These are my Neovim configuration files.
- Neovim 0.10+
- Node.js 18+ (for most LSPs)
mkdir -p ~/projects/personal
git clone ~/projects/personal/neovimfiles
ln -s ~/projects/personal/neovimfiles ~/.config/nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
- Open Neovim. You should see a "Installing lazy.nvim.." and popup installing the plugins on the first run
- Plugins: lazy.nvim to manage my plugins.
- LSP: nvim-lspconfig to configure the Language Server Protocol.
- Treesitter: nvim-treesitter to configure the Treesitter syntax highlighter.
- Telescope: telescope.nvim as fuzzy finder.
- Lualine: lualine.nvim as status line.
- Color Scheme: bluloco as color scheme.
- Completion: nvim-cmp as completion plugin.
- File Explorer:
- nvim-tree.lua as file explorer.
- oil.nvim as file explorer.
- Git:
- gitsigns.nvim as git signs.
- neogit as git client.
- ndoo.nvim to interact with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
- Comments:
- [todo-comments.nvim][todo-comments.nvim] as todo comments highlighter.
- [ts-comments.nvim][ts-comments.nvim] to enhance native comments.
The following languages are supported (either via LSP and/or Treesitter):
- css (lsp & treesitter)
- go (lsp & treesitter)
- http (treesitter)
- javascript (lsp & treesitter)
- jsdoc (treesitter)
- json (lsp & treesitter)
- lua (lsp & treesitter)
- prisma (treesitter)
- python (treesitter)
- rust (lsp & treesitter)
- scss (lsp & treesitter)
- sql (treesitter)
- svelte (lsp & treesitter)
- tsx (lsp & treesitter)
- typescript (lsp & treesitter)
- vim (treesitter)
- vimdoc (treesitter)
- yaml (lsp & treesitter)