This repository contains resources for the Símarómur App voice assets. These voices are neural network voices produced by Grammatek ehf.
This repository contains the voice Steinn
. It is based on the neural network model VITS and trained via
Piper TTS, as well as converted to ONNX for inferencing.
Chelsea hefur gengið allt á afturfótunum að undanförnu og í raun alveg síðan Roman Abramovich seldi félagið eftir innrás Rússa í Úkraínu.
Jürgen Klopp, knattspyrnustjóri Liverpool, beið í tvo mánuði með að tilkynna ákvörðun sína um að hann hygðist láta af störfum sem stjóri félagsins eftir tímabilið.
Greiningardeild Íslandsbanka segir að meðvindur á hlutabréfamörkuðum bæði hér á landi og erlendis hafi gert gæfumuninn á að raunávöxtun íslenskra lífeyrissjóða var jákvæð á lokaársfjórðungi síðasta árs.
Steinn has been trained for ~750.000 steps on the Talromur1 H dataset. All normalized text was transcribed to IPA phonemes in combination with primary and secondary syllable stresses. You need to use the voice together with the Símarómur App, starting from version 2. Earlier versions of the app do not support ONNX models and IPA phoneme input.
The voice configuration file is used to describe the voice settings and IPA/ model symbol mappings. The file voice-info.json is used as meta-data for the corresponding voice files.
The repository contents are licensed under the Apache License.
These resources are developed under the auspices of the Icelandic Government 5-Year Language Technology Program, described here and here (English).