An API for the 1000 Pitches app, plus an extremely simple web interface for viewing the pitches.
1000 Pitches is an annual "pitch competition" that gets students thinking entrepreneurially. Each fall, USC students have the chance to submit a 30-second video pitch in exchange for a free 1000 Pitches T-Shirt. Most students pitch spontaneously after being accosted while walking around campus, enticed by the idea of free stuff. The competition collects over 1000 ideas each Fall, and awards the top ideas with industry connections, mentorship, and other cool prizes.
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
// Start Postgres
createdb onekp
python3 setup
createdb onekptesting
source env/bin/activate
ssh -i ~/.ssh/sonder.pem [email protected]
Use the Elastic Beanstalk CLI for deploying to AWS.