scapy install:
config the vm:
vagrant init ubuntu/wily32
config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
With a VM running on a machine that lives on your local network, it is possible to take any Amazon Dash button you have and make it such that you can order any amazon product you want. This project uses Ted Benson's python scripts that monitor your network (to determine when the button is pressed), and RaiMan's SikuliX (to graphically order an Amazon product). Since Amazon has stepped up their game and prevented many previous approaches to auto-ordering products (python mechanize, the lynx browser, etc.) the most reliable way I found was to just embrace the GUI. I know you can auto-order with amazon if you have a vendor account but that is obviously out of scope for most.
After cloning the repo you will need to install vagrant.
In this guide I will assume you are using the provider Virtual Box so to get the machine up and running execute
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
Unfortunately, vagrant will only work with NAT networking interface card as the 1st adapter and in order for the python scripts (which use scapy) to correctly scan your network you have to use a bridged adapter. I tried provisioning the second adapter in VirtualBox as a bridged adapter in "allow-all" promiscuous mode while keeping the first adapter set to NAT but that did not allow the python scripts to see the dash button on the LAN (no idea why). Thus, after vagrant up has the machine up and running you need to open the Virtual Box application, select the machine vagrant provisioned, go to "Network" and change "NAT" to "Bridged Adapter" for the first adapter. You must also set "Promiscuous Mode" to "Allow All", this is probably in "Advanced Settings" depending on what OS and version of VB you are using.
As outlined in Ted Benson's guide, you must register your dash button with the amazon app on your phone but stop the configuration at the step where it asks you what product you want to use. The dash button works by connecting to the network when the button is pressed and then disconnecting. Once you have done these steps you will notice that if you press the button it will blink white for a while and then red. Blinking white means it is connecting and the red indicates that the button failed to register with amazon (obviously... you never told amazon what product you were ordering). For us the red is a good sign because that means that the button connected to the network. The python scripts just monitor the mac addresses of the devices that connect to the network so the first thing we have to do is figure out the MAC address of the amazon dash button you ordered.
Use the Virtual Box interface to open up a window to the running VM and run the following commands in the terminal (if prompted for login and password they both are "vagrant":
cd /vagrant/
sudo python
Then click your amazon dash button and the script should spit out the MAC
address. Take that MAC address and hardcode it into the