Smart irrigation is needed to save water, staff and costs. This project is the user-interface for Green Ecolution. For Backend please refer to Green Ecolution Frontend The user-interface allows users to connect to the backend and interact with it's database. Interactions are possible with:
- trees
- tree clusters
- flower beds
- sensors
While the project is created in collaboration with the local green space management (TBZ Flensburg) this software aims to be applicable for other cities.
This project makes use of React working in Vite with HMR and .ESLint rules. For further information refer to React + TypeScript + Vite
This project also uses Git-Flow. The main branch stores the official release history while the develop branch serves as an integration branch for features and fixes. For further information refer to Gitflow workflow
- node JavaScript runtime environment
- yarn Dependency management for JavaScript
- fnm Fast and simple Node.js version manager
fnm is used download node and npm to install yarn.
Download node
fnm use
Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
Download dependencies
Build and start backend-client
yarn generate:local
yarn rebuild
yarn dev
If you not want use the deployed backend the environment variable VITE_BACKEND_BASEURL needs to be changed.
VITE_BACKEND_BASEURL=/api-dev yarn dev
If you want to contribute to the project please follow this guideline:
- Fork the project.
- Create a topic branch from develop.
- Make some commits to improve the project.
- Push this branch to your GitHub project.
- Open a Pull Request on GitHub.
- Discuss, and optionally continue committing.
- The project owner merges or closes the Pull Request.
Please refer to naming conventions for branches Medium Article.