This is the initial Subgraph SDK Sample that will receive an Intent from a NotifyUser call from the carrier interface. It is still in development.
The Sample uses the google() repository so it can load the current version of the maven artifact, referenced in the app's build.gradle file.
The small kotlin sample on how to reference and use the api is inside:
java/com/google/samples/quickstart/subgraph_sdk_sample/MainActivity.kt (Kotlin)
Java usage will be very similar.
The carrier will send a NotifyUser RPC, which will direct the message to the SDK that will then launch the destination_package indicated by the RPC call.
The SDK will allow getting the current CPID for the carrier.
This package should be this following target, or any other valid target configured for your carrier:
This activity will have a data payload that was sent by the NotifyUser RPC. Details on how to send the RPC will be provided at a later time. Be sure the activity launch mode allows for a completely new intent to be delivered to onCreate() and onNewIntent(). Once the new intent arrives, the following
var parsedIntent = Subgraph.fromIntent(intent)
is a helper function that will parse out the contents for use in the app.
Obtain an instance of the MobileDataPlanClient from Subgraph. See the example in MainActivity.kt.
It should be created in a background thread, but can be also be stored outside that scope.
launch { var mobileDataPlanClient = Subgraph.newMobileDataPlanClient(applicationContext, parsedIntent.simId()) }
With this client, the app can get the current Carrier Plan ID. Run it in a background thread, as it is a blocking call. See sample with a more complete example.
launch { var dataPlanIdentifier = mobileDataPlanClient?.cpid }
dataPlanIdentifier contains the current cpid() and the simId() corresponding to that cpid. updateTime() for that CPID is also available.
Both Kotlin and Java can also use Guava's ListenableFuture with FluentFuture or onSuccess callbacks for more thread execution control options.
Also add cleanup to the activity lifecycle, such as at onDestroy()
The notification importance level is set to "HIGH_IMPORTANCE". Ask the user for permission:
If the permission for POST_NOTIFICATIONS is already disabled, display a UI explaining why the feature is useful, then ask the user to enable it if the feature is useful to them. The notifications UI for the system, is located here:
Settings --> Notifications --> All Apps --> (your application name) --> All (your application name) notifications.
Set them all to enabled.
Call "resumeNotifications()" to receive notifications. Also be sure to enable notifications in settings. By default, no notifications will be displayed.
It is possible to resume and stop notifications. This can be tied to the application or service lifecycles.
The following return a Future, but should be run in a background thread wait for completion if that is important for the app design.
// onResume(), logIn(), etc. mobileDataPlanClient?.resumeNotifications(); // onPause(), logOut(), etc. mobileDataPlanClient?.stopNotifications();
This project uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the
gradlew build
command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio.
For more resources on learning Android development, visit the Developer Guides at
The subgraph_sdk_sample will have this setup already. Subgraph SDK will be in the google() repository:
repositories {
// ...
In your app directory's build.gradle, add to the dependencies this line:
dependencies {
implementation ''
The android gradle plugin may need to be updated to at least version 7.3.1 when the sample is first loaded. Upgrade when prompted by Android Studio.
If the app does not already have an OSS plugin to help with Third Party Licenses generation and display, please go here:
Please report issues with this sample in this project's issues page:
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use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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