ums2net provides a way for a user to connect from a network connection to a USB mass storage device.
- cmake .
- make
- Insert the USB Mass Storage. Check /dev/disk/by-id/ for the unique path for that device.
- Create a config file base on the above path. Please see the config file format section.
- Run "ums2net -c ". ums2net will become a daemon in the background. For debugging please add "-d" option to avoid detach.
- Use nc to write your image to the USB Mass Storage device. For example, "nc -N localhost 29543 < warp7.img"
Each line in the config file maps a TCP port to a device. All the options are separated by space. The first argument is a number represents the TCP port. And the rest of the arguments are in dd-style. For example,
A line in the config file:
"29543 of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Linux_UMS_disk_0_WaRP7-0x2c98b953000003b5-0:0 bs=4096"
It means TCP port 29543 is mapped to /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Linux_UMS_disk_0_WaRP7-0x2c98b953000003b5-0:0 and the block size is 4096.
Currently we only support "of" and "bs".