This 'SOLIDserverRest' allows to easily interact with SOLIDserver's REST API. It allows managing all IPAM objects through CRUD operations.
- Free software: BSD2 License
This 'SOLIDserverRest' is compatible with SOLIDserver version 6.0.1P3 and higher.
Install 'SOLIDserverRest' using pip in your virtualenv:
pip install SOLIDserverRest
- Declare endpoint API point Set the API endpoint you want to talk with through API. Could use an IP address (v4 or v6) or a host name
- host = IP address of the SOLIDserver server
con = SOLIDserverRest("")
- Specify connection method Only native connection is supported for this version, using SDS default method and providing authentication through headers in the requests with information encoded in base64
- user = user who want to use
- password = password of the user
con.use_native_sds(user="apiuser", password="apipwd")
- Request to SOLIDserver API
You need parameters:
- method = choose your method in the list below
- parameters = Python dico with parameters you want to use
- ssl_verify = this option permits to check your server SSL certificate. To check the certificate, you must set ssl_verify=True
rest_answer = con.query("method", "parameters", ssl_verify=True)
- Analyze answer
- rest_answer => object name
- rest_answer.status_code => current http answer code set in the object
- rest_answer.content => Answer core from SOLIDserver API set in the object
Methods are organized to match the ontology used in SOLIDServer, you will find:
- Sites - address spaces
- Subnets (v4 and v6)
- Pools (v4 and v6)
- Addresses (v4 and v6)
- Aliases (v4 and v6)
More information about supported methods in the specific document
- ip (IPAM - IP Address Management)
- dns (DNS - RR Management)
- app (Application Acces - GSLB Management)