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user stories of supporting paying to any packages in npm #964

nobodxbodon opened this issue Jan 6, 2017 · 35 comments

user stories of supporting paying to any packages in npm #964

nobodxbodon opened this issue Jan 6, 2017 · 35 comments


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nobodxbodon commented Jan 6, 2017

Though the topic has been discussed in many places for a long while, I've not found a place where we list out all the user stories. As this is such a high-profile task, IMO it's best to get all on the same page, in order to get a more precise idea about the scope and effort, as early as possible. Please feel free to edit as needed, as it'll save time to assemble all stories on the top in one place. Here or another issue may be good to discuss what's the scope of stage 1 (by end of April, before OSCON).


  • giver: those who want to pay
  • receiver: those who potentially want to get payment for their project
  • gratipay:

User stories

  • giver searches by keywords in all the npm packages, and result is sorted in some order (popularity?)
  • giver uses the dependency file to retrieve all the contained packages
  • giver pays to 1 npm package
  • giver pays to multiple num packages, specifying amount for each
  • giver pays to multiple num packages, with one total amount
    • gratipay decides how to allocate the amount among the packages
  • giver gets reports about how much of their giving is claimed by which team, and how much is not
  • gratipay reaches out to receiver that's not signed up on gratipay to notify there's giving to them
  • gratipay holds the amount that no one clams
  • if no one claims for the giving to a certain project for too long, gratipay notifies the giver, and let them choose how to deal with the giving

References: integrate npm project, Make it easier for companies to fund open source, latest update.

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@nobodxbodon Nice! Can you add this to the Integrate npm project, please?

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After re-reading the feedback from a potential giver, IMO we should follow his suggestion as early as possible, as a mini market researching that takes almost zero effort, comparing with the 3/4-month hacking ahead if we decide to pursue the idea. Even though we don't have the npm integrated yet, we may get more receivers signed up and a second company giver, which will mean a lot to the npm integration project (more and earlier direct feedback, etc)

I'd suggest you hit up all these project maintainers and say "I've got a startup founder who wants to pay for your project if you sign up for Gratipay". Then let me know! :)

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@nobodxbodon GitHub projects is a little confusing—can you use the "+ Add cards" button at top right to link this ticket, rather than creating a "Note"?

screen shot 2017-01-07 at 7 54 10 am

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@whit537 done. Adding one more item: giver gets reports about how much of their giving is claimed by which team, and how much is not.

I'll create a separate issue to track #964 (comment).

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@nobodxbodon Awesome! How about also reaching out to companies to potentially give? Here's one I found because they liked our tweet about the GitHub ribbon.

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@whit537 that may belong to a larger marketing campaign. Maybe include all the company likers on Twitter or followers, and also include contacts in other social accounts perhaps. Still IMO #969 has higher priority, as we'd better get direct feedback from the other part of user groups ASAP (AFAIK we don't have any formal ones yet?).

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as we'd better get direct feedback from the other part of user groups ASAP (AFAIK we don't have any formal ones yet?).

We have 285 formal ones, don't we? ;-)

screen shot 2017-01-09 at 5 47 50 pm

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Do we know if any are on npm? Besides, it can mean different to have another company giving to the team owner (IIRC there was one team owner refusing giving as it has conflicts with his contract).

Besides there is devil in the details, which needs to be addressed anyways and IMO sooner than later. Also, we will need to draft up messages to reach out to project owners to notify about the pledges, and the same message used in the research can be reused (the communication part is one critical part of the project).

Ideally we should get some rough estimates about market, like how many active project/owners will be interested after npm integration, etc.

I won't insist on a market research like this if the whole project can be launched in a month, but if we need to spend 3-4 months of work and marketing, I don't see the reason not to better understand the market as early as possible, as we won't have much extra time to make strategic mistakes. Speaking of which, maybe it's time to draft up a possible timeline for this and see if it can be accomplished incrementally, instead of an 'all-in' in the end.

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nobodxbodon commented Jan 9, 2017

Some two year old stats about npm:

¾ of the packages on npm, 75% (about 71,000 packages) have no other packages depending on them.
By contrast only 1% of packages have more than 100 dependents.

