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gregjacobs edited this page Nov 19, 2014 · 9 revisions

Older Releases:


  • Fixed an issue with nested tags within an existing <a> tag, where the nested tags' inner text would be accidentally removed from the output (thanks @mjsabin01)


  • Added a patch to attempt to better handle extraneous </a> tags in the input string if any exist. This is for when the input may have some invalid markup (for instance, on sites which allow user comments, blog posts, etc.).


  • Added better support for the processing of existing HTML in the input string. Now handles namespaced tags, and attribute names with dashes or any other Unicode character (thanks @aziraphale)


  • Added className option for easily styling produced links (thanks @busticated)
  • Refactored into a JS class. Autolinker can now be instantiated using:
var autolinker = new Autolinker( { newWindow: false, truncate: 25 } ); "Check out" );
// Produces: "Check out <a href=""></a>"

This allows options to be set on a single instance, and used throughout a codebase by injecting the autolinker instance as a dependency to the modules/classes that use it. (Note: Autolinker may still be used with the static method as was previously available as well.)


  • Changed build system to Grunt.
  • Added AMD and CommonJS module loading support (ex: RequireJS, and Node.js's module loader).
  • Added command line Jasmine test runner (grunt test)
  • Upgraded Jasmine from 1.3.1 to 2.0
  • Added license header to dist files.

(Thanks to @busticated!)


  • Added LICENSE file to repository.


  • Added options for granular control of which types are linked (urls, email addresses, and/or twitter handles). (thanks @aziraphale)


  • Simplified the path / query string / hash processing into a single regular expression instead of 3 separate ones.
  • Added support for parenthesis in URLs, such as: (thanks @dandv)
  • Add all known top-level domains (TLDs) (thanks @wouter0100)


Merged pull requests from @afeld:

  • strip protocol and 'www.' by default - fixes #1
  • truncate URLs from the end
  • make simpler regex for detecting prefix
  • remove trailing slashes from URLs, and handle periods at the end of paths
  • re-use domain+TLD regexes for email matching
  • add .me and .io to list of TLDs

Thanks Aidan :)


  • Fixed an issue with handling nested HTML tags within anchor tags.


  • Implemented the truncate option.


  • Implemented autolinking Twitter handles.


  • Initial implementation, which autolinks URLs and email addresses. Working on linking Twitter handles.