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enhance: support use color name create some common rgb color
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inhere committed Oct 17, 2021
1 parent 19b21c9 commit e48d1e5
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Showing 4 changed files with 290 additions and 6 deletions.
35 changes: 30 additions & 5 deletions color_rgb.go
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Expand Up @@ -97,12 +97,8 @@ func Rgb(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return RGB(r, g, b, isBg...) }
// Bit24 alias of the RGB()
func Bit24(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return RGB(r, g, b, isBg...) }

// RGBFromSlice quick RGBColor from slice
func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
return RGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], isBg...)

// HEX create RGB color from a HEX color string.
// Usage:
// c := HEX("ccc") // rgb: [204 204 204]
// c := HEX("aabbcc") // rgb: [170 187 204]
Expand All @@ -121,11 +117,40 @@ func HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
// Hex alias of the HEX()
func Hex(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return HEX(hex, isBg...) }

// HSL create RGB color from a hsl value.
func HSL(h, s, l float32, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
if rgb := HslToRgb(h, s, l); len(rgb) > 0 {
return RGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], isBg...)

// mark is empty
return emptyRGBColor

// Hsl alias of the HSL()
func Hsl(h, s, l float32, isBg ...bool) RGBColor { return HSL(h, s, l, isBg...) }

// RGBFromSlice quick RGBColor from slice
func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
return RGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], isBg...)

// RGBFromString create RGB color from a string.
// support use color name in the {namedRgbColor}
// Usage:
// c := RGBFromString("170,187,204")
// c.Print("message")
// c := RGBFromString("brown")
// c.Print("message with color brown")
func RGBFromString(rgb string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor {
// use color name in the {namedRgbColor}
if rgbVal, ok := namedRgbColor[rgb]; ok {
rgb = rgbVal

// use rgb string.
ss := stringToArr(rgb, ",")
if len(ss) != 3 {
return emptyRGBColor
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions color_rgb_test.go
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Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ func TestRGBFromString(t *testing.T) {
c = RGBFromString("170,187,204", true)
is.Equal("\x1b[48;2;170;187;204mmsg\x1b[0m", c.Sprint("msg"))

c = RGBFromString("brown")
is.Equal("\x1b[38;2;165;42;42mmsg\x1b[0m", c.Sprint("msg"))

c = RGBFromString("170,187,")
is.Equal("msg", c.Sprint("msg"))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,3 +257,9 @@ func TestRGBColor_C16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, "46", rgb.C16().String())
assert.Equal(t, "46", rgb.Color().String())

func TestHSL(t *testing.T) {
hsl := HSL(0.33, 1, 0.5)

hsl.Println("rgb color create by HSL")
246 changes: 245 additions & 1 deletion convert.go
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Expand Up @@ -609,11 +609,255 @@ func C256ToRgbV1(val uint8) (rgb []uint8) {

* hsl color <=> RGB/True color
* HSL color <=> RGB/True color
* h,s,l = Hue, Saturation, Lightness
* refers
* examples:
* color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) // red
* color: hsl(120, 100%, 50%) // lime
* color: hsl(120, 100%, 25%) // dark green
* color: hsl(120, 100%, 75%) // light green
* color: hsl(120, 75%, 75%) // pastel green, and so on

// HslToRgbByInt Converts an HSL color value to RGB
// Assumes h: 0-360, s: 0-100, l: 0-100
// returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
// Usage:
// HslToRgbByInt(120, 100, 50)
// HslToRgbByInt(120, 100, 25)
func HslToRgbByInt(h, s, l int) (rgb []uint8) {
return HslToRgb(float32(h)/360, float32(s)/100, float32(l)/100)

// HslToRgb Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula
// adapted from
// Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1]
// returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
// Usage:
// rgbVals := HslToRgb(0.33, 1, 0.5)
func HslToRgb(h, s, l float32) (rgb []uint8) {
var r, g, b float32

if s == 0 { // achromatic
r, g, b = l, l, l
} else {
var hue2rgb = func(p, q, t float32) float32 {
if t < 0 {
t += 1
if t > 1 {
t -= 1
if t < 1/6 {
return p + (q-p)*6*t

if t < 1/2 {
return q
if t < 2/3 {
return p + (q-p)*(2/3-t)*6
return p

// q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l*s
var q float32
if l < 0.5 {
q = l * (1 + s)
} else {
q = l + s - l*s

var p = 2*l - q

r = hue2rgb(p, q, h+1/3)
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h)
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h-1/3)