I guess the percentage of orphan packages can only be higher now. As companies won't give to those, our pertentage of target projects is between 1% ~ 25%.

Assuming those 1% packages are popular enough, let's go with 1% as a worst case, and npm now has 400k projects. That's 4k projects. Assuming half ot them are company projects already, we have 2k projects. 25% gets us 100k projects, but we'll need to take other factors into account, like non-active project, single developer's project (only A dep on B dep on C, but all from the same developer), etc.

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mattbk commented Jan 10, 2017

I guess the percentage of orphan packages can only be higher now. As companies won't give to those,

This is true, but as discussed with relation to Chocolatey, helping standardize funding avenues cold be an attraction for maintainers, especially for those projects that are actually being used.

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nobodxbodon commented Jan 10, 2017

This is true, but as discussed with relation to Chocolatey, helping standardize funding avenues cold be an attraction for maintainers, especially for those projects that are actually being used.

I agree. The estimation above is only based on the current state of the packages. Surely the "orphan packages" can get more active and influence if they realize our impact, but those are indirect and even harder to estimate.

I do believe in the potential impact about this project, but just want to do some basic research, to double convince myself mainly and also set some reasonable expectation of short-term goal.

I still consider #969 necessary to get the other part of the story, as it not only can get the estimation above more accurate, but more importantly is a trial run before we put significant efforts into implementation. This trial run IMO is critical to check if our user stories make sense.

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Speaking of which, maybe it's time to draft up a possible timeline for this and see if it can be accomplished incrementally, instead of an 'all-in' in the end.

I'm hoping to get to this once Relax Open Work is landed—today!?

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I'm hoping to get to this once Relax Open Work is landed—today!?

That will be great! Looking forward.

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Dependency chain like here makes me concern about the scope. Hopefully we can find a minimum set of user stories for stage 1, to keep workload in controllable manner, as apparently there will be technical debts to pay along the way.

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nobodxbodon commented Jan 13, 2017

Based on potential company giver's feedback in #969 (comment), it's likely that both givers and receivers can be financially challenged in the first place. Though the companies who are willing to pay will get indirectly benefits by supporting OS projects, I wonder if Gratipay could provide some other incentives to encourage companies by helping boost their growing. That will in turn lead to better sustainability on the givers side.

One simple feature for example, if I can see which other companies are also giving to the same project I'm giving to, at least that may provide chance to network.

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@whit537 below is an attempt of drafting a very rough timeline:

Jan 28, get user story settle down, start dev work
Feb 17, finish pretotypes of UI design
Feb 20 - Apr 7, dev + testing
April 10, official launching
April 10-28, gather feedback, find solutions, fix & improve

Hopefully it's not too ridiculous?

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I wonder if Gratipay could provide some other incentives to encourage companies by helping boost their growing.

Marketing from being recognized as a giver is a boost.

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Hopefully we can find a minimum set of user stories for stage 1, to keep workload in controllable manner, as apparently there will be technical debts to pay along the way.

Yes, picking up with planning on #987 ...

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I still consider #969 necessary to get the other part of the story, as it not only can get the estimation above more accurate, but more importantly is a trial run before we put significant efforts into implementation. This trial run IMO is critical to check if our user stories make sense.

I'm less concerned to do a manual trial run, perhaps because I already experienced that under Gittipay 1.0. I see OpenCollective as having essentially validated this thesis as well.

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See further comments at #987 (comment) and #987 (comment).

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What is the action item remaining here, @nobodxbodon? Can it be closed now that we have #987?

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Removing from the Integrate npm project so we can close it. See #987 (comment).

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@whit537 have you checked the major concern a potential company giver has? IMO we need a solution to address that.

Besides, I don't know how an OC team distributes their budget as personal income among contributors (if at all?), but as I recall there was one team owner refusing giving from another company as it has conflicts with his contract. If it happens to a lot of project owners with day job, it will greatly impact the user base anticipated.

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What is the action item remaining here

Maybe I overlooked, do we have user stories settled down somewhere?

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Indeed I did overlook as it's referenced in #987 (comment). I thought we still need to go through them as IMO the scope is too much for stage 1, but I suppose it can be reviewed in that thread.

