RealWorld Fsharp (Suave + Mongo) codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- Install .NET Core 2.0 Framework from here .NET Core and Fsharp per
- Download MongoDB from here MongoDB
- Create the mongo db (this can be done easily with Mongo Compass)
- Clone this repo
- Execute the following command on the command line in the directory that has the web framework that you would like to try: dotnet restore
- Execute: dotnet run - This should start the server and you should be able to use a tool like Postman according to the RealWorld spec.
When possible the Suave application are divided up into 2 sectors, pure functions and "effectful" functions. All of the "effectful" functions are contained in the effects namespace. These functions in this namespace are in charge of communicating with the database.
- See installation section.