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Storage Testbench

This is not an officially supported Google product

This repository is used by Storage Client libraries to test integration tests locally and reproduce Storage API transient errors. The testbench emulates the Storage API and is expected to be used by Storage library maintainers.

Table of Contents

Issue Policy

Repository provides no dedicated support for issues filed. Issues will be addressed when time permits.

What is this testbench?

This testbench fakes the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) API. You can configure the GCS client libraries to make calls to this fake rather than to the actual API.

  • The testbench fakes the JSON API, both over REST and gRPC. It has limited support for the XML API.
  • Generally, the error codes are similar to the ones generated by GCS, but the error messages are not.
  • The testbench performs far fewer error checks, and no permission checks (ACL/IAM).

When to use this testbench

In general, this testbench is best suited for integration tests that are hard (or just annoying) to reliably run against production. The primary example of this are errors that make the client library go through its retry path.

This testbench can be useful to test HMAC keys, which are really hard to test against production due to quota restrictions.

It is useful as well to test features that are not yet deployed to production: you can implement them in the testbench and then write the library code before production is "ready".

How to use this testbench

Initial set up

  1. Set up python if you haven't already

  2. Clone this repository

    From the terminal:

    git clone
  3. Switch to the cloned directory:

    cd storage-testbench
  4. Create a virtual environment

    • keep this virtual environment active whenever you run the testbench
  5. Install dependencies:

    pip install -e .

Run the testbench

To start the testbench, run this command from a terminal:

On Non-Windows

python3 localhost 9000 10

On Windows

py localhost 9000 10

⚠️ Ensure that the virtual environment you created to install the dependencies is active.

Start the gRPC server

If you want to test the gRPC API, you must make a request which will start the testbench's gRPC server. Also, the gRPC server must run on a different port than the HTTP server. To serve gRPC requests on port 8888, run:

curl -s --retry 5 --retry-max-time 40 "http://localhost:9000/start_grpc?port=8888"

⚠️ The HTTP server must be kept running to start the gRPC server and to make calls to the testbench, even after you start the gRPC server. Run this command in a different terminal window.

Check that the testbench is running

Ensure the testbench is running by sending it a request from a different terminal, such as:

curl -X GET localhost:9000

The response you get should be: OK

Now you can use the testbench (while it's running) with the client libraries.

Updating Proto Files

From time to time you may need to update the files generated by protobuf and gRPC. To do so, clone the protos and run the grpc_tools generator:

cd $HOME/storage-testbench
pip install --no-deps grpcio-tools
./ $PWD/.googleapis

Then commit the files generated in google/**:

git commit -m"chore: update protos" google

Force Failures

You can force the following failures by using the x-goog-emulator-instructions header. The x-goog-testbench-instructions header is deprecated, but supported for backwards compatibility and provides the same functionality as x-goog-emulator-instructions, please change your code to use x-goog-emulator-instructions instead.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: return-broken-stream. Testbench will fail after sending 1024*1024 bytes.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: return-corrupted-data. Testbench will return corrupted data.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: stall-always. Testbench will stall at the beginning.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: stall-at-256KiB. Testbench will stall at 256KiB bytes.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: return-503-after-256K. Testbench will return a HTTP 503 after sending 256KiB bytes.


Set request headers with x-goog-emulator-instructions: return-503-after-256K/retry-1 up to x-goog-emulator-instructions: return-503-after-256K/retry-N.

For N==1 and N==2 behave like return-305-after-256K, for N>=3 ignore the failure instruction and return successfully. This is used to test failures during retry, the client cooperates by sending the retry counter in the failure instructions.


In gRPC, set initial metadata with x-goog-emulator-instructions: redirect-send-token-tokenval. Testbench will fail redirectable RPCs with routing_token set to the value T (tokenval in the example).


In gRPC, set initial metadata with x-goog-emulator-instructions: redirect-send-handle-and-token-tokenval. Testbench will fail redirectable RPCs with routing_token set to the value T (tokenval in the example) and a write_handle or read_handle depending on the method called( storage.objects.insert or storage.objects.get ).


In gRPC, set initial metadata with x-goog-emulator-instructions: redirect-expect-token-tokenval. Testbench will consume the instruction if the RPC also specifies x-goog-request-params: routing_token=T (routing_token=tokenval in the example).