// return [math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)];
return []uint8{uint8(r * 255 / 100), uint8(g * 255 / 100), uint8(b * 255 / 100)}

* HSV color <=> RGB/True color
* h,s,l = Hue, Saturation, Value(Brightness)
* refers

// HsvToRgb Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula
// adapted from
// Assumes h: 0-360, s: 0-100, l: 0-100
// returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
func HsvToRgb(h, s, v int) (rgb []uint8) {

// Named rgb colors
var namedRgbColor = map[string]string{
"aliceblue": "240,248,255", // #F0F8FF
"antiquewhite": "250,235,215", // #FAEBD7
"aqua": "0,255,255", // #00FFFF
"aquamarine": "127,255,212", // #7FFFD4
"azure": "240,255,255", // #F0FFFF
"beige": "245,245,220", // #F5F5DC
"bisque": "255,228,196", // #FFE4C4
"black": "0,0,0", // #000000
"blanchedalmond": "255,235,205", // #FFEBCD
"blue": "0,0,255", // #0000FF
"blueviolet": "138,43,226", // #8A2BE2
"brown": "165,42,42", // #A52A2A
"burlywood": "222,184,135", // #DEB887
"cadetblue": "95,158,160", // #5F9EA0
"chartreuse": "127,255,0", // #7FFF00
"chocolate": "210,105,30", // #D2691E
"coral": "255,127,80", // #FF7F50
"cornflowerblue": "100,149,237", // #6495ED
"cornsilk": "255,248,220", // #FFF8DC
"crimson": "220,20,60", // #DC143C
"cyan": "0,255,255", // #00FFFF
"darkblue": "0,0,139", // #00008B
"darkcyan": "0,139,139", // #008B8B
"darkgoldenrod": "184,134,11", // #B8860B
"darkgray": "169,169,169", // #A9A9A9
"darkgreen": "0,100,0", // #006400
"darkgrey": "169,169,169", // #A9A9A9
"darkkhaki": "189,183,107", // #BDB76B
"darkmagenta": "139,0,139", // #8B008B
"darkolivegreen": "85,107,47", // #556B2F
"darkorange": "255,140,0", // #FF8C00
"darkorchid": "153,50,204", // #9932CC
"darkred": "139,0,0", // #8B0000
"darksalmon": "233,150,122", // #E9967A
"darkseagreen": "143,188,143", // #8FBC8F
"darkslateblue": "72,61,139", // #483D8B
"darkslategray": "47,79,79", // #2F4F4F
"darkslategrey": "47,79,79", // #2F4F4F
"darkturquoise": "0,206,209", // #00CED1
"darkviolet": "148,0,211", // #9400D3
"deeppink": "255,20,147", // #FF1493
"deepskyblue": "0,191,255", // #00BFFF
"dimgray": "105,105,105", // #696969
"dimgrey": "105,105,105", // #696969
"dodgerblue": "30,144,255", // #1E90FF
"firebrick": "178,34,34", // #B22222
"floralwhite": "255,250,240", // #FFFAF0
"forestgreen": "34,139,34", // #228B22
"fuchsia": "255,0,255", // #FF00FF
"gainsboro": "220,220,220", // #DCDCDC
"ghostwhite": "248,248,255", // #F8F8FF
"gold": "255,215,0", // #FFD700
"goldenrod": "218,165,32", // #DAA520
"gray": "128,128,128", // #808080
"green": "0,128,0", // #008000
"greenyellow": "173,255,47", // #ADFF2F
"grey": "128,128,128", // #808080
"honeydew": "240,255,240", // #F0FFF0
"hotpink": "255,105,180", // #FF69B4
"indianred": "205,92,92", // #CD5C5C
"indigo": "75,0,130", // #4B0082
"ivory": "255,255,240", // #FFFFF0
"khaki": "240,230,140", // #F0E68C
"lavender": "230,230,250", // #E6E6FA
"lavenderblush": "255,240,245", // #FFF0F5
"lawngreen": "124,252,0", // #7CFC00
"lemonchiffon": "255,250,205", // #FFFACD
"lightblue": "173,216,230", // #ADD8E6
"lightcoral": "240,128,128", // #F08080
"lightcyan": "224,255,255", // #E0FFFF
"lightgoldenrodyellow": "250,250,210", // #FAFAD2
"lightgray": "211,211,211", // #D3D3D3
"lightgreen": "144,238,144", // #90EE90
