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GraphQL client and handler compliant with GraphQL over HTTP specification


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GraphQL client and handler compliant with GraphQL over HTTP specification


  • GraphQL over HTTP Spec compliant
  • application/graphql+json support
  • Lean interface, tiny using std and graphql public libraries
  • Universal


A simple example of creating a GraphQL server and GraphQL client.

std/http + graphql.js


import {
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { serve, Status } from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
import { buildSchema } from "$VERSION";

const schema = buildSchema(`type Query {
    hello: String!

let handler = createHandler(schema, {
  rootValue: {
    hello: "world",
handler = useGraphQLPlayground(handler);

serve((req) => {
  const { pathname } = new URL(req.url);
  if (pathname === "/graphql") {
    return handler(req);
  return new Response("Not Found", {
    status: Status.NotFound,
// Listening on <BASE_URL>


import { gqlFetch } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";

const { data, errors, extensions } = await gqlFetch({
  url: `<BASE_URL>/graphql`,
  query: `query { hello }`,

or you can access <BASE_URL>/graphql in your browser and use graphql-playground.


This project is implemented in accordance with GraphQL over HTTP Spec.

We are actively implementing IETF RFC 2119 SHOULD and RECOMMENDED.

Request Parameters

A GraphQL-over-HTTP request is formed of the following parameters:

Name Required Description
query A Document containing GraphQL Operations and Fragments to execute. Must be a string.
operationName - The name of the Operation in the Document to execute.
GET: If present, must be a string.
variables - Values for any Variables defined by the Operation.
GET: If present, must be represented as a URL-encoded JSON string.

Response Status

The following responses may be returned.

Status Condition
200 If GraphQL is actually executed, even if it contains Field errors.
400 A required parameter does not exist. Illegal format of parameter.
405 When a mutation or subscription operation is requested on GET request.
406 The client Accept HTTP header does not contain at least one of the supported media types.
415 The client Content-type HTTP header does not contain at least one of the supported media types.
500 If the server encounters an unexpected error.

Below are the specific conditions under which each may occur. Errors are classified into four major categories.

  • HTTP Request errors
  • (GraphQL) Request errors
  • (GraphQL) Field errors
  • Unknown errors

HTTP Request errors

HTTP Request errors are errors in the http protocol. This refers to errors that can occur between HTTP and GraphQL, such as missing/incorrect values for required parameters, missing/incorrect values for required headers, etc.

Since these are client-side errors, the appropriate 4XX status is returned.

Request errors

Request errors are defined at [GraphQL Spec] 7.Response - Request errors.

Note here that the status code may be different depending on the Content-Type.


If Content-Type is application/json, all results of GraphQL Requests including GraphQL validation will be treated as 200 status.

See the [GraphQL over HTTP 6.4.1] application/json#Note for the reason for this.


If Content-Type is application/graphql+json, it is possible to respond with a status code other than 200 depending on the result of the GraphQL Request.

If the GraphQL request is invalid (e.g. it is malformed, or does not pass validation) then the response with 400 status code.

Field errors

Field errors are defined at [GraphQL Spec 7.Response] - Field errors.

Even if a Field error occurs, it will always be a 200 status code.

Unknown errors

If an error other than the above occurs on the server side, a 500 status code will be responded.

Upgrade to application/graphql+json

As you may have noticed, application/graphql+json represents a more accurate semantics response.

If you want application/graphql+json content, you must put application/graphql+json as a higher priority than application/json in the Accept header.

Example: Accept: application/graphql+json,application/json.

application/graphql+json vs application/json

Response status

application/graphql+json application/json
HTTP Request error 4XX(eg.406, 415) 4XX
GraphQL request error 400 200
GraphQL field error 200 200
Unknown(Internal server) error 5XX 5XX

Where the subscription?

Unfortunately, there is currently no specification for subscription and it is not implemented.

You can refer to other projects' implementations using SSE or Websocket.



