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/ rux Public

⚡ Rux is an simple and fast web framework. support route group, param route binding, middleware, compatible http.Handler interface. 简单且快速的 Go api/web 框架,支持路由分组,路由参数绑定,中间件,兼容 http.Handler 接口


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Simple and fast web framework for build golang HTTP applications.

  • Fast route match, support route group
  • Support route path params and named routing
  • Support cache recently accessed dynamic routes
  • Support route middleware, group middleware, global middleware
  • Support quickly add a RESETFul or Controller style structs
  • Support generic http.Handler interface middleware
  • Support static file access handle
  • Support add handlers for handle NotFound and NotAllowed

中文说明请看 README.zh-CN



go get

Quick start

package main

import (

func main() {
	r := rux.New()
	// Add Routes:
	r.GET("/", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello")
	r.GET("/hello/{name}", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello " + c.Param("name"))
	r.POST("/post", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello")
	// add multi method support for an route path
	r.Add("/post[/{id}]", func(c *rux.Context) {
		if c.Param("id") == "" {
			// do create post
			c.Text(200, "created")

		id := c.Params.Int("id")
		// do update post
		c.Text(200, "updated " + fmt.Sprint(id))
	}, rux.POST, rux.PUT)

	// Start server
	// can also
	// http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)

Route Group

r.Group("/articles", func() {
    r.GET("", func(c *rux.Context) {
        c.Text(200, "view list")
    r.POST("", func(c *rux.Context) {
        c.Text(200, "create ok")
    r.GET(`/{id:\d+}`, func(c *rux.Context) {
        c.Text(200, "view detail, id: " + c.Param("id"))

Path Params

You can add the path params like: {id} Or {id:\d+}

// can access by: "/blog/123"
r.GET(`/blog/{id:\d+}`, func(c *rux.Context) {
    c.Text(200, "view detail, id: " + c.Param("id"))

optional params, like /about[.html] or /posts[/{id}]:

// can access by: "/blog/my-article" "/blog/my-article.html"
r.GET(`/blog/{title:\w+}[.html]`, func(c *rux.Context) {
    c.Text(200, "view detail, id: " + c.Param("id"))

r.Add("/posts[/{id}]", func(c *rux.Context) {
    if c.Param("id") == "" {
        // do create post
        c.Text(200, "created")

    id := c.Params.Int("id")
    // do update post
    c.Text(200, "updated " + fmt.Sprint(id))
}, rux.POST, rux.PUT)

Use Middleware

rux support use middleware, allow:

  • global middleware
  • group middleware
  • route middleware

Call priority: global middleware -> group middleware -> route middleware


package main

import (


func main() {
	r := rux.New()
	// add global middleware
	r.Use(func(c *rux.Context) {
	    // do something ...
	// add middleware for the route
	route := r.GET("/middle", func(c *rux.Context) { // main handler
	}, func(c *rux.Context) { // middle 1
        c.Next() // Notice: call Next()
        // if call Abort(), will abort at the end of this middleware run
        // c.Abort() 
	// add more by Use()
	route.Use(func(c *rux.Context) { // middle 2

	// now, access the URI /middle
	// will output: ab-O-BA
  • Call sequence: middle 1 -> middle 2 -> main handler -> middle 2 -> middle 1
  • Flow chart:
        | middle 1                    |
        |  +----------------------+   |
        |  | middle 2             |   |
 start  |  |  +----------------+  |   | end
------->|  |  |  main handler  |  |   |--->----
        |  |  |________________|  |   |    
        |  |______________________|   |  

more please see middleware_test.go middleware tests

Use http.Handler

rux is support generic http.Handler interface middleware

You can use rux.WrapHTTPHandler() convert http.Handler as rux.HandlerFunc

package main

import (
	// here we use gorilla/handlers, it provides some generic handlers.

func main() {
	r := rux.New()
	// create a simple generic http.Handler
	h0 := http.HandlerFunc(func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("new-key", "val")
	r.Use(rux.WrapHTTPHandler(h0), rux.WrapHTTPHandler(handlers.ProxyHeaders()))
	r.GET("/", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello")
	// add routes ...
    // Wrap our server with our gzip handler to gzip compress all responses.
    http.ListenAndServe(":8000", handlers.CompressHandler(r))

More Usage

Static Assets

package main

import (


//go:embed static
var embAssets embed.FS

func main() {
	r := rux.New()

	// one file
	r.StaticFile("/site.js", "testdata/site.js")

	// allow any files in the directory.
	r.StaticDir("/static", "testdata")

	// file type limit in the directory
	r.StaticFiles("/assets", "testdata", "css|js")

	// go 1.16+: use embed assets. access: /embed/static/some.html
	r.StaticFS("/embed", http.FS(embAssets))

Name Route

In rux, you can add a named route, and you can get the corresponding route instance(rux.Route) from the router according to the name.


	r := rux.New()
	// Method 1
	myRoute := rux.NewNamedRoute("name1", "/path4/some/{id}", emptyHandler, "GET")