"lightgrey": "211,211,211", // #D3D3D3
"lightpink": "255,182,193", // #FFB6C1
"lightsalmon": "255,160,122", // #FFA07A
"lightseagreen": "32,178,170", // #20B2AA
"lightskyblue": "135,206,250", // #87CEFA
"lightslategray": "119,136,153", // #778899
"lightslategrey": "119,136,153", // #778899
"lightsteelblue": "176,196,222", // #B0C4DE
"lightyellow": "255,255,224", // #FFFFE0
"lime": "0,255,0", // #00FF00
"limegreen": "50,205,50", // #32CD32
"linen": "250,240,230", // #FAF0E6
"magenta": "255,0,255", // #FF00FF
"maroon": "128,0,0", // #800000
"mediumaquamarine": "102,205,170", // #66CDAA
"mediumblue": "0,0,205", // #0000CD
"mediumorchid": "186,85,211", // #BA55D3
"mediumpurple": "147,112,219", // #9370DB
"mediumseagreen": "60,179,113", // #3CB371
"mediumslateblue": "123,104,238", // #7B68EE
"mediumspringgreen": "0,250,154", // #00FA9A
"mediumturquoise": "72,209,204", // #48D1CC
"mediumvioletred": "199,21,133", // #C71585
"midnightblue": "25,25,112", // #191970
"mintcream": "245,255,250", // #F5FFFA
"mistyrose": "255,228,225", // #FFE4E1
"moccasin": "255,228,181", // #FFE4B5
"navajowhite": "255,222,173", // #FFDEAD
"navy": "0,0,128", // #000080
"oldlace": "253,245,230", // #FDF5E6
"olive": "128,128,0", // #808000
"olivedrab": "107,142,35", // #6B8E23
"orange": "255,165,0", // #FFA500
"orangered": "255,69,0", // #FF4500
"orchid": "218,112,214", // #DA70D6
"palegoldenrod": "238,232,170", // #EEE8AA
"palegreen": "152,251,152", // #98FB98
"paleturquoise": "175,238,238", // #AFEEEE
"palevioletred": "219,112,147", // #DB7093
"papayawhip": "255,239,213", // #FFEFD5
"peachpuff": "255,218,185", // #FFDAB9
"peru": "205,133,63", // #CD853F
"pink": "255,192,203", // #FFC0CB
"plum": "221,160,221", // #DDA0DD
"powderblue": "176,224,230", // #B0E0E6
"purple": "128,0,128", // #800080
"red": "255,0,0", // #FF0000
"rosybrown": "188,143,143", // #BC8F8F
"royalblue": "65,105,225", // #4169E1
"saddlebrown": "139,69,19", // #8B4513
"salmon": "250,128,114", // #FA8072
"sandybrown": "244,164,96", // #F4A460
"seagreen": "46,139,87", // #2E8B57
"seashell": "255,245,238", // #FFF5EE
"sienna": "160,82,45", // #A0522D
"silver": "192,192,192", // #C0C0C0
"skyblue": "135,206,235", // #87CEEB
"slateblue": "106,90,205", // #6A5ACD
"slategray": "112,128,144", // #708090
"slategrey": "112,128,144", // #708090
"snow": "255,250,250", // #FFFAFA
"springgreen": "0,255,127", // #00FF7F
"steelblue": "70,130,180", // #4682B4
"tan": "210,180,140", // #D2B48C
"teal": "0,128,128", // #008080
"thistle": "216,191,216", // #D8BFD8
"tomato": "255,99,71", // #FF6347
"turquoise": "64,224,208", // #40E0D0
"violet": "238,130,238", // #EE82EE
"wheat": "245,222,179", // #F5DEB3
"white": "255,255,255", // #FFFFFF
"whitesmoke": "245,245,245", // #F5F5F5
"yellow": "255,255,0", // #FFFF00
"yellowgreen": "154,205,50", // #9ACD32
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions utils_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -428,3 +428,9 @@ func TestRgb2basic(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, uint8(41), Rgb2basic(134, 56, 56, true))
assert.Equal(t, uint8(46), Rgb2basic(57, 187, 226, true))

func TestHslToRgb(t *testing.T) {
HslToRgbByInt(120, 100, 50)
HslToRgbByInt(120, 100, 25)
HslToRgb(0.33, 1, 0.5)

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