I guess the only remaining concerns is comment above.

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have you checked the major concern a potential company giver has? IMO we need a solution to address that.

Yup. He provided the solution himself:

I think being able to upload the package.json is cool, but then let me select which projects from that list I'd like to support.

gratipay/ (comment)

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Besides, I don't know how an OC team distributes their budget as personal income among contributors (if at all?)

Anyone on the internet can submit expense reports against a collective.

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Yup. He provided the solution himself:

I thought he wasn't aware the React was Facebook project. So we had to provide a way to notify people which projects in their dependency list are company sponsored projects.

But after I re-read his response, though it's stated

I don't want to pay Facebook. They've got plenty of money and open source is very well funded there. Any money I could contribute would be a rounding error. Nothing against FB, I used to work there, just don't want to give them money.

Still he included React in the wishlist:

Some npm modules I love and would consider funding, assuming the above conditions are met (we're profitable, the project isn't already well funded): async, babel, linkifyjs, mocha, moment, nodemon, react, react-helmet, react-redux, react-router, react-router-redux, redux, redux-connect, redux-thunk, webpack.

I still think it's a typo or copy-paste issue, but I could be wrong.

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mattbk commented Jan 17, 2017

From #987 (comment):

I imagine company would prefer to do a one-off (and paid out weekly) instead of an recurring payment, even more than an individual giver.

Can we ask someone about this paid out weekly idea? I think that is a new experiment (not the same as one-off). I agree that if Company X wants to give, they probably know how much and want to be invoiced up front about it, just wondering whether they care whether it's paid out weekly or not.

The Gratipay way seems to be to pay it out weekly, in order to act as a sustaining gift rather than a one-off.

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just wondering whether they care whether it's paid out weekly or not.

They don't. That's clear enough from gratipay/

Payout schedule should really be a function of individual preference, though perhaps normalized for easy comparison. This is related to the original vision for #432, to "decouple payins and payouts." Maybe you want to take $1000/mo from Gratipay, maybe I want to take $250/wk—the givers to Gratipay shouldn't need to care about that. I think this line of thinking falls under #991.

I still think it's a typo or copy-paste issue, but I could be wrong.

Yeah, that's how I'm reading it.

Okay! Closing!

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Sorry I didn't follow in time. Please allow me to re-open:

They don't. That's clear enough from gratipay/

Payout schedule should really be a function of individual preference

There were +1's for giver deciding payout schedule: gratipay/ (comment), gratipay/ (comment). Either way, gratipay/ seems like a blocking feature for #987

Yeah, that's how I'm reading it.

If it was indeed a typo, that means, the giver initially overlooked the fact that React was FB project, and after he learnt that fact, he decided to remove it from sponsor list. If so, does it mean we still need to provide a way to notify people which projects in their dependency list are company sponsored projects?

@nobodxbodon nobodxbodon reopened this Jan 21, 2017
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Either way, gratipay/ seems like a blocking feature for #987

Let's discuss that on #987.

If so, does it mean we still need to provide a way to notify people which projects in their dependency list are company sponsored projects?

No, it means he needs to pay better attention. ;-) Besides, it's highly unlikely that Facebook would opt in to receive payments anyway.

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No, it means he needs to pay better attention. ;-)

React is actually an obvious case, and sometimes it's hard to see if project owner is paid for the dev work until reaching out to check. Of course we can ask companies to be do more research themselves, but it's the opposite of #987 .

If we let company give list, and then let project owner decide whether it's approriate to opt-in, and we only do review to verify the ownership of project (maybe you thought something similar in gratipay/ (comment)?), surely we'll save some burden in short-term, but if there's hidden conflict of interests, when they surface IMO it will influence our brand as collateral damage.

Besides, it's highly unlikely that Facebook would opt in to receive payments anyway.

I agree FB will not opt in as a team, but the issue is more about those who are already paid for their dev work may opt in as individual developers (not aware of consequence, etc).

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mattbk commented Jan 22, 2017

Is it "simple" enough to add some sort of conflict of interest statement to the ToS/application?

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If so, does it mean we still need to provide a way to notify people which projects in their dependency list are company sponsored projects?

Folded into gratipay/ (comment).

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