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This addon allows you to use the popular Chosen jQuery plugin in your ember-cli application.

ember-cli-chosen works with ember-cli version '0.1.5' or later

Always view the latest readme via Github!

View Demo


ember install:addon ember-cli-chosen

Build Options

There are two different build options you can supply to customize what Chosen files are included in your build.


By default, ember-cli-chosen will provide the version of Chosen that includes jQuery (chosen.jquery.js). To use the version of Chosen without jQuery, specify false for the jQuery property.

var EmberApp = new EmberApp({
  'ember-cli-chosen': {
    'jQuery': false

Chosen CSS

By default, ember-cli-chosen will include Chosen's CSS (as well as its sprites) in the build.

To prevent Chosen's CSS from being included in the build, specify false for the importChosenCSS property.'

NOTE: Specifying false for the importChosenCSS property will also cause the Chosen sprites to be removed from the build.

var EmberApp = new EmberApp({
  'ember-cli-chosen': {
    'importChosenCSS': false



In a template, render the component via ember-chosen:

  <option value="1">Tom Dale</option>
  <option value="2">Yehuda Katz</option>


ember-cli-chosen allows you to specify values for all of the available options that Chosen exposes.

All of the options below are watched for changes. If a change occurs, Chosen is re-initialized with the updated options.


The number of options at which the search functionality should be disabled.

{{#ember-chosen disableSearchThreshold=10}}


Right-to-left mode. This will add the chosen-rtl class to the select input.

{{#ember-chosen isRtl=true}}


Set the maximum allowed number of selected options.

{{#ember-chosen maxSelectedOptions=5}}


Allows multiple selections.

{{#ember-chosen multiple=true}}


The text to be displayed when no results are available as a result of a search.

{{#ember-chosen noResultsText="Sorry, nothing to display!"}}


The placeholder for your Chosen input. This will set the data-placeholder attribute.

NOTE: For prompt to be displayed for single item select inputs, you must provide an empty <option> as the first option for your input

{{#ember-chosen prompt="Select one..."}}


Sets the width of the input.

Default: "100%"


ember-cli-chosen supports the following actions:


The action fired when the user updates their selection. For multiple select inputs, this includes selection AND deselection.

Note: For multiple selects, the parameter passed to your action is an array of the currently selected items.

{{#ember-chosen selectionDidChange="onSelectionChanged"}}
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  // Controller implementation
  actions: {
    onSelectionChanged: function(selectedValue) {
      // selectedValue will be a single value for single selects
      // and an Array for multiple selects
      console.log('User selected:', selectedValue);


The action fired when maxSelectedOptions has been set and the user tries to select an additional value after maxSelectedOptions has been met.

{{#ember-chosen multiple=true maxSelectedOptions=5 chosenMaxSelected="onChosenMaxSelected"}}
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  // Controller implementation
  actions: {
    onChosenMaxSelected: function(e, chosen) {
      // e: jQuery Event
      // chosen: The Chosen object for the input that triggered the event
      alert("You can't do that!");