this is Octopass, a hardware & software project that lets people attending the Recurse Center to sign in using their door fob.
this is the software/web/UI/front+back-end/oauth-y counterpart of the project. the hardware code repo is here.
- assuming a 'normal' python/venv setup i.e.:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver
- copy
and fill out the appropriate values - create a local superuser using our own
python create_oauth_superuser <email> <username> <password>
- this is necessary instead of the usual
python createsuperuser
because ourUser
model includes oauth & rfid card infos that "regular" django superusers wouldn't have by default...!
- this is necessary instead of the usual
- check for more specific oauth/domain setup details!!
- the main server is deployed / hosted on (ask greg for access)
- audio files are hosted on aws s3 (ditto -- ask greg)
- add check if superuser with no token (i.e. admin user...) and don't error 500...
- Make sure that generated random color fruit is unique across last hour!
- add unenroll advanced option on index page - GET page to see what it entails, POST to do it; delete user object, logout, redirect to index
- render:
- connect papertrail
- rename this project/repo/deployment/render domain/oauth dev&prod apps to octopass
- probs just redeploy on render after name change here to simplify things
- gregsadetsky/recurse-rfid-visits#13
- Add way of saying what will be working on through mic on octopass -- speech recognition
- fwup nick re hosting on RC heroku
- better copy for 'view all community sounds'..?
- fwup nick re ipad sign in repo? and make it websocket’y or poll more often?
- this web backend is powered by minimalish django starter
- this project was made by 1