A complete LinkedIn scrapper
> Run using PhantomJs browser (A headless webkit browser)
1) Downlaod phantomJs from http://phantomjs.org/download.html
2) Extract folder and and paste in this directory.
3) And specify correctly the path of in run_me.py line num 18 (Crucial Step)
download the zip file.
Run run_me.py file(python run_me.py)
Wait till whole background process is done.(20-30sec)
Then provide the Linkedin emailId and password(carefully, because it may not be visible.).
Wait for a moment for selenium to logging in.
Then provide the linkedin url, of user which needs to be scrape.
After Successful completion json file will be stored in json folder.
Hope! it helps. thanks.
Scrape users:
- Basic Information
- Connections.
- Skills.
- Education.
- Experience.
- Profile Summary.
- Current Status.