Releases: green-coding-solutions/eco-ci-energy-estimation
v2.1 Github PR Issue Comments
Added the ability for Eco-CI to post a comment on Github pull requests with the energy results.
The workflow must be triggered by a PR, and you must call the display-results task with a new optional flag, pr-comment: True
Eco-CI will now also detect if your machine has a suitable python version available on it, and installs python3.10 if it does not.
v1.4 CPU & Commit-Hash & Duration added incl. a guard clause
Eco-CI now keeps track of the CPU, the duration and the commit hash of the pipeline you are running.
It will display this in the table, but also on if you want to send it.
What's Changed
- Testing by @dan-mm in #21
- added timer to measurement steps; send duration time; fixed formattin… by @dan-mm in #22
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4
v1.3.1 Test update release
Just some minor test fixes and introducing v1 as the standard release tag for the current API spec.
Full Changelog: v1.3...v1
v1.3 QoL and Feature Release
The main action is unchanged, but we squashed some bugs, made a nicer table view and had some lovely contributions for JSON display, Readme Fixes, Tests, optional flags and much more!
Big thx to @rajbos and @jreimone ❤️
What's Changed
- Convert to API url from environment so it can work inside of GHES as well by @rajbos in #12
- Add test workflow to test the action on changes by @rajbos in #11
- feat(#7): add output to gha for retrieving measured data for total and for every lap as json by @jreimone in #15
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3
- Model now respects CPU info
- venv is now used
- Cache key was not specific enough