Releases: green-coding-solutions/eco-ci-energy-estimation
Gitlab Integration
Eco-CI is now available for Gitlab pipelines. Instructions on how to use with Gitlab projects can be found in the readme.
Improved front end here:
- Corrected RAM values for the XGBoost Model (they did not account for vhost ratio). If you notice different (likely higher) energy values from your pipelines than what you had before, this is likely the reason why. They should be more accurate now.
- Correctly reset venv for python projects in pipelines when running XGBoost model, if such a virtual environment was present.
New Features
- added support for Intel Core i9-9880H (thanks @nstruharova !)
- if vhost-ratio is not set, model will run without this input parameter
- changed references from green-coding-berlin -> green-coding-solutions
Updated references from to
All references and endpoints have been updated from .berlin -> .io
Configurable github api + better PR formatting
you can now set a custom api url, for all github enterprise users. By default, this is set to '', but you can set it to something different for github api calls
cleaner looking formatting in minimized comments in PR's
New Github CPU
Github has introduced a new CPU to their VM's - the AMD EPYC 7763. Eco-CI now detects this cpu and can give estimation based on its specs
Collapsible Comments
- Visual Clarity QOL: When Eco-CI posts comments on a PR thread with the newest on-push energy reading, it will now edit and collapse old comments in the thread so that only the newest energy reading is displayed.
Guard Clause Bugfix
- Fixed guard clause in case one calls display-results without a make-measurement first
Minor Improvements
- Workflow names will now be sent to Eco-CI front-end
- if send-data is false, no api calls will be made to get the workflow-id, as its not needed
v2.2 - sending CPU utilization stat to Eco-CI front end
Eco-CI will now also send the average cpu utilization stat to our front end view, which has been updated with a more in-depth stats table so you can analyze your pipeline runs :-)
Revised view for PR comments
Minor update - changed the view on the PR comments to match the github step summary view, and include the energy graph.