge_lid = c_to_longest_edge_lid[c]
short_ref_edge_lid = setdiff(refined_edge_lids, long_ref_edge_lid)[1]
blue_idx = BLUE_dict[(long_ref_edge_lid, short_ref_edge_lid)]
cell_color[c] = BLUE + Int8(blue_idx - 1)
# DOUBLE BLUE refinement: three bisected edges (somewhat rare)
elseif length(refined_edge_lids) == 3
# DOUBLE BLUE refinement: three bisected edges (somewhat rare)
long_ref_edge_lid = c_to_longest_edge_lid[c]
cell_color[c] = BLUE_DOUBLE + Int(long_ref_edge_lid - 1)
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