Create HTTP handler what handle GraphQL over HTTP request.


import { createHandler } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { buildSchema } from "$VERSION";

const schema = buildSchema(`type Query {
    hello: String!

const handler = createHandler(schema, {
  rootValue: {
    hello: "world",
const req = new Request("<ENDPOINT>");
const res = await handler(req);


N Name Required / Default Description
1 schema GraphQLSchema
The GraphQL type system to use when validating and executing a query.
2 options - handler options
source - Source | string
A GraphQL language formatted string representing the requested operation.
rootValue - unknown
The value provided as the first argument to resolver functions on the top level type (e.g. the query object type).
contextValue - unknown
The context value is provided as an argument to resolver functions after field arguments. It is used to pass shared information useful at any point during executing this query, for example the currently logged in user and connections to databases or other services.
variableValues - <{ readonly [variable: string: unknown; }> | null
A mapping of variable name to runtime value to use for all variables defined in the requestString.
operationName - string | null
The name of the operation to use if requestString contains multiple possible operations. Can be omitted if requestString contains only one operation.
fieldResolver - GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any> | null
A resolver function to use when one is not provided by the schema. If not provided, the default field resolver is used (which looks for a value or method on the source value with the field's name).
typeResolver - GraphQLTypeResolver<any, any> | null
A type resolver function to use when none is provided by the schema. If not provided, the default type resolver is used (which looks for a __typename field or alternatively calls the isTypeOf method).


(req: Request) => Promise<Response>


  • AggregateError - When graphql schema validation is fail.


GraphQL client with HTTP.


import { gqlFetch } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";

const { data, errors, extensions } = await gqlFetch({
  url: `<graphql-endpoint>`,
  query: `query Greet(name: $name) {
    hello(name: $name)
}, {
  variables: {
    name: "Bob",
  operationName: "Greet",
  method: "GET",


  • T extends jsonObject - data field type


N Name Required / Default Description
1 params Parameters
url string | URL
GraphQL URL endpoint.
query string
GraphQL query
2 options - Options
variables - jsonObject
GraphQL variables.
operationName - string
GraphQL operation name.
method "POST" "GET" | "POST" | ({} & string)
HTTP Request method. According to the GraphQL over HTTP Spec, all GraphQL servers accept POST requests.
3 requestInit - RequestInit
Request init for customize HTTP request.
type json =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | { [k: string]: json }
  | json[];

type jsonObject = {
  [k: string]: json;




  • Error
  • TypeError
  • SyntaxError
  • DOMException
  • AggregateError


Use GraphQL Playground as handler.


import {
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { buildSchema } from "$VERSION";

const schema = buildSchema(`type Query {
    hello: String!

let handler = createHandler(schema, {
  rootValue: {
    hello: "world",
handler = useGraphQLPlayground(handler);
const req = new Request("<ENDPOINT>");
const res = await handler(req);


N Name Required / Default Description
1 handler (req: Request) => Promise<Response> | Response
The handler for individual HTTP requests.
2 options - RenderPageOptions
The graphql-playground options.
endpoint "/graphql" string
The GraphQL endpoint url.
subscriptionEndpoint - string
The GraphQL subscriptions endpoint url.
workspaceName - string
in case you provide a GraphQL Config, you can name your workspace here.
env - any
config - any
The JSON of a GraphQL Config.
settings - ISettings
Editor settings in json format.
schema - IntrospectionResult
The result of an introspection query (an object of this form: {__schema: {...}}) The playground automatically fetches the schema from the endpoint. This is only needed when you want to override the schema.
tabs - Tab[]
An array of tabs to inject.
codeTheme - EditorColours
Customize your color theme.
version - string
cdnUrl - string
title - string
faviconUrl - string | null
interface ISettings {
  "editor.cursorShape": "line" | "block" | "underline";
  "editor.fontFamily": string;
  "editor.fontSize": number;
  "editor.reuseHeaders": boolean;
  "editor.theme": "dark" | "light";
  "general.betaUpdates": boolean;
  "prettier.printWidth": number;
  "prettier.tabWidth": number;
  "prettier.useTabs": boolean;
  "request.credentials": "omit" | "include" | "same-origin";
  "request.globalHeaders": { [key: string]: string };
  "schema.polling.enable": boolean;
  "schema.polling.endpointFilter": string;
  "schema.polling.interval": number;
  "schema.disableComments": boolean;
  "tracing.hideTracingResponse": boolean;
  "tracing.tracingSupported": boolean;
interface Tab {
  endpoint: string;
  query: string;
  name?: string;
  variables?: string;
  responses?: string[];
  headers?: {
    [key: string]: string;
interface EditorColours {
  property: string;
  comment: string;
  punctuation: string;
  keyword: string;
  def: string;
  qualifier: string;
  attribute: string;
  number: string;
  string: string;
  builtin: string;
  string2: string;
  variable: string;
  meta: string;
  atom: string;
  ws: string;
  selection: string;
  cursorColor: string;
  editorBackground: string;
  resultBackground: string;
  leftDrawerBackground: string;
  rightDrawerBackground: string;