Note that x-goog-request-params supports multiple key-value pairs, encoded like URL query parameters.

Retry Test API

The "Retry Test API" offers a mechanism to describe more complex retry scenarios while sending a single, constant header through all the HTTP requests from a test program. Retry Test provides accounting of failures used to validate the expected failures were experienced by the testbench and not accidentally missed.

Previous versions of the GCS testbench used a custom header in the RPC to control the behavior of each RPC, for some test scenarios this required sending different header with the first retry attempt vs. subsequent attempts. Producing different headers in each attempt is not easy to implement with some client libraries.

Sending a constant header with all RPCs can be implemented across all client libraries, and to some degree decouples the test setup from the test execution.

Creating a new Retry Test

The following cURL request will create a Retry Test resource which emits a 503 when a buckets list operation is received by the testbench HTTP server with the returned retry test ID.

Note: A Retry Test resource can only apply to one transport, either HTTP or GRPC. It defaults to HTTP if not specified.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9000/retry_test" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"instructions":{"storage.buckets.list": ["return-503"]}, "transport": "HTTP"}'

Get a Retry Test resource

Get Retry Test resource by id "1d05c20627844214a9ff7cbcf696317d".

curl -X GET "http://localhost:9000/retry_test/1d05c20627844214a9ff7cbcf696317d"

Delete a Retry Test resource

Delete Retry Test resource by id "1d05c20627844214a9ff7cbcf696317d".

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9000/retry_test/1d05c20627844214a9ff7cbcf696317d"

Causing a failure using x-retry-test-id header

The following cURL request will attempt to list buckets and the testbench will emit a 503 error once in the HTTP server based on the Retry Test created above. Subsequent list buckets operations will succeed.

In this example, list buckets operations in the gRPC server will not be impacted since the Retry Test created above only applies to HTTP. Specify "transport": "GRPC" for a Retry Test Resource to apply to gRPC operations.

curl -H "x-retry-test-id: 1d05c20627844214a9ff7cbcf696317d" "http://localhost:9100/storage/v1/b?project=test"

Forced Failures Supported

Failure Id Description
return-X [HTTP] Testbench will fail with HTTP code provided for X, e.g. return-503 returns a 503
[GRPC] Testbench will fail with the equivalent gRPC error to the HTTP code provided for X (X currently supported in the gRPC context include 400, 401, 429, 500, 501, 503)
return-X-after-YK [HTTP] Testbench will return X after YKiB of uploaded data
[GRPC] Testbench will return the equivalent gRPC error to the HTTP code provided for X after YKiB of uploaded data (X currently supported in the gRPC context include 400, 401, 429, 500, 501, 503)
return-broken-stream-final-chunk-after-YB [HTTP] Testbench will break connection on final chunk of a resumable upload after Y bytes
return-broken-stream [HTTP] Testbench will fail after a few downloaded bytes
[GRPC] Testbench will fail with UNAVAILABLE after a few downloaded bytes
return-broken-stream-after-YK [HTTP] Testbench will fail after YKiB of downloaded data
[GRPC] Testbench will fail with UNAVAILABLE after YKiB of downloaded data
return-reset-connection [HTTP] Testbench will fail with a reset connection
[GRPC] Testbench will fail the RPC with UNAVAILABLE
stall-for-Ts-after-YK [HTTP] Testbench will stall for T second after reading YKiB of downloaded/uploaded data, e.g. stall-for-10s-after-12K stalls after reading/writing 12KiB of data
[GRPC] Not supported
redirect-send-token-T [HTTP] Unsupported [GRPC] Testbench will fail the RPC with ABORTED and include appropriate redirection error details.
redirect-send-handle-and-token-T [HTTP] Unsupported [GRPC] Testbench will fail the RPC with ABORTED and include appropriate redirection error details.

Releasing the testbench

The repository currently uses Github Tags


  1. Go to
  2. Create a new tag v0.x.x
  3. Title "v0.x.x"
  4. Click Generate release notes
  5. Make sure "Set as the latest release" is checked
  6. Click "Publish Release" to release


A testbench for Google Cloud Storage client libraries.




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