	// Method 2
	rux.AddNamed("name2", "/", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello")

	// Method 3
	r.GET("/hi", func(c *rux.Context) {
		c.Text(200, "hello")
	}).NamedTo("name3", r)
	// get route by name
	myRoute = r.GetRoute("name1")


redirect to other page

r.GET("/", func(c *rux.Context) {
    c.AbortThen().Redirect("/login", 302)

// Or
r.GET("/", func(c *rux.Context) {
    c.Redirect("/login", 302)

r.GET("/", func(c *rux.Context) {


you can quick operate cookies by FastSetCookie() DelCookie()

Note: You must set or delete cookies before writing BODY content

r.GET("/setcookie", func(c *rux.Context) {
    c.FastSetCookie("rux_cookie2", "test-value2", 3600)
    c.SetCookie("rux_cookie", "test-value1", 3600, "/", c.Req.URL.Host, false, true)
	c.WriteString("hello, in " + c.URL().Path)

r.GET("/delcookie", func(c *rux.Context) {
	val := ctx.Cookie("rux_cookie") // "test-value1"
	c.DelCookie("rux_cookie", "rux_cookie2")

Multi Domains

code is refer from julienschmidt/httprouter

package main

import (


type HostSwitch map[string]http.Handler

// Implement the ServeHTTP method on our new type
func (hs HostSwitch) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Check if a http.Handler is registered for the given host.
	// If yes, use it to handle the request.
	if router := hs[r.Host]; router != nil {
		router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	} else {
		// Handle host names for which no handler is registered
		http.Error(w, "Forbidden", 403) // Or Redirect?

func main() {
	// Initialize a router as usual
	router := rux.New()
	router.GET("/", Index)
	router.GET("/hello/{name}", func(c *rux.Context) {})

	// Make a new HostSwitch and insert the router (our http handler)
	// for and port 12345
	hs := make(HostSwitch)
	hs[""] = router

	// Use the HostSwitch to listen and serve on port 12345
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", hs))

RESETFul Style

package main

import (


type Product struct {

// Uses middlewares [optional]
func (Product) Uses() map[string][]rux.HandlerFunc {
	return map[string][]rux.HandlerFunc{
		// function name: handlers
		"Delete": []rux.HandlerFunc{
			handlers.HTTPBasicAuth(map[string]string{"test": "123"}),

// all products [optional]
func (p *Product) Index(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// create product [optional]
func (p *Product) Create(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// save new product [optional]
func (p *Product) Store(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// show product with {id} [optional]
func (p *Product) Show(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// edit product [optional]
func (p *Product) Edit(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// save edited product [optional]
func (p *Product) Update(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

// delete product [optional]
func (p *Product) Delete(c *rux.Context) {
	// do something

func main() {
	router := rux.New()

	// methods	Path	Action	Route Name
    // GET	/product	index	product_index
    // GET	/product/create	create	product_create
    // POST	/product	store	product_store
    // GET	/product/{id}	show	product_show
    // GET	/product/{id}/edit	edit	product_edit
    // PUT/PATCH	/product/{id}	update	product_update
    // DELETE	/product/{id}	delete	product_delete
    // resetful style
	router.Resource("/", new(Product))

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", router))

Controller Style

package main

import (


// News controller
type News struct {

func (n *News) AddRoutes(g *rux.Router) {
	g.GET("/", n.Index)
	g.POST("/", n.Create)
	g.PUT("/", n.Edit)

func (n *News) Index(c *rux.Context) {
	// Do something

func (n *News) Create(c *rux.Context) {
	// Do something

func (n *News) Edit(c *rux.Context) {
	// Do something

func main() {
	router := rux.New()

	// controller style
	router.Controller("/news", new(News))

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", router))

Build URL

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Initialize a router as usual
	router := rux.New()
	router.GET(`/news/{category_id}/{new_id:\d+}/detail`, func(c *rux.Context) {
		var u = make(url.Values)
        u.Add("username", "admin")
        u.Add("password", "12345")
		b := rux.NewBuildRequestURL()
        // b.Scheme("https")
        // b.Host("")
        b.Params(rux.M{"{category_id}": "100", "{new_id}": "20"})
		// b.Path("/dev")
        // println(b.Build().String())
        println(c.Router().BuildRequestURL("new_detail", b).String())
		// result:  /news/100/20/detail?username=admin&password=12345
		// get current route name
		if c.MustGet(rux.CTXCurrentRouteName) == "new_detail" {
            // post data etc....
	}).NamedTo("new_detail", router)

	// Use the HostSwitch to listen and serve on port 12345
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", router))


  • lint
golint ./...
  • format check
# list error files
gofmt -s -l ./
# fix format and write to file
gofmt -s -w some.go
  • unit test
go test -cover ./...

Gookit Packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/slog Concise and extensible go log library
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More please see

See also




⚡ Rux is an simple and fast web framework. support route group, param route binding, middleware, compatible http.Handler interface. 简单且快速的 Go api/web 框架,支持路由分组,路由参数绑定,中间件,兼容 http.Handler 接口








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