(req: Request) => Promise<Response> | Response


Create GraphQL Request object.


import { createRequest } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";

const [request, err] = createRequest({
  url: "<graphql-endpoint>",
  query: `query Greet(name: $name) {
    hello(name: $name)
  method: "GET",

if (!err) {
  const res = await fetch(request);


  • T extends jsonObject


N Name Required / Default Description
1 params Parameters
url string | URL
GraphQL URL endpoint.
query string
GraphQL query
method "GET" | "POST" | ({} & string)
HTTP Request method. According to the GraphQL over HTTP Spec, all GraphQL servers accept POST requests.
2 options - Options
variables - jsonObject
GraphQL variables.
operationName - string
GraphQL operation name.


[data: Request, error: undefined] | [data: undefined, error: TypeError]


Resolve GraphQL over HTTP request, take out GraphQL parameters safety.


import {
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";

const req = new Request("<graphql-endpoint>"); // any Request
const [data, err] = await resolveRequest(req);
if (data) {
  const { query, variableValues, operationName, extensions } = data;


Name Required Description
req Request
Request object


Promise<RequestResult> | RequestResult


N Name Description
1 data Bellow records | undefined
GraphQL parameters.
query string
A Document containing GraphQL Operations and Fragments to execute.
variableValues Record<string, json> | null
Values for any Variables defined by the Operation.
operationName string | null
The name of the Operation in the Document to execute.
extensions Record<string, json> | null
Reserved for implementors to extend the protocol however they see fit.
2 error HttpError | undefined
The base class that all derivative HTTP extend, providing a status and an expose property.


No error is thrown and reject is never called.


Create a GraphQL over HTTP compliant Response object.


import {
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { buildSchema } from "$VERSION";

const schema = buildSchema(`query {
  hello: String!

const res = createResponse({
  source: `query { hello }`,
  method: "POST",
}, {
  rootValue: {
    hello: "world",


N Name Required / Default Description
1 params Parameters.
schema GraphQLSchema
method GET | POST
2 options - options.
operationName - string | null
variableValues - { readonly [variable: string]: unknown } | null
contextValue - unknown
rootValue - unknown
fieldResolver - GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any> | null
typeResolver - GraphQLTypeResolver<any, any> | null
mimeType "application/graphql+json" "application/graphql+json"| application/json




Resolve GraphQL over HTTP response safety.


import {
} from "$VERSION/mod.ts";

const res = new Response(); // any Response
const { data, errors, extensions } = await resolveResponse(res);


Name Required Description
res Response
Response object



import { GraphQLError } from "$VERSION";
import { json } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
type PickBy<T, K> = {
  [k in keyof T as (K extends T[k] ? k : never)]: T[k];

type SerializedGraphQLError = PickBy<GraphQLError, json | undefined>;
type Result<
  T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,
> = {
  data?: T;
  errors?: SerializedGraphQLError[];
  extensions?: unknown;


  • Error
  • AggregateError
  • SyntaxError
  • TypeError


Compress GraphQL query.


import { gql } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "$VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";

const query = gql`query Test {
assertEquals(query, "query Test{hello}");


Name Required Description
query TemplateStringsArray
Graphql query.





Copyright © 2022-present TomokiMiyauci.

Released under the MIT license


GraphQL client and handler compliant with GraphQL over HTTP